At the same time, there is one more important point!

You must know that the enemy this Super Whale King is facing now is not a weak one!

It is the descendant of the legendary elf Lugia, Little Lugia.

Although it is still a little immature and because it is very difficult for the legendary elf to grow up, the current strength of Little Lugia is not too strong, and there is still a long distance from his peak, but he also has a super lord. level strength!

On par with the Super Whale King!

In this case, the battle between Little Lugia and the Super Whale King will put a lot of pressure on the Super Whale King at every moment, causing a lot of consumption to it!

Now that the battle has been going on for a long time, this is undoubtedly a huge consumption for the Super Whale King!

Lin Wen could clearly sense that this super powerful roaring whale king was a little tired!


He keenly noticed that the crimson pupils of this super-strong roaring whale king had recovered some clarity, and his spirit seemed to have recovered a little, and he was no longer as irritable as before! .

Chapter 1136 Song of Peace

The Howler Whale King itself is not a too belligerent, too irritable elf!

The reason why this super roaring whale king is so violent and belligerent, the bigger reason for Lin Wen and Shirona's actions is that the dark elf transformation of the dark team has had a great impact on it, although the dark transformation does not seem to have Completely successful, however!It has undoubtedly caused a very serious impact on the super roaring whale king, and left it with a lot of sequelae, which is why it is like this!

However, now, as the battle of the Super Whale King continues, as time goes by, while the physical strength has been consumed and felt exhausted, it seems that the spirit has recovered a little!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and another thought appeared in his mind!

"Since fighting is not enough, then use probation!"

Although it could be seen that the Super Whale King showed some tiredness, Lin Wen knew that the stamina and recovery ability of the water elf were very amazing. This Super Whale King could completely continue to fight. Moreover, the time to be able to fight is definitely longer than Lin Wen imagined!

A few elves are of course fine, but Lin Wen and Shirona can't escape too much time!

However, if the two want to leave the sea, they must deal with this super roaring whale king!

The scene from before is still vivid!

Facing Lin Wen and Shirona who wanted to swim like above and leave this sea area, this super roaring whale king summoned countless schools of fish to block them, giving Lin Wen and Shirona no chance at all!

Therefore, if you want to leave here, you must get rid of this super roaring whale king!

Now, in the uncertain situation of the battle, Lin Wen thought of another point!


The Howler Whale King is not a very violent and belligerent elf, but his nature is not bad at all. Lin Wen is very clear that the reason why this super Howler Whale is chasing them is because the dark team has undergone a dark transformation. Impact!

That being the case, can this furious Super Whale King be restored to its original state?

Judging from the redness in the eyes of the Super Whale King, with the hesitation in the battle, its spirit seems to have recovered a little, and it is not as violent as before!

However, without the influence of external forces, it will undoubtedly be a very long process for this super roaring whale king to return to normal. After all, its strength is too strong, and during this period of time, it has been enduring darkness The erosion of energy, although because of the arrival of Lin Wen and Shirona, the experiment was not over, and the Super Howler Whale King was released before it was completely transformed into a dark elf. However, a long time Dark erosion still has an extremely serious impact on the Super Howler Whale King, and it cannot be recovered by itself in a short time!

Lin Wen's heart moved!

If you can't recover by yourself, use external force!

After Lin Wen's gaze stayed on the Super Whale King for a while, his gaze focused on the other end, Minas, who was confronting countless Whale Kings!

Then, his command sounded loudly!

"Minas, use the song of peace!"

Song of Peace!

Song of Peace: Dispel Pokémon's fighting spirit and some buffs!

This is also the new skill that Minas mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!However, it is not an offensive or defensive skill!

As a gentle Pokémon, the gentle waves emanating from Minas' body can ease people's anger and hatred!

The same goes for pixies!

Its singing can soothe the emotions of the elves very well, so that the elves are no longer violent and warlike, and become calmer!

Now, facing the roaring whale kings who have fallen into a state of rage due to the influence of external forces, it is undoubtedly a perfect complement to each other!

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, Minas's ongoing actions stopped, and immediately, he began to execute Lin Wen's command!

Its body slowly floated in the water, and then, the soft singing blurted out and spread throughout the sea of ​​roaring whale kings!

This song is very soft and gentle, Lin Wen and Shirona also heard it, and their hearts involuntarily calmed down.

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The soft and beautiful singing spread throughout the feature film Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

As a gentle Pokémon, Minas' singing can involuntarily make elves or humans feel at peace!

You know, the current Minas is a lord-level elf!

With the support of the powerful template, the power of the song of peace is even more powerful. I saw that, along with the singing, the roaring whale kings who were facing off against Minas and constantly attacking reacted immediately!

They are all boss-level templates. Compared to Minas, their strength is weaker at first, and the reason for the distance is also the first to be affected!

I saw that as the song of peace came, the soft singing sounded, a trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of these roaring whale kings, the red pupils changed and recovered, and they stopped attacking!

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