This system prompt suddenly interrupted Lin Wen's movements!

After hearing the system's prompt, Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and he was a little unclear, and then suddenly reacted!

He took out a wing from his backpack in an instant!

It is the silver wings!

This is Lugia's token!

Reactions are only possible when there are similar species nearby!

This involves an extremely important point!

You must know that now, the god of the sea, Lugia, is far away from the Orange Islands in the Kanto region, so... why did the silver wings react?

Lin Wen suddenly had a guess in his heart!

Could it be that... below, the one who made the silver voice react would be Little Lugia?

Lin Wen's heart suddenly moved, and his joy rose up!

He quickly connected everything together!

The secret team probably built the base here, most likely because they noticed that Little Lugia was in this sea area!

However, with the strength of Team 907, it is undoubtedly very difficult to capture Little Lugia, who is a legendary template. In this case, Team Ante is ready to use it to control the Whale King Clan, and directly and successfully control it. Lived with the Super Whale King and wanted to transform it!

Therefore, the little Lugia was captured by the roaring whale king family and transformed into a legendary dark lugia!

Lin Wen quickly understood everything in his heart.

Also thought of more!

The secret team's preparations are undoubtedly very sufficient. They have built such a large-scale base in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, and successfully controlled the Super Whale King!

However, their luck is not so good!

When transforming the Super Howler Whale King, because the dark energy involved was too powerful, a rare energy leakage occurred!

It stands to reason that in a relatively remote place like the Almia Archipelago, if it is normal, it will not attract much attention!

However, the energy of the secret team leaked, but it happened to encounter the alliance that was seriously looking for the trace of the little (beec) Lugia!

It can be said that it just hit the muzzle of the gun!

As a result, all plans were destroyed one after another, and the base was discovered. Now, the underwater base of the secret team has been completely destroyed. The leader of the secret team and several cadres are missing!


Shirona was ready for battle when Lin Wen proposed to prepare for the last fight, but then, she found that Lin Wen did not drive Minas to directly hurt the Super Whale King, but stayed at He stopped in place, and took out a piece of silver wings!

This piece of silver wings exudes a soft white light!

This situation made Shirona a little surprised, her eyes stayed on Lin Wen's body, and her eyes were fixed on Lin Wen's body, revealing doubts!

Lin Wen was keenly aware of Shirona's gaze, he didn't answer, just smiled mysteriously, and then said: "Miss Shirona, come with me!"

talking!Lin Wen rode on Minas and suddenly dived downwards again!

The warning sound of the diving equipment was getting louder and louder, but Lin Wen didn't care at all!

Shirona was startled, she couldn't understand the reason why Lin Wen did this, but, out of trust in Lin Wen, she chose to dive straight down!

Lin Wen dived frantically!

The warning sound of diving equipment keeps sounding!

But, the same!

As Lin Wen continued to dive, the light above the silver voice he deliberately held in his hand became more and more dazzling!

The reaction is getting bigger and bigger!

This undoubtedly increased Lin Wen's confidence, and he continued to dive towards the bottom more confidently, completely ignoring the constant alarm sound of the diving equipment!

at last!

As Lin Wen rode Minas and dived again for a distance, as the light blooming above the silver wings became more and more dazzling, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the water and came to Lin Wen and Shirona Not far from the side!

The first time this figure appeared, Lin Wen and Shirona's eyes instantly focused on it!

Xirona's eyes focused on this figure. Today, in the deep sea, it is very dark, but the dazzling light provided by the silver wings allows Lin Wen and Xirona to see the figure in front of them!

Now, Hirona's eyes are focused on this figure, even as the champion of Shenao region, she has a lot of experience and knowledge, but after seeing this figure clearly, Hirona can't help but fall into In shock!

It turned out to be...

the other side!

Lin Wen's eyes were also fixed on this figure, and there was kindness in his eyes!

That's right!

Appearing here, not far from Lin Wen and Shirona, is the legendary elf!The son of Lugia, the god of the sea, little Lugia!

You know, Lin Wen can feel the position of Lugia through the silver wings. Similarly, Little Lugia can also feel the position of the holder through the silver wings!

So, Little Lugia took the initiative to show up!

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