"Little Lugia, use the freezing beam!"

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, Little Lugia immediately launched an action, and the cold frozen beam attacked the Super Whale King in an instant!

In this deep sea, the chill emanating from the freezing beam even made the surrounding sea water freeze slightly!

in a blink!The frozen beam has attacked the huge body of the Super Howler Whale King!

The body of the Super Whale King is really too big. In this case, facing the attack of Little Lugia, facing such a rapid attack, it has no way to escape!

Hit directly in the front!

Little Lugia, not the leader-level Minas of Hirona!

The moment the frozen beam hit the Super Whale King, it quickly condensed, and frost appeared on the body of the Super Whale King, and the effect was very obvious!

As a legendary template, Little Lugia, compared with Shirona's Minas, although the level is not comparable to the other party, but there is a difference of two big templates!

With such a huge gap between the templates, the gap between Shirona's Minas and Little Lugia is simply unimaginable!

The frozen beam obviously caused damage to the Super Whale King!

After being hit again, the Super Whale King, not to be outdone, immediately launched a counterattack!

Waves of water!

The huge body vibrated, and the sea suddenly vibrated, passing it to Little Lugia!

In the deep sea, this is a skill that cannot be avoided at all, so Little Lugia had to take the damage abruptly!

More than that!

After using the water wave skill, the Super Whale King directly attacked Little Lugia without any hesitation!

Heavy collision!

With such a powerful volume bonus, the power of this skill will be maximized!

The huge body did not affect the speed of the Super Whale King at all. Almost instantly, the Super Whale King rushed towards Little Lugia!

Faced with such a ferocious attack, Lin Wen, who didn't know if Little Lugia could resist, did not choose to fight head-on, but said, "Little Lugia, get out of the way!"

However, just after his command voice came out, Little Lugia's immature voice suddenly appeared in his heart.

"No, I want to have a head-to-head battle with this big guy!"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately!

Looking at Little Lugia, whose eyes were full of fighting intent, Lin Wen did not ask him to dodge again, but said, "In this case, Little Lugia, use the divine bird to slam, and fight it head-on. Clash!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, Little Lugia suddenly let out a soft cry!

Then, a mysterious light flashed on the body, shrouding the entire body in it!

Facing the surging super roaring whale king, Little Lugia did not have the slightest fear and rushed straight towards it!

On the one hand, it is the super roaring whale king who is surging!

On the other hand, it's just a little Lugia, whose body is much smaller!

Between the two, go straight towards each other!

in a blink!

In two or three seconds, the collision suddenly unfolded!

The two elves collided with each other at the same time!


At the moment of contact, a powerful anti-shock force struck, and the two elves were on the verge of a touch, directly facing the rear, and continuously retreating in the deep sea!

The confrontation between the two elves ended in a tie!

You must know that the heavy collision 267, but in the face of the enemy who is lighter than you, the more powerful you can play the most powerful battle!

Compared to the super roaring whale king, Little Lugia's size is undoubtedly small!


In the face of the collision attack of the super roaring whale king, Little Lugia, who used the divine bird slam, did not fall behind at all, and also showed a very terrifying and powerful combat power!

Pretty tough!

The strength of the legendary template of the elf is fully revealed. If Lugia is more mature, then the combat power will undoubtedly be more powerful!

After the two elves collided, they were bombarded by the powerful anti-shock force and retreated. Then, the Super Whale King suddenly launched an attack again!

Tide whirl!

Around Little Lugia, a mysterious vortex appeared, binding it in the middle.


You know, this is a Lugia!

Lugia, known as the god of the sea!

All I can see is that the tidal vortex bound to the body has not received any damage at all, just a flash of light on Little Lugia, and the tidal vortex skill has disappeared!

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