However, no matter how strong your strength is, when facing seven opponents with the same template as you, or even stronger than you individually, you will not be able to exert any strength at all!

To be defeated is only inevitable!

Facing only one Darkrai left, Plaque Hall's face became even more gloomy, and a frantic expression flashed. He glanced at the laboratory behind him, and then suddenly said: "Daclay Clay, use the Wave of Evil!"

"Hold them for me!"

After hearing the voice of Plaque Hall's command, Darkrai immediately began to act.

As an evil-type elf, as a powerful elf mastering nightmares, Darkrai's evil-type skills can be described as very powerful!

Circles of evil-type fluctuations emanated, sweeping towards the surrounding elves!

A powerful burst of power!

However, neither Lin Wen nor Shirona's attention stopped on Darkrai!

Their eyes were all focused on the figure of Plaque Hall on the other side!

Because, they saw, Plaque Hall turned around abruptly after commanding Darkrai, opened the electronic door of the laboratory behind him, and then quickly stepped into it!

This scene made Lin Wen and Shirona couldn't help but look at each other!

Mind you, Plaque Hall didn't even put away his elf!

The previously defeated Dark Night Demon, as well as Heluga, were exposed!

And this Dacrys, who has not lost his ability to fight yet, has also been locked out of the laboratory!

What is he going to do?

This was the first thought of Shirona and Lin Wen!

You know, after entering the secret team's base all the way and coming here and encountering the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, Lin Wen and Shirona realized that the secret they were going to explore was probably the experiment behind Plaque Hall. in the room!

If you want to enter, you must undoubtedly defeat him!

But now!Before the battle was over, Plaque Hall had completely abandoned his little elves and ran back to the laboratory!

What is he going to do?

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes!

but!At present, if the two want to enter the laboratory, they obviously have to defeat the last lord-level elf in front of them, only Darkrai!

Without thinking too much, the two directly directed their elf and launched an attack on Darkrai!

Its two teammates couldn't bear the cooperation of the seven lord-level elves, and of course Darkrai couldn't, not to mention, at this time, even its owner abandoned it outside!


the other side!

Plaque Hall flashed madness, entered the laboratory, and walked directly towards the center of the laboratory!

This is an incomparably huge laboratory, and in this laboratory, there is only one elf!

It was bound in the very center of the laboratory, shrouded in a rich dark aura, and it kept rolling and wailing!

Plaque Hall's eyes turned to the elf in the center, and madness flashed in his eyes.

"Elf Alliance! Elf Alliance 々¨!"

"." I didn't expect that I had planned so hard for so long. As long as this step is successful, the next step will be to try to capture the legendary elf, so that the strength will be greatly increased. In the end, it still falls short!"

Facing the combined attack of Shirona and Lin Wen, Plaque Hall knew that he could not be the opponent of the other two!

"But... if I can't get it, don't even think about it!"

Plaque Hall roared suddenly, with a crazy look on his face, and then walked quickly to a machine!

On this machine, there is a red button!

There!It was the button that untied the shackles of this incomparably huge elf in the laboratory!

Generally speaking, it will only be used after the experiment is completely successful and the elf has been completely transformed into a dark elf!

However, now, because of the intrusion of Shirona and Lin Wen, this step has become an extravagant hope, and it is impossible to complete!

In this situation (good king), Plaque Hall is ready to directly choose to release this huge elf!

Soon, Plaque Hall came to the machine table!

Without any hesitation, Plaque Hall's eyes turned to the red button in front of him!Then, suddenly fell!

The moment the button is pressed!

I saw that the black mist that had been shrouded in the moaning and rolling elf all the time retreated at a very fast speed!


The strange power that bound this little elf also quietly dissipated!

In this moment!

A huge roar suddenly came out, resounding throughout the entire sea!

Plak Hall's eyes turned to the figure of the elf, and madness flashed across his face: "Hirona? Heart of Yang Yan? Prepare to meet the anger of our secret team!".

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