It's like it's never been there!

Afterwards, Lugia attacked the Super Whale King again! .

Chapter 1134 Deadlock

Water cannon skills!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, I saw that Little Lugia suddenly gathered countless powerful water cannon attacks and attacked the Super Whale King!

While reading Little Lugia's attack, the Super Whale King was unable to defend, and was directly hit by the water cannon skill!

Although the super roaring whale king has rough skin and thick flesh, it also has a certain amount of damage reduction in the face of water skills, but it is facing a very powerful little Lugia after all!

Under the support of the powerful template attributes, the Super Howler Whale King inevitably suffered a certain degree of damage!

However, the Super Whale King was not to be outdone. After being hit, he immediately launched a counterattack!

The surrounding sea water suddenly began to fluctuate, and then swept towards Little Lugia!

Surfing skills!

In the face of such a huge wave, Little Lugia's expression did not change in any way, but he was controlling the sea water, and before his skills attacked him, he was exhausted!

Two little elves, you come and go, caught in a protracted war!

This is undoubtedly a tough fight!

In the waters, the super roaring whale king of the lord-level template has the strength close to the legendary elf, but it is undoubtedly the lord-level!


Although Little Lugia is the template of the lord level, but because it is too young and immature, the level is also not high!

It is also only a lord-level combat power!

Although it is more tyrannical than Linwen's Minas, it is on par with the Super Whale King!

In this case, the battle is undoubtedly in a stalemate, the two sides are in a hard fight, and there is no winner at all!

You know, at this time, Minas has no way to get out and help Little Lugia!

Because, at this time, Minas is still entangled with countless roaring whale kings!

This is known as the sea of ​​roaring whale kings, and the number of roaring whale kings is undoubtedly very large!

And now, because of the Super Whale King's ability to command the group, almost all the Whale Kings from the entire Sea of ​​Whale Kings have gathered here!

Most of these roaring whale kings are boss-level templates, and their strength is not too scary!

But the number is terrifying!

If it weren't for the activation of the water lord skills, Minas' strength would have risen by more than one level!It has a very powerful damage reduction ability. If it directly absorbs water skills below the lord level, then Minas can't hold back so many roaring whale kings!

But now, these roaring whale kings are dragged by Minas, and similarly, Minas can't leave easily!

The battle between Little Lugia and the Super Whale King fell into a stalemate. The strength of the two elves is very strong, and it is completely impossible for anyone to do anything!In this case, it is undoubtedly difficult to tell the winner!

The battle between Little Lugia and the Super Whale King has completely fallen into a deadlock!

Two elves, one is a super powerful lord-level elf, and the other is a legendary elf, but because they are a little immature and their strength is not strong enough, it can be said that fighting together at this time is completely tit for tat, no one is Who will be afraid of!

The strength is beyond imagination!

Now, the battle is completely deadlocked, and no one can do anything about it!

The skills of the two small skills clashed and collided, and they were all in a tie, and no one was the opponent!

In the sea area, the Super Whale King, who is infinitely close to the legendary elf, is undoubtedly the super overlord of this sea area. It stands to reason that in this sea area, it should be completely invincible!

However, it has encountered a formidable enemy!

The son of Lugia, the god of the sea, little Lugia!

As a little Lugia who was born a legendary elf, she is completely blessed. Although the growth of a legendary elf is very difficult, so little Lugia is still a little immature, but its strength, It has reached a very strong point!

When facing the super lord-level super roaring whale king, he did not fall behind in the slightest, and he was completely tied with the opponent!

If Little Lugia can grow again, then, even if this super roaring whale king is the super overlord in this sea area, I am afraid it will not be its opponent!


It is obvious that Little Lugia's strength cannot be greatly improved in a very short period of time, so the battle between the two little elves has fallen into a deadlock, and no one can do anything about the other.

It's not just that the battle between Little Lugia and the Super Whale King is at a stalemate!

Even on the other side, the battle between Minas and countless roaring whale kings did not make any progress!

Minas is powerful, and after turning on the water lord skills, he can almost completely exempt the water skills of these whale kings from damage!

You must know that as a water elf, the roaring whale king is best at water-based skills. After losing the water-based skills, the lethality of these roaring whale kings has undoubtedly weakened a lot.

Moreover, after being promoted to the lord level elf, Minas' melee combat ability has been greatly enhanced, so even in the face of the melee combat of these roaring whale kings, there is no fear at all!

In addition to its own template gap, therefore, although Minas is facing many roaring whale kings that are many times more numerous than himself, he is still not in any danger (Qiannuo's)!


It wants to win, and it is not a simple effort at all!

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