Lin Wen's command voice was issued almost instantly!

"."Ice Elf, use Ice Roar!"

Ice Roar!

Lord-level skills of the ice elf!

In the previous battles in the outside world, the ice elves did not use their lord-level skills. Now, at this moment, they are the first to use them! .

Chapter 1120 Kill Black Ruga

The moment he heard Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf started to act, and the rich ice-type energy overflowed, and in an instant, the ice roar was displayed!

I see!The inside of the secret team's base has become a battlefield of ice and snow!

Almost at the moment when Ice Roar came into play, the speed of the other party, the little elves of the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, was affected to varying degrees!

This is precisely the powerful role of lord-level skills, which is simply unimaginable for ordinary people!

Just as the ice elf was roaring, Lin Wen's next command sounded almost at the same time!

"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip on Heruga!"

As soon as the words fell, two thick vine whips shot out from the back of Ye Elf and attacked Heruga in an instant!

At the same time, the orders of the other two elves have also been issued!

"Minas, use a high-pressure water gun on Heruga!"

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon's Fury on Heruga!"

Lin Wen's first round of attacks directly chose to focus fire!

Episode 300 Fire Black Ruga!

Compared to the Dark Night Demon and Darkrai, Heluga is undoubtedly the weakest of the three elves of Plaque Hall, and directly became the target of Lin Wen in the first round!

Not just Lin Wen!

Just after seeing Lin Wen's target focused on Heluga for the first time, Shirona on Lin's tattoo side reacted immediately, and at the same time, she switched the target of her elf's attack to Heluga!

The goal of the two is very clear, use the fastest speed to solve the elf of Plaque Hall!

The first time, I chose to focus on a target, so as to cause damage to it, and kill it directly!

The ice elf, the bite land shark, and the attack of Pokkis simultaneously vented towards Heluga!

Almost instantly, it has been achieved!

Ye Elf's vine whip skill has attacked Heluga's side in an instant!

The moment the Leaf Elf's vine whip appeared, Plaque Hall's command had already been issued!

"Heruga, dodge!"

The instant black (bjeh) Luga heard the command voice, he immediately prepared to dodge, so as to avoid the previous attack!

However, its action is one step slower!

In the face of the attacking vine whip, Heluga has already evaded quickly, but it is still a step slower!

You know, now you are in the state of Ice Elf's Lord-level skill, Ice Roar!

In the icy world!

In this case, although Heluga was not directly frozen due to its own strength, it was also subjected to an unavoidable deceleration effect!

Under such circumstances, Heluga's actions suddenly slowed down a step!

This moment is fatal!

You must know that Ye Elf's skill speed is very fast, and the vine whip came to Heluga's side almost instantly!

Facing Heluga, who was dodging a step slower, the vine whip was turned and tied directly to its body, confining it to the spot!

Seeing that Heluga was actually confined in place and failed to dodge successfully, the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, changed his face, and quickly ordered: "Heluga, break free!"

He Lujia suddenly exerted force, trying to break free from the shackles of Ye Elf's vine whip!

However, how can a vine whip full of flexibility and tenacity break free so easily?As a lord-level elf, Heluga's attributes are undoubtedly excellent in all aspects. If it is given time, it can naturally break free from the vine whip of the leaf elf, but now, what it lacks is time!

As the vine whip bound Heluga in place, Minas' high-pressure water gun skills and the Flash Dragon's dragon rage skills attacked one after another!

After Lin Wen's command voice, the Flash Dragon and Minas launched their attacks at the same time. The turbulent and high-pressure water flow, the already powerful shock wave, almost came out after the vine whip!

Under this circumstance, He Lujia was only bound in place by the vine whip, and in less than a second, the shock wave and water flow had already raged!

Under the shackles of the vine whip, Heluga has no room to dodge at all!

Get hit directly by the Dragon Fury skill and the Water Gun skill!

The powerful power burst out in an instant, and Heruga let out a painful howl!

You must know that this is without any precautions, and was directly hit by two unparalleled powerful skills, without dodging any damage at all!

What's more, the elves that attacked it were also two very powerful lord-level elves, and their attack power was amazing!

Under such circumstances, in a split second, Heluga suffered an unimaginably huge amount of damage!

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