Lin Wen's command voice suddenly came out!

"Leaf Elf, use a million wooden horns to strike!"

Ye Elf's body flashed across the spot in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the Snow Demon Girl!

The speed is unimaginable!

At this time, the Snow Demon Girl had just finished using the Freezing Beam skill, and she had no response at all in the face of Ye Elf who suddenly attacked in front of her!

The attack of the million wooden horns condensed out in an instant!

The single horn on Ye Elf's forehead has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Elf had already arrived in front of the Snow Demon Girl!

The million wooden horns on the forehead have been charged up!

Then, brazenly hit!

The single horn containing the powerful grass-type energy hit the Snow Demon Girl's body almost instantly!

In an instant, grass-type energy burst out!

The Snow Demon Girl suffered an unimaginably huge amount of damage in just one second!

You must know that it is only a boss-level elf, and it is also a boss-level elf who is not the best at defense!

And its opponent, the opponent who is attacking it at this time, is a lord-level elf!

The development is very balanced, speed, defense, attack, and recovery are all very powerful, and Ye Elf is also among the best among lord-level elves!

The gap between the two is huge!

In this case, the moment the million wooden horns hit the Snow Demon Girl, it screamed, and then collapsed directly to the ground, losing her fighting consciousness!

With one blow, the Snow Demon Girl of Bingsi was completely killed in seconds!

This is the deterrent power of the lord-level elves!

In the elf world, after all, it is a world with the most powerful templates. In this case, Lin Wen and Xirona, who are sitting with seven lord-level elves, are simply sweeping away the ordinary members and cadres of the secret team in front of them. !

A real sweep!

Although there are lord-level elves among the cadres of the secret team, there is a gap between the lord-level elves after all!

All the way to the current Lin Wen, and the lord-level elves in the hands of Shirona, who became the champion of the Shenao region, are undoubtedly the pinnacle of lord-level elves. In this case, the lord-level elves in the hands of the secret team cadres, Although they could stop the lord-level elves in the hands of Lin Wen and Shirona for a while, but as the battle progressed, all the lord-level elves in their hands were defeated!

The lord-level elves that Lin Wen and Shirona had been stopped by defeated their opponents one after another, freeing up time. When facing the elves of ordinary members, the result was an instant kill and an easy defeat!

Even the elves of the secret team are mostly dark elves that have been transformed by mysterious control machines, and have been strengthened to a certain extent. Compared with ordinary elves, they are very powerful, so what?

With Lin Wen and Shirona releasing a total of seven lord-level elves, they couldn't make a fuss at all!

They were easily defeated without giving them any chance!

Many dark elves from the secret team attacked like a frenzy, trying to have a certain impact on Lin Wen and Shirona, but they were just useless!

As Lin Wen said before entering the base, inside the base, he can summon all his combat power, plus Xirona, unless he is facing a very powerful legendary elf, otherwise, there is nothing at all. scruples!

Along the way, he is no longer the immature trainer he used to be. He has unimaginably powerful combat power. Now that he is fighting side by side with the champion, he will not fall behind!


Although this secret team base is an important base that I have been secretly deploying for a long time, so a large number of secret team members are stationed, and there are countless elves attacking Linwen and Shirona one after another. However, in the composition of seven elves Under the attack of the incomparably sharp attacking sword, these secret team elves and members are still unable to bear it!

They were all defeated, and their numbers were getting smaller and smaller!

Many members of the secret team were also affected by the aftermath of the battle and were directly defeated!

It's been a long fight!

Facing the countless 4.3 secret team members and dark elves who came one after the other, the elves in the hands of Rao Shi Lin Wen and Shirona were very powerful, and they had to go through a long battle before they defeated them all!

After all, there are not many enemies!

However, the results are also very brilliant!

The surroundings are full of dark elves who have been defeated by them!

As for the members of the secret team, they were either fainted by the aftermath of the battle, or simply dodged aside when they saw that the situation was not good!

but now!

What was revealed in front of Lin Wen and Shirona was a small base of the secret team that was almost undefended!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other, and then they walked towards the secret team base! .........

Chapter 1118 The leader of the secret team

The entire secret team base is almost empty!

Because, in the previous base, after the water dragon skin broke the defense mask of the base in one fell swoop, the siren sounded long, and almost all the members of the secret team came out from the base to intercept Lin Wen and Shirona!

However, these members, including the cadres, and their little elves, have been defeated by Lin Wen and Shirona one by one, and now there is no way to stop Lin Wen and Shirona!

This base covers a huge area. In addition to the most central building, there is also a large open area around it!

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