It can be said that Lin Wen and Shirona fell into a huge crisis!

Facing the persecution of the Thousand Needle Fish and the Howler Whale King, as well as the presence of the Super Howler Whale King, Lin Wen and Shirona had to instruct Minas to swim downwards continuously!

After all, the two Minas are not the opponents of the Super Whale King at all. If they continue to stay in place, they are only unilaterally abused, and there is no chance at all!

However, fortunately there is the existence of diving equipment, otherwise, in this deep sea, it is undoubtedly full of danger!

In this case, Lin Wen and Shirona had no choice but to go down!

The mood of the two is still quite depressed!

If they were on the shore and really pulled out their main elf, they would not be afraid of this incomparably powerful Super Whale King, but now in the deep sea, facing the overlord here, the Super Whale King, Lin Wen and Shirona, who only had two Minas to fight, had no chance at all and were easily defeated. The two Minas were not the opponents of the Super Whale King at all!

Under this circumstance, Lin Wen and Shirona had to choose to escape. Under the premise that they could not go ashore, they had to choose to dive down!

The speed of the two Minas is very fast. In the deep sea, although there is a big gap between the strength and the super roaring whale king, the speed is not much weaker!

In this case, it is almost a rapid and continuous dive towards the bottom!

The speed of the two Minas did not make the Thousand Needle Fish, King Howler, and King Super Howler give up their pursuit. They looked like they would never give up until they reached their goal, and moved towards the two who kept diving. Minas, chasing after Lin Wen and Shirona quickly!

Because they were being chased all the time, Lin Wen and Shirona couldn't stop, so they had to control the two Minas and continue to sneak downward!

If it weren't for the diving equipment on their bodies, and these two Minas, then now, there is really no way to go!


Lin Wen rode on Minas and kept diving!

This scene is quite familiar!

He suddenly remembered that in the fishing competition at that time, he and Minas rushed to the bottom of the sea to find the sea god Beast Lugia!

You know, it was the first time that Lin Wen encountered a legendary elf, and with his longing for divine beasts, he rushed straight into the deep sea without any timidity at all!

In the end, he got what he wanted, successfully met Lugia, and even received Lugia's favor for it!

Now that I think about it, that scene is quite nostalgic!


Lin Wen turned his head and glanced at it!

I saw that the super roaring whale king at the back was still chasing after him!

The situation back then was different from what it is now!

At that time, I lost the search for the divine beast, but now I am being chased by the elves!Forced to dive!

The speed of a few elves is very fast!

In the blink of an eye, he had already dived into a very deep sea!

Here, the surroundings are very quiet, and no sound can be heard!

In the rear, the Super Whale King is still chasing after him!

On the diving equipment, there are diving measurement tools, and Lin Wen often glances at them.I saw that as the two Minas continued to dive, the depth was also increasing!

500 meters, 1000 meters, 1500 meters, 2000 meters. 2500 meters...

3000 meters!

In the ocean, the two Minas were swimming very fast, and soon, they reached a depth of [-] meters!

Just when it came to a depth of [-] meters, the alarm sound suddenly sounded!

Lin Wen is clear, this is the alarm of diving equipment!

You must know that in the deep sea, people have to bear a lot of pressure. Humans are not elves after all. They can resist with their own strength. The reason why Lin Wen and Shirona can dive to such a depth is entirely by virtue of their bodies. The role of diving gear!

Under such circumstances, now, at a depth of three thousand meters, it is almost reaching the limit that the diving device (Good Wang Zhao) can bear!

Therefore, the alarm will sound!

At the moment when the alarm sounded, Lin Wen and Shirona's movements were almost at the same time!

Then, look at each other!

Above them, the Super Howler Whale King is chasing him all the way!

"."Miss Shirona, it seems that we only have a fight~々!" Lin Wen gritted his teeth.

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of danger!

Shirona's expression was calm, and she could not see any panic. As the champion of the Shenao region, she had experienced too much, and nodded very lightly!

Lin Wen turned around, watching the distance move towards them and getting closer to the super roaring whale king, and immediately prepared to turn around and give it a shot!


Just at this time!

The system's prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ears, interrupting Lin Wen's movements! .

Chapter 1130 Silver Wings

"Ding dong, the silver wings emit a white light!"

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