In contrast, the elves of the two ordinary members of the dark team on the opposite side are just boss-level elves!

Although, because it is still a little immature, the strength of Little Lugia is still at the lord level, but there is also an extremely serious gap with the opposite side. In this case, Little Lugia can be said to be very easy. Defeat these two ordinary members of the secret team!

In just one round, the elves of these two secret team members were directly defeated by 787!

Afterwards, Lin Wen didn't even look at the two members of the secret team, and continued to leave!

After losing the main elf, these two members of the dark team have no power to resist. In this case, the alliance members who are here will be searched and arrested immediately!

Afterwards, Lin Wen continued to choose to move forward!

Not just him!

While Lin Wen was searching the entire Almia Archipelago and cleaning up the remaining members of the secret team on the Almia Archipelago, the King Wusong and the champion Hirona were doing the same thing!

All over the Almia Islands, with the return of Lin Wen and Shirona, the alliance began to officially launch a counterattack!

You know, the last scruples of the alliance are gone!

This time, the main goal of the alliance is little Lugia, worried that the secret team will capture little Lugia!

But now, with Lin Wen and Shirona entering the sea of ​​the roaring whale king, everything has been figured out, and!He also successfully destroyed the hidden base of the dark team really (bjei), was captured, and the Super Howler Whale King, who was undergoing a dark transformation, also recovered his freedom!

More importantly, they actually found Little Lugia!

After Little Lugia was found, the alliance side suddenly had no scruples!

In this case, it is very easy to clean up the entire Almia Islands!

You must know that in the past, the alliance side was very anxious!

After all, I am not sure what the high-template elf captured by the secret team is. If it is really Little Lugia, if the secret team really transforms it into a dark elf, then the alliance will encounter a big problem. !

Fortunately, everything was resolved as Lin Wen and Shirona entered the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

No more surprises!

The alliance side has no scruples at all, and can clean up the other side very easily and without any pressure!

It is very easy!


On the Almia Islands, Lin Wen was very easy to clean up the remaining members of the secret team on the Almia Islands!

It can be said that it is like entering no one's realm!

You must know that with his strength, he could completely crush these ordinary members of the secret team when he was fighting, but!

Now, when fighting against these dark team elves, Lin Wen did not use his own elves at all!

You know, at this time, the one following Lin's tattoo is the legendary elf, Little Lugia!

Although due to being a little immature, the little Lugia at this time only has the strength of the top lord level, but when fighting with these ordinary secret team members, it can still cause crushing, there is no difference!

Roll easily!

The trainers of the entire alliance are cleaning the entire Almia Islands!

Fast progress!

After all, there are only some ordinary members of the secret team left on the Almia Islands, and the trainers of the alliance have not encountered any effective resistance at all, not to mention, with Linwen, Shirona, And Wu Song Tianwang is cleaning these members, and they can defeat these opponents very easily!

It is very easy to clean up the entire Almia Islands!

In just over half a day, the members of the secret team on the entire Almia Islands have been completely cleaned up!

However, it is worth mentioning that the leader of the secret team and the scientific team were not captured by the alliance, and they left here first!

You must know that although Lin Wen and Shirona once captured the figure of the leader of the secret team when they were at the submarine base, and after watching him enter the laboratory, he disappeared, but Lin Wen and Shirona would not believe that the other party would be secretly attacked. The destruction of the team base is buried together!

As the leader of the secret team, the other party is also a typical example of scheming, I am afraid that everything has been prepared, and when the secret team base released the super whale king, he left the base without knowing where to go!

at the same time!

There is also a scientific troop of the secret team!

You must know that the secret team can develop step by step to the current scale, and it is inseparable from the powerful scientific team!

It is because of the existence of the scientific troop that the secret team can develop many mysterious machines with a wide range of functions, so that the secret team can improve its strength!

It can be said that the scientific force occupies a large proportion of the dark team!

However, it seems that the secret team has long been prepared for this time. Facing the alliance's search, they have not found any scientific troop of the secret team at all!

I have to say, this is one thing that makes the alliance more depressed!

After all, I thought I could use this opportunity to greatly weaken the secret team, but the escape of the secret team leader and the escape of the scientific troop undoubtedly preserved the secret of the secret team and did not receive much damage! .

Chapter 1141 The reason for the leakage of dark energy


The alliance side is already satisfied

You know, the main goal of this mission, the reason why the alliance sent such a big battle is for Little Lugia, to find little Lugia and ease the relationship with Lugia!

at the same time!

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