And this... is a trainer who has not even debuted for less than a year, and can be said to be a true genius, the Heart of Yang Yan!

The leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, obviously also knows Lin Wen's identity!

After all, the reputation of Researcher Yang Yan has really been in the limelight in the recent period, and he has made a name for himself in several regions.

Although he has never been to the Shenao area, as a rookie on the alliance side, the two are inherently opposites, so it is natural to collect relevant information about him!

In this way, in the next encounter, you will not be blinded by both eyes!

Plaque Hall's eyes swept over Lin Wen and Shirona, and there was a cautious look in his eyes!

Before, after the dark energy leaked out, Plaque Hall had already thought in his heart that his secret base would be discovered sooner or later!

After all, there are not many talented people in the alliance, and the riot factor diffusion base may delay the alliance for a small part of the time, but it is absolutely impossible to delay it for a long time!

Under such circumstances, Plaque Hall was prepared for the arrival of Lin Wen and Shirona!

However, he did not expect that someone from the Alliance would have come in such a short period of time and successfully found the location of the secret team's base, and it was still these two powerful enemies who came!

The champion of the Shenao region, plus the equally powerful Yang Yan researcher!

This is a very powerful combination, and almost the entire elf world can go!

Plaque Hall also knew that outside, in the entire secret team base, I am afraid that all the elves of the other members have been defeated by two people, otherwise, they would not be able to come all the way to the secret team base, the deepest elves. Outside the lab!

This means that Plaque Hall will face Linwen and Shirona's attack alone!

This is undoubtedly something that makes him, the very conceited leader of the secret team, find it very difficult!

"However, this is the end of the matter, and I can only give it a go...!"

Plaque Hall's eyes turned to Lin Wen and Shirona, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes: "It really can't be..."


Without any hesitation!

Not even having any conversations!

The two sides are the champions and trainers of the alliance on the one hand, and the leaders of the evil forces on the other. They are born in a completely irreconcilable state. Therefore, the two sides do not even have any communication, and the battle begins directly!

Plak Hall's eyes swept across Lin Wen and Shirona, the crazy look in his eyes flashed, and then he quickly took out the Poké Ball!

After a flash of light!

The three little elves have appeared in place!

These are the three main elves of Plaque Hall!

Dark Night Demon, Darkrai, Helugar!

Three very powerful Pokémon!

As the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall is not an ordinary trainer. Through a mysterious control machine, he has mastered three very powerful elves!

Lin Wen's eyes swept over, almost immediately, he had already checked it out!

These three elves are all lord-level elves!

Three lord-level elves!

Plaque Hall's combat effectiveness is as good as you can imagine!

Fighting intent flashed in Lin Wen's eyes. This kind of opponent with three lord-level elves is usually not easy to find. He wants to face it directly almost instantly!

Lin Wen's eyes subconsciously turned to Shirona beside him, hoping that the other party would give him this chance.

Facing the gaze delivered by Lin Wen, Xirona instantly wanted to understand what Lin Wen was thinking about. She gently shook her head and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, the task is important!"

The two came this time, in addition to finding the secret base hidden by the secret team, they also had a very important task, which was to find out why the secret team was delaying time!

Now, the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, is in front of him. Lin Wen and Shirona are very clear that all the secrets are probably hidden in the large base behind!

In this case, their main goal, of course, is to defeat Plaque Hall first, so as to see what the secret team's purpose of delaying time is!

Hearing Shirona's statement, Lin Wen, although a little regretful, didn't care too much!

In the next second, his eyes were already focused on the little elves of the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall!

As the leader of the secret team, these little elves of Plaque Hall can be said to be very cherished and very powerful elves, and their fighting power is very powerful!

Dark Night Demon, Heluga, Darkrai!

No matter which elf it is, it is a powerful fighting force that can be used on its own (Mali's) side!


Now they have met Lin Wen and Shirona!

Their opponent is the invincible combat power of as many as seven lord-level elves!

Flash Dragon, Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Minas!

Ice Elf, Pokkis, Bite the Land Shark!

Seven lord-level elves!

Accompanied by the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, he released several of his own elves, and the battle was about to start!

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