Chapter 1125: Base Explosion

Outside the lab!

Darkrai, who is not under the command of the master, although as a lord-level elf, has a strong ability to fight independently, and his strength has not been weakened by the departure of Plaque Hall, but the result of this battle is , has nothing to do with its strength and performance!

After all, its opponents are seven lord-level elves!

Incredibly powerful force!

In the face of the siege of the seven elves, Darkrai, like his two opponents, did not survive a round at all, and directly followed in the footsteps and lost his fighting ability!

After defeating Darkrai, there was no obstacle in front of Lin Wen and Shirona!

The eyes of the two turned to the door of the laboratory in front of them, and after looking at each other, they both showed expectations!

They, get ready to enter one of them!

What the secret team is planning, it is estimated that you can find it in it!

In the hearts of the two, there are actually some speculations!

You must know that the reason why the dark team was initially detected by the alliance was the leakage of a large amount of dark energy!

And what 560 needs to use such powerful dark energy to transform is obviously an extremely powerful elf, a high-template elf!

In this case, this laboratory is likely to be the place to transform this high template elf!

After Lin Wen and Shirona defeated Darkrai, they looked at each other and prepared to enter the laboratory!

They are very cautious. After all, the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, entered the laboratory one step before them. Who knows what kind of preparation he has!


Just after Lin Wen and Shirona walked two steps towards the laboratory door in the base, a violent vibration suddenly occurred!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes!


And something even scarier happened!

You know, this laboratory is located in the depths of the secret team base!

But now, with the violent vibration, cracks suddenly appeared on the surrounding walls!

The vibration is getting bigger and bigger!Like a magnitude [-] earthquake!

In just a few seconds, there are more and more cracks around, which is unbelievable!

You must know that this is a secret base carefully built by the secret team, and the firmness of the base can be imagined!

But now, there are so many cracks!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other, but they didn't panic, but they could see the shock in each other's eyes!


The cracking sound is getting louder!

Lin Wen shouted directly, "Run!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't hesitate, and ran directly towards the distance he came from!

Shirona also reacted in an instant, followed closely behind!

Although I don't know what caused the current tremor, if they continue to stay here, as the base becomes more and more broken, then, who knows if they will be buried here alive?

Therefore, the two chose to leave for the first time!

There are many elves around, and the moment Ye Elf came to Lin Tattoo, Lin Wen climbed onto Ye Elf's body!

On the other side, Shirona also climbed on the body of the ice elf!

The speed of the human body is naturally incomparable to that of the elf. Now who knows when this base will be completely broken, so Lin Wen and Shirona dare not waste a little bit of time!

After (bjei) rode the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf, the speed of the two suddenly increased!

The few elves are all lord-level elves, and they are not bad in terms of speed. In the blink of an eye, they quickly evacuated from the base!

Just after evacuating from the base, Lin Wen's eyes flashed around, and there was an unpleasant look in his eyes!

Around the base of the dark team, there was originally a layer of mask to block the invasion of sea water. This is obviously a change brought about by technology. This mask has the ability to repair itself. Previously, Minas of Linwen was using the water dragon to break After the bombardment enters it, the mask here will repair itself!

Obviously, in this base, there is a place that has been sending energy towards the mask, so this mask can be maintained!

but now!

With the crack of the base, the sound of bang bang sounded for a short time, and the mask around the base suddenly appeared wave marks!

Wave marks appearing one after another are proving that this layer of mask is in an unstable state at this time!

It can break at any time!

You know, this place is in the deep sea. If the mask is broken, then the turbulent sea water will strike in an instant!

That kind of situation is scary just thinking about it!

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