Has fled from the secret team base, the secret team base is constantly breaking at this time, it seems that some behemoth is constantly breaking through towards the top!

Lin Wen didn't have time to think, thinking of the consequences of the cracked mask, and immediately put his elf into the elf ball!

Only one elf, Minas, was left!

You must know that the elves of Linwen, except for Minas, do not have any water elves. If they are in the deep sea, there is no way to survive!

Shirona's reaction speed is also very fast. After seeing Lin Wen's movements, she reacted almost instantly, and also included her three lord-level elves into the Poké Ball!

Afterwards, after entering the secret team base before, Minas, who had been put into the Poké Ball, was released!

at the same time!

The two also quickly put on the previous diving facilities and made adequate preparations!

The surrounding mask has become more and more blurred, and it is constantly shaking!

Behind him, the secret team's base shattered and the walls were destroyed, as if something wanted to break free from it!

Lin Wen and Shirona have come to the mask with the two Minas, waiting for the mask to shatter for the first time, then leave! .

Chapter 1126 Super Howling Whale King

Just three seconds passed!

at this time!

A loud bang suddenly came from behind Lin Wen and Shirona!

The secret team base suddenly disintegrated and split into countless pieces!

A super gigantic figure of me suddenly rushed out from below the base of the secret team, beneath the countless debris!

This... is the little elf bound by the secret team!

At this time, it finally regained its freedom as Plaque Hall untied the bondage!Directly rush out from the bottom layer of the base!

Just when the elf broke through the countless layers of walls and rushed out from the laboratory at the bottom of the base, the mask around the base of the dark team completely disappeared because there was no energy supply!

In an instant, countless sea water surged up!

Lin Wen and Shirona had already made preparations. As soon as the mask shattered, they rode Minas into the sea and left in the opposite direction of the base!

Because the two had summoned Minas long ago and wore diving gear, they were not in danger!

And just after leaving the original location of the mask, Lin Wen couldn't help but look back!

What is the situation that caused the rupture of the secret team's base and caused the current situation?

Lin Wen was very curious in his heart, so without any hesitation, he turned his head and glanced at it!

Just looking back, Lin Wen's eyes couldn't help but suddenly widen!

Beside her, Shirona also turned around. After seeing the situation in front of her, even if she was the champion of the Shenao region and had a lot of knowledge, she couldn't help but fall into shock!

I saw that the original secret team base had disintegrated at this time and became a huge object floating on the water surface above the ruins!

That's a little elf!

It was a gigantic little elf!

Lin Wen's eyes just focused on this little elf, and he activated his Wisdom Eye skill, and he basically understood the basic information of this little elf!

After understanding the basic information of this little elf, not only did it not make Lin Wen feel at ease, but Lin Wen couldn't help but take a deep breath!

This is one, the roaring whale king!

This is a super roaring whale king that is even bigger than the giant fast dragon in the Dragon Sanctuary!

On its head, there are crossed scars that look very ferocious!

And, it's not just huge!

In terms of strength, this is a super lord level elf!Underwater, it is very close to the legendary level, and it is completely comparable to the powerful elves of the giant fast dragon!

Now, after breaking free from the shackles, it directly broke through the secret team base and returned to the world under its control, the waters!

The size of this super roaring whale king is incomparably huge. Lin Wen once thought that the huge fast dragon he had seen in the Dragon Sanctuary was already the largest elf he had ever seen, but at this time , After seeing this super roaring whale king, Lin Wen found that he still had a little less knowledge!

This is an extremely powerful and extremely powerful super lord-level elf!

Super roaring whale king!

Xirona's eyes also stayed on the Super Whale King's body, and her eyes flashed in shock. Obviously, she did not expect that the secret team's base would be completely destroyed, and what came straight out from below turned out to be such a behemoth!

Of course, only the super roaring whale king with such a huge size has the ability and strength. It is said that the entire secret team base was destroyed, and the breakthrough came from below!

Strength is evident!

The strength of this super roaring whale king can be completely described by the invincible explosion!

Both Lin Wen and Shirona's eyes flashed with shock. After looking at each other, they immediately understood what happened!

Both of them are very smart people. When they had not seen this huge and powerful Super Whale King before, they were still a little puzzled, what the secret team was planning, but now, after seeing it. After the figure of this super roaring whale king, the two of them sorted out all the information in an instant, and everything was successfully understood, and there were no more doubts!


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