Before, the place where Lin Wen and Shirona and the members of the secret team fought was in the open area of ​​the outside world!


The two successfully defeated many members of the secret team, and no one was standing in front of them, and the two could freely enter the secret team base!

All doubts 19 will be revealed!

You must know that after the dark team was discovered by the alliance due to the leakage of dark energy, why did they not choose to flee or fight for the first time, but chose to activate the all over the Almia Islands before they were activated. Riot factor diffusion device, this has always been a question that many people are very puzzled about!

Including Lin Wen, including Shirona, have their own guesses about this matter!

The goal of the secret team is obvious, to delay the progress of the alliance as much as possible, so as to provide time for themselves, but what the secret team is delaying time for is a question that makes many people very puzzled!

Lin Wen and Shirona are no exception!

It is precisely because they know that the secret team must be secretly planning something, so Lin Wen and Shirona will enter the depths of the Almia Islands side by side, and want to explore some information from it!

Before, after experiencing the battle in Gangbo Town and after serious exploration, now, they finally found the location of the secret team's real base on the bottom of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

What the secret team is planning, and finally can kick off the prelude!

After all, the secret team is also a powerful and evil organization with a long history, and Xirona did not dare to take it lightly, so this is when she realized that the secret team should be planning something, and she chose to enter Armi for the first time. The reason for the investigation into the depths of the Sub-Archipelago!

Now, as they entered the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, found the location of the base, and defeated most of the members and cadres gathered in the two, the entire secret team base, for Lin Wen and Shirona, was almost in an undefended state. !

In this case, the two can easily investigate!


Walking along the open area outside the secret team base, Lin Wen and Shirona soon entered the real secret team base!

This is a large-scale base with a sense of modern technology. It can be seen that the secret team has a lot of plans for it. All kinds of high-tech equipment can be seen everywhere!

After all, the development of the secret team in terms of technology is definitely something that many people should learn from, whether it is the mysterious control device that can strengthen the elf and transform it into a dark elf, or the riots that are currently spreading across the entire Almia Islands. The ability of the factor diffusion device can be said to be very powerful!


The entire secret team base is almost empty!

Before, in the area outside, the amazing battle attracted the attention of almost all members of the entire base, and they went out to block them. After they were defeated, the large base of this secret team was also empty!

Lin Wen and Shirona stepped into it very easily!

Stepping on the steel plate floor, there is a clattering sound of footsteps!

Lin Wen and Shirona walked in the secret team base, paying attention to the environment on the left and right, trying to find something!

Among them, they occasionally had a few battles, which were members of the secret team who did not participate in the previous big melee outside!

However, facing Lin Wen and Shirona, and facing the powerful combat power of as many as seven lord-level elves, even so many members of the secret team have not defeated Lin Wen and Shirona. Now, so many scattered Soldiers wandering, wanting to defeat Lin Wen and Shirona, it is even more unreal!

The entire base of the secret team is very large, and it took Lin Wen and Xirona a lot of time to finally arrive at the final location of their trip!

That's a huge laboratory!It is located in the deepest place at the bottom of the secret team's base!

The first time he saw the door of this laboratory, Lin Wen confirmed that if he wanted to know what the secret team was planning, then everything was hidden in this huge laboratory!


Lin Wen saw a figure at the door of the laboratory!

Shirona also saw this figure. The moment she saw this figure, she couldn't help but exclaimed: 033 "Place Hall?"

Lin Wen was slightly taken aback!

Immediately responded.

Plaque Hall?

This is a name that sounds very unfamiliar, but for Lin Wen, who had specially inquired about the information because he was about to face the dark team before he came to the Almia Islands.This name is very familiar!

Because Plaque Hall is the leader of the secret team!

The real boss!

He was wearing a black suit with a mustache and pigtails, and he looked quite strange!

at this time!

The real leader of the secret team was standing in front of the huge laboratory gate behind him, obviously looking like he had been waiting for a long time!

After seeing the figures of Shirona and Lin Wen, the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, also showed a look of surprise, and then a dignified expression flashed in his expression!

Plaque Hall's eyes turned to Lin Wen and Shirona: "The champion of Shenao area, and the heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area, which has been in the limelight recently?"

Obviously, he recognized the identities of Lin Wen and Shirona at a glance! .

Chapter 1119 Hidden Secrets

This is also very normal!

Needless to say, Shirona, as the champion of the Shenao region, a well-known real powerhouse in the elf world, and any leader of the evil forces, will know her name!

And Lin Wen!It is a rookie who has just risen recently!

Although it sounds like a rookie, as long as anyone who has actually collected his information is very clear, the strength of this rookie is already comparable to that of the King of Heaven, or even higher!

Those brilliant achievements are simply unimaginable, and ordinary people would not dare to think about it!

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