And now, with Little Lugia being found, the main purpose of the alliance has been achieved!

In this case, the dark team can be placed next -!


When dusk comes!

I have been cleaning the Linwen on the Almia Islands, and finally I heard the system's beep!

Urgent mission, finally accomplished!

This means that the mission in the Almia Islands has come to an end!

After hearing the quest prompt, Lin Wen directly chose to return to the temporary camp!

In the sky, the Flash Dragon is moving fast!

After receiving the notification that the mission was completed, Lin Wen knew that this mission was over!

Therefore, he immediately chose to go to the temporary gathering point of the alliance!

The speed of the flashing dragon is extremely fast, flying through the sky, and rushing towards the temporary camp of the alliance with this extremely fast speed!

The area of ​​the entire Almia Islands is not too large, and the speed of the flash dragon is beyond imagination. In this case, with extremely fast speed, Lin Wen has come to the temporary gathering point of the alliance. !

at this time!

There are already countless alliance trainers here, all of whom were sent here by the alliance for this mission!

After all, it involves the legendary elf Little Lugia, and the alliance can be said to attach great importance to it!

As the Flash Dragon came to the top of the temporary camp, the eyes of many people below were delivered!

"It's the Flash Dragon!!"

"Researcher Yang Yan is back!"

"It's the heart of Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen's Flash Dragon is almost an iconic elf. After all, a Flash Dragon with such a huge size cannot be found in the entire elf century!

You must know that Lin Wen's fame is not only very famous among players, but also very famous among NPCs!

In this case, Lin Wen, who came here on a flash dragon, was immediately recognized by the many alliance NPCs below!

Lin Wen rode the Flash Dragon and slowly landed.

Little Lugia has been following Lin Wen's side and flew back here with him.

Afterwards, Lin Wen chose an open area and slowly landed with Little Lugia.

The flashing dragon landed on the ground, and the huge body brought waves of air!

Afterwards, Lin Wen jumped down from the Flash Dragon's body sensibly.

On the other side, Shirona, King Wusong and others had been waiting for a long time when they saw Lin Wen jumping off the flashing dragon and immediately greeted him!

"Researcher Yang Yan."

King Wusong said hello first.

Lin Wen nodded towards him.

After the experience of fighting side by side, the relationship between several people can be said to be much better. When everyone gathers together, there are many topics to discuss!

King Wusong and Xirona both have great trust in Lin Wen, and have given sufficient affirmation to this rookie trainer in the Guandu area!

As Lin Wen came to the temporary camp, King Wusong and Shirona came over!

Afterwards, the three and Dr. Xinyuan began to communicate!

This time, as Lin Wen, who participated in the entire battle, is undoubtedly the most vocal candidate!

He explained all his analysis of the operation of the secret team!

Because of his participation in the whole process, Lin Wen has basically guessed the secret team's plans and plans. Now, he can easily explain it like a few other people!

Obviously, the reason why the secret team is operating in the Almia Islands this time is for only one purpose, that is, they did not know where they got the news, and they knew that Little Lugia was in the depths of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

Therefore, the secret team came here, and even spent a lot of money to build a super-large hidden base in the sea of ​​the roaring whale king.

· · Flowers 0 · ·

In order to succeed in capturing Little Lugia, the secret team went to great lengths to capture the overlord in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, the lord-level Super Whale King, in an attempt to transform the Super Whale King into a The dark elf, then, solve the little Lugia through the super whale king!

However, the secret team did not expect that it was at this step that an accident occurred!

Because the strength of the Super Whale King is too powerful after all, so the dark energy needed to transform it into a dark elf is also extremely terrifying!In this case, the secret team, which was not too well prepared, succeeded in an accident!


Dark energy leaks out!

You must know that the Alliance has been looking for the trace of Little Lugia during this period of time. The dark energy of the secret team leaked out, which almost immediately attracted the attention of the Alliance, and then hit the muzzle of the gun!

And next, as the members of the alliance gathered together, they had been thoroughly analyzed by Lin Wen!

After many alliance personnel surrounded the entire Almia Archipelago, the secret team neither chose to fight recklessly, nor escaped secretly, but chose to hide, and arranged a lot of The riot factor diffusion device caused the elves on the entire Almia Islands to fall into a state of riot!As a result, it greatly delayed the progress of the alliance trainers and delayed their time!

At the very beginning, many trainers on the alliance side, including Lin Wen, were very puzzled as to what the secret team did, and what was the reason for the secret team to delay the delay. What about time?

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