Because the number of enemies is simply too many!

The area of ​​the sea of ​​roaring whale kings is here. There are many roaring whale kings living here. In the battle, therefore, the number of opponents that Minas faces is far beyond imagination. In this case, although because of the existence of the overlord of the waters, these roaring whale kings did not bring any crisis to Minas. .

However, because of this huge number of enemies, it is not easy for Minas to win!

In this case, the entire battlefield has fallen into a stalemate, and no one can defeat anyone! .

Chapter 1135

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the frozen battlefield, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Today, the battle situation is frozen. Although Little Lugia's strength is very strong, but because it is a little immature, it is also a lord-level strength. It is much stronger than Minas, but it is only comparable to the super whale king !

Therefore, there is no way for the two elves to easily decide the winner!

On the other side, Minas was entangled by countless roaring whale kings, and there was no way to get out of it, and the battle was undoubtedly in a deadlock!


This has a very important point!

As the overlord in the sea, the Super Whale King certainly has no scruples about protracted warfare. Of course, a few water elves have no scruples about protracted warfare!


Lin Wen and Shirona are different!

The two are not elves, they do not have the ability to survive in the sea!

The reason why Lin Wen and Shirona were able to dive into the deep sea!Rely on the diving equipment on the body!

Although he is a high-level 580 figure in the league, Lin Wen, a popular rookie in the league, and Shirona, the champion of the Shenao region, have very advanced diving equipment, which can support them to survive in the sea for a long time. , however, there is a time limit as well!

After all, in the seabed, oxygen pressure and other aspects are a very severe test for human beings!

Under such circumstances, Shirona and Lin Wen had no way to stay in the sea for much longer!

Therefore, a protracted war is very unfavorable for the two of them!

Now the battle situation has fallen into a stalemate, and the subsequent battle situation is unpredictable. This situation is undoubtedly very unfavorable for Lin Wen and Shirona, and it must be taken seriously!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the anxious battlefield, and his brows were slightly wrinkled!

"I have to think of a solution!" Lin Wen thought!

Little Lugia and the Super Howler Whale King are in the wrong match!

At the very beginning, Lin Wen also gave certain instructions to Little Lugia. However, as the battle situation became more and more anxious, Little Lugia also became angry. In addition to Lin Wen's, he would also give Super Heist by himself. The Howler Whale King attacked!

As a legendary template, Little Lugia has extremely high intelligence and can fight on his own without the need of any trainer's command!

After all, the intelligence of the legendary elf is actually completely beyond imagination!

In this case, it is completely normal to fight on your own!

However, even if Little Lugia fights on her own, it cannot solve the problem that Lin Wen is currently in!

The strength of the two elves is similar. Now in the water, the endurance of the two elves is also very amazing. In this case, it is impossible to decide the winner in a short time!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, trying to find an opportunity to solve the current situation!

The battle is still going on!

While commanding Little Lugia and Minas to deal with the enemy, he carefully observed the battle situation and wanted to find an opportunity!

On the other side, Shirona rode her Minas and did not join the battle!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Xirona's strength is undoubtedly very strong, but that is on the land, and now, in the deep sea, even if she is the champion of the Shenao region, she can show the strength. But less than one.

In this case, Shirona can only choose to trust Lin Wen. After all, her eyes (bjcb) are very clear, even if she joins the battle, there is no way to solve the current problem!

That being the case, he can only choose to believe that Lin Wen can solve the situation in front of him!

Although the contact time with the Heart of Yang Yan is still short, Xirona already has a basic understanding of the Heart of Yang Yan, and she still trusts his abilities very much!

at this time!Her eyes were focused on the battle situation, her eyes were calm, but there was no trace of nervousness.


Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the battlefield!

He has been paying attention to the super roaring whale king, trying to find opportunities from it!

Then, he keenly noticed something was wrong!

The battle between a legendary elf and a super lord level elf is undoubtedly very amazing, and the consumption of the two elf is equally huge!

As the battle progressed and the time stretched, Lin Wen was keenly aware that the Super Whale King was a little tired!

You must know that this super roaring whale king was captured by the secret team before, and has been in the dark transformation, which obviously caused a great consumption of its physical strength!

After being released by the leader of the secret team, this super roaring whale king violently overturned the entire secret team base and rushed out!

This is also a great test for physical strength!

It can be said that when this super roaring whale king escaped from the secret team base, his stamina was not at full capacity!

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