But now, after Lin Wen and Shirona dived into the Sea of ​​Whale Kings together and found the base of the secret team, they finally understood everything!

The reason why the secret team delays time is that they need enough time to successfully transform the overlord of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, the Super Whale King, and want to transform him into a dark elf! .

Chapter 1142 Escorting Little Lugia

If the Sea of ​​Whale King really transforms into a dark elf, then, as a super lord level, it will undoubtedly become a very powerful trump card for the dark team. In the sea of ​​the whale king, it is almost natural for the dark team to stand in Invincible, even the alliance, there is no absolute confidence to defeat it!

However, it can only be said that the secret team's luck was not very good. They met Lin Wen, a player with a strong sense of inquiry and speculation!

He successfully guessed the base of the secret team, which is likely to be hidden under the sea, and after personal exploration, he really found the base of the secret team. Through an anxious battle, he successfully overturned the entire plan of the secret team !

Obviously, in this entire mission, it was Lin Wen who contributed the most!

 Before "Nine Six Three", when Lin Wen and Shirona went ashore, they exchanged these topics with Dr. Xinyuan and King Wusong, but they didn't talk deeply at that time. Now that the mission is completely over, Lin Wen also takes these things very seriously. Say it clearly and let the alliance side understand!

Afterwards, after finishing these things, Lin Wen and the others turned to other topics, exchanged a few words with each other, and became much closer to each other!

The comrades who can fight together are the closest. Lin Wen did not know Xirona, Wu Song Tianwang and others before, but now, with the mission together, the relationship between these people is undoubtedly a lot closer!

After a brief exchange of greetings, Xirona looked at Lin Wen and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, Little Lugia was found by you, and the task of escorting Little Lugia home will be handed over to you. Bar."

Hirona's eyes flashed with admiration, and said to Lin Wen!

It stands to reason that after all, it involves the safety of the legendary elves and Little Lugia. This is also an opportunity for the alliance to make good friends with the legendary elves. Therefore, the alliance can be said to attach great importance to this matter. In this case, the task of escorting Little Lugia is always done by a person above the heavenly king!

Even, the champion of Xirona has a great possibility!

However, now, Shirona has entrusted this task to Lin Wen!

First of all, it was because of the presence of the one who had the best relationship with Little Lugia, and the closest one, without a doubt, was Lin Wen!

As the holders of the Lugia Clan's token, Lin Wen and Little Lugia just hit it off at first sight, and the relationship is terrifying. You must know that when one person has already met for the first time, Lin Wen can even directly confront Xiao Luqian. Lugia takes command!

This is undoubtedly a very amazing scene, completely unimaginable!

In this case, Lin Wen is undoubtedly one of the best candidates to escort Little Lugia. After all, Little Lugia is not fake to other people!If other people escort little Lugia home, then, what kind of moth might appear!

And this second point!

That is, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan!

In this side-by-side battle, Shirona undoubtedly has a deeper understanding of the victory of Yang Yan's heart and Yang Yan researcher in the Guandu area!

She was stunned to find that although the previous battle report and information were very exaggerated in her opinion at the time, in fact, the Heart of Yang Yan was far more exaggerated than she imagined!

Four lord-level elves!

This is the first point that Shirona was shocked by!

Just in front of Shirona, Lin Wen used as many as four lord-level elves!

Among them, the flashing fast dragon with the dragon element has a huge body, amazing defense, and is very powerful!

There are also grass-type leaf spirits!As an evolutionary type of Ibrahimovic, it can be said to be very comprehensive, speed, defense, attack, very balanced, completely the overlord of the lord-level elves!

Ice Elemental Ice Spirit!

The same evolution of Ibrahimovic, the Ice Elf is undoubtedly unmatched in terms of field control, and can easily control the entire battlefield situation!

Also, the lord-level Minas!

At the very beginning, when he introduced the Sea of ​​Whale King like Lin Wen, Shura thought that the water elf in the heart of Yang Yan might just be a leader-level elf without any training. However, the fact turned out But it greatly exceeded Xirona's expectations. Lin Wen summoned a water elf, which turned out to be a lord-level Minas!

It is also a very powerful and looks very magical elf!

It is quite miraculous!

Four lord-level elves!

Researcher Yang Yan from the Guandu area has undoubtedly revealed his strength to the fullest!

Although because of the short debut time, the templates of Lin Wen's four elves are very high, and they are all lord-level elves, but the level is a bit lower, not the top existence, but!

Xirona has no doubts that the researcher Yang Yan at this time is completely capable of having a head-to-head battle with herself!

From this, you can see the strength of Yang Yan's heart!

To sum up the two points, Lin Wen is undoubtedly the most suitable person to escort Little Lugia home. Not only is he very familiar with Little Lugia, but his strength can fully guarantee Little Lugia's ability. safety!

You must know that Little Lugia's own strength is also very amazing, and coupled with a heart of Yang Yan, it is obviously impossible to encounter any danger!

Therefore, Shirona directly chose to hand over this task to Lin Wen!

After hearing that Xirona spoke on 5.9, Lin Wen nodded lightly, indicating that he accepted the task!

For him, this is what he should have done!

You know, it was him who was originally entrusted by Lugia!

Now, after finally finding the figure of Little Lugia, Lin Wen escorted Little Lugia back to his hometown as a matter of course, which is quite the right thing!

Therefore, after hearing Shirona's proposal, Lin Wen agreed immediately!

After that, several people talked about other things!

King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan are undoubtedly very curious about Researcher Yang Yan, a rookie trainer who has risen rapidly in the alliance recently! ........

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