The big mouth of this super roaring whale king suddenly opened!

Almost in an instant, the turbulent water suddenly shot out of it, attacking Lin Wen and Shirona!

Water cannon skills!

This super roaring whale king, finally unable to suppress the rage in his heart, launched an attack!

The ferocious current, like a tsunami from the deep sea, came straight towards the two Minas, as well as Lin Wen and Shirona!

The oncoming impact, almost instantly, directly impacted the two Minas to a distance of tens of meters back!

Incredibly powerful!

If it weren't for the fact that one of the two Minas had a high level and the other was a lord-level template, their defensive abilities were not weak, and if they faced the attack of water-based skills, and if there was a certain amount of damage reduction, then I'm afraid they would. Suffered unimaginable huge damage!

at the same time!

Just as Lin Wen and Shirona, who were riding on two Minas, were directly attacked by the powerful power of the water cannon, they retreated again and again. Because of the call of the Super Whale King, the roaring whale kings gathered around them. Attacked the two Minas!

If it is normal, these boss-level roaring whale kings, although they seem to be very aggressive, but facing a lv80+ boss-level minas and a lord-level minas, then there is nothing at all. way!

but now!

They have a backbone, an extremely powerful backbone!

Super roaring whale king!

In the previous short confrontation, it can be seen that the strength of the Super Whale King is far beyond imagination. In the face of the cooperation of two Minas, it can also be completely crushed!

The two Minas are not at all the enemies of this super roaring whale king!

Lin Wen clearly understood that in this sea water, he would never be the opponent of this Super Roar King!

Only when you get to the shore and pull out your entire lineup can you fight this super roaring whale king directly!

"Miss Shirona... We have to go ashore. In this water, we will only be passively beaten!"

Lin Wen's voice suddenly spread out!

Shirona nodded affirmatively: "Yes, we must go ashore quickly!"

Then, the voices of the two people's commands have been issued!

"Minas, swim up!"

After all, who can move slowly in the ocean, riding a elf is too fast!Therefore, Lin Wen and Shirona have been riding on two Minas!

After hearing the commanding voices of the two men, the two Minas did not hesitate at all, and turned around suddenly and swam upwards, trying to quickly leave this sea area and return to the shore!


Their movements were clearly seen by the super roaring whale king not far away!

As a lord-level elf and an overlord in the waters, the Super Whale King is extremely intelligent. When he saw two Minas swimming upwards, he immediately guessed that the other party was going to flee and land!

You know, because of the torture of controlling machines, the Super Whale King doesn't have the slightest affection for humans, so how could he let Lin Wen and Shirona leave?

Just as the two Minas quickly swam towards the top, the Super Whale King, who brought all this into his sight, suddenly let out a long howl!

This is different from the previous call!

I see!With the continuous sound of the super roaring whale king, countless schools of fish suddenly appeared on the way the two minas swam upwards!

These thousand-needle fish swarmed over very quickly and stopped above the two Minas! .

Chapter 1129 Heaven has no door

The strength of these thousand needle fish is very weak, and facing two Minas, they are not one enemy at all!However, their numbers are terrifying!

The densely packed Thousand Needle Fish continued to gather, like a big curtain, blocking all the roads above the two Minas!

Thousand needle fish gather very fast!

Accompanied by the cry of the super roaring whale king, countless thousands of needlefish gathered one after another, completely blocking the road above the two minas!

Just one, two, ten thousand needlefish, for two Minas, it can be said that there is no effect!


When the number of thousand needlefish has reached hundreds, even tens of thousands!

This huge number is enough to make any powerful elf shy away.

The two Minas are no surprise!

In the face of such a large number of thousands of needles, the two Minas had to stop and did not continue to go upstream!

And just when the two Minas stood up, these thousand-needle fish were even more aggressive, and even took the initiative to attack Minas!

Although they were determined to fight back, there were other roaring whale kings attacking below, and countless thousands of needlefish attacking above, which made Lin Wen and Xirona have to stay away and chose to go down!

Heaven has no door.

In the waters, it is undoubtedly an almost impossible task to defeat the Super Whale King, so Lin Wen and Shirona originally planned to choose to go ashore!

However, under the pressure of the Thousand Needles Fish School, they had to dodge downwards!

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