If they didn't encounter Little Lugia during the dive, then their actions this time would undoubtedly be very dangerous!


The record of the two is also very brilliant!

Not only did he finally find the hidden base of the secret team, but he broke into it single-handedly, defeated all the secret team members inside, and let the super lord-level super roaring whale king captured by the secret team regain his freedom!

It can be said that the results are brilliant!

more importantly!

The two successfully found Little Lugia!

This is the most important point!

You know, the reason why the alliance put up such a big battle is because they suspected that Little Lugia was captured by the secret team!

But now, Little Lugia appeared beside Lin Wen and Shirona, which undoubtedly made everyone breathe a sigh of relief!

This proves that Little Lugia is still safe, and there is finally a channel for the alliance and the legendary elf to ease the relationship!

Dr. Xinyuan and King Wusong couldn't help but sigh. After the two exchanged a few words again, they shifted the topic to another direction!

Secret Team!

Although now, Little Lugia has been found, and the secret team's base has been successfully destroyed, and the super roaring whale king captured by the secret team has returned to freedom and returned to normal, but!On the Almia Islands, there are still many members of the secret team!

Since the Alliance has already dispatched such a large battle, of course, it is necessary to clean up the secret team members on the entire Almia Islands!

So, a few people had a good discussion for a while!

Soon, a few people finished the simple exchange, and then started the action!

Lin Wen directly put Minas into the Poké Ball, and then summoned the Flash Dragon and came to the back of the Flash Dragon!

The Flash Dragon's wings unfolded, then soared into the sky, heading towards the islands of the Almia Archipelago!

Go fast!

Just after Lin Wen left here, the many trainers who had gathered here also started their actions one after another, heading towards the Almia Islands, preparing to clear the remaining members of the secret team on the Almia Islands!

The shore of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings will soon run out!


In the sky!

Lin Wen, who was riding a flashing dragon, was moving fast!

The Almia Archipelago consists of multiple islands. After riding the Flash Dragon for a while, Lin Wen decisively chose to let the Flash Dragon descend!

Little Lugia, who has been obediently following Lin Wen's side, has also become one of Lin Wen's helpers in this operation!

Lin Wen holds Lugia's token, which makes little Lugia very close to him!Now, very obediently following him!

The flash dragon quickly landed below!

Lin Wen jumped off the Flash Dragon's back, followed by Little Lugia!

Afterwards, Lin Wen took out the Poke Ball and put away the Flash Dragon!

The place where we are now is in a forest!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen walked straight into the forest thinking about moving forward, ready to look for the existence of the members of the secret team!

It has been so long, and the trainers of the alliance (Qian Lihao) are moving very fast, so most of the riot factor diffusion devices that were spread all over the Almia Islands have been destroyed!

Today, Lin Wen was walking in the forest, but no elf rushed up to him to fight directly, but it saved Lin Wen a lot of thought!

Just after a short distance in this forest, Lin Wen's movements suddenly stopped!

Because, he saw two figures!

These two figures are wearing the uniform of the secret team, they are the members of the secret team!

When Lin Wen saw the two of them, the two members of the secret team also saw Lin Wen coming, and their eyes gathered immediately without any hesitation. ready!


They knew Lin Wen's identity and acted very cautiously! .

Chapter 1140 Clean Up the Remnants

Lin Wen didn't care so much. After seeing the two members of the secret team summoned the elf, he was not polite at all, and directly directed the little Lugia to prepare for the battle!

Little Lugia followed him ashore, and he was very affectionate at this time, so Lin Wen was also directing him to help fight!

At this time, with the voice of Lin Wen's command, Little Rocky Adam launched an attack on the opponent's four elves!

A round of attacks is over!

The four elves of the two secret team members have all lost their ability to fight!

The template gap is too huge!

You know, Little Lugia is a legendary template!

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