Chapter 1143 Reasons for not wanting to leave

Xirona is okay. After fighting side by side with Lin Wen for so long, she already has a basic understanding of Lin Wen. However, although King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan are both carrying out this mission, they have not been with Lin Wen. Wen has fought side by side together, so he is still quite unfamiliar with Lin Wen.

Now that the mission has been completed, the two of them seized the opportunity out of curiosity about Lin Wen, and had a good chat with Lin Wen before letting him leave!

After communicating with Shirona, King Wusong, and Dr. Xinyuan, Lin Wen left the office of the temporary camp!

He is outside!

As soon as he came outside, Lin Wen saw Little Lugia wandering in the camp!

Although this little Lugia looks very immature, its strength is already amazing. Among the camps of the entire alliance, there are only a few people who can really threaten it, such as Shirona, such as Wu Song Tianwang, such as Lin Wei!

Therefore, Lin Wen left Little Lugia to hang out in the camp without any scruples!

At the same time, there is another very important point!

As a legendary elf, the trainers in the alliance camp are completely motionless and full of admiration, and they do not dare to offend this legendary elf, even if it is only in its infancy!

After all, the legendary elf can also be said to be a certain aspect of belief for trainers!

Lin Wen just came out of the office, and when he looked at Little Lugia, Little Lugia also looked at Lin Wen, and then he flew to Lin Wen's side quickly, very intimate. Rub him!

As the owner of the Lugia family token, Little Lugia is very trusting and intimate with Lin Wen, and there is no strangeness at all!

Seeing this legendary elf rubbing against him, Lin Wen couldn't help but smile, and then slowly said, "Little Lugia, get ready, I'll take you home."

After speaking, Lin Wen's eyes turned to Little Lugia.

He had planned that Little Lugia would be very excited when he heard the return meeting, but what Lin Wen never expected was that when Lin Wen talked about going home, Little Lugia froze in place and did not move.

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, but he didn't quite understand what Little Lugia's reaction was.

Just when Lin Wen was puzzled, a childish voice suddenly rang in Lin Wen's ear!

"No return……"

The slightly immature little Lugia has not yet mastered the skills of communicating with humans, so she simply expressed her opinion!

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to get such an answer at all!

He originally thought that after he said that he brought the little Lugia home, the other party would be very happy to win, but now, this little Lugia did not want to leave here!

What's the reason for this?Lin Wen was a little stunned for a while.

After a brief pause, he asked directly towards Little Lugia, "Why don't you want to leave here?"

Lin Wen knew that Little Lugia could understand what he said, so he asked directly!

Little Lugia also heard Lin Wen's question. After hesitating for a while, the tender voice resounded in Lin Wen's mind again!

"You come with me..."

After speaking, Little Lugia glanced at Lin Wen, then turned around and flew slowly towards the other side!

Lin Wen glanced at it and hurriedly followed, full of doubts in his heart!

What's the reason?

Lin Wen doesn't know yet!

However, he can think of one thing!

There must be a different place where the descendants of the legendary elf are unwilling to leave, and they are unwilling to leave!Absolutely different!

Therefore, Lin Wen can be said to be very attentive!Follow behind Little Lugia!

Little Lugia leads the front, and the speed of action is not too fast, even if Lin Wen can walk behind him!

One person and one elf, moving forward at a fairly acceptable speed!


After a period of time, the two came to the shore of the Sea of ​​the Howling Whale King!

Lin Wen's gaze turned to the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, and his heart moved. Could it be because of this place that Little Lugia didn't want to leave?

You must know that this is not the first time Lin Wen has come to the Sea of ​​Whale Kings. It was in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings that he discovered the secret base of the Secret Team. At the same time, it was also in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings that he successfully met Here comes Little Lugia!

Now, after seeing the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, Lin Wen immediately had an association in his heart. Could it be that in this Sea of ​​Whale Kings, something was attracting Little Lugia, so he wasn't going to leave here?

This is undoubtedly a very reliable guess!

After arriving at the shore of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, Little Lugia looked at Lin Wen, and then a tender voice sounded in Lin Wen's ears.

"Go in..."

"Go in?" 960

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted, what this little Lugia wanted to express was to let him enter with it!

Lin Wen, who understood the meaning of Little Lugia, did not hesitate, and directly equipped the diving device!

Before, after coming out of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, the diving equipment provided by the alliance had been kept on by Lin Wen, and at this time it just came into play!

Little Lugia walked in front, Lin Wen followed behind, and entered the sea of ​​roaring whale kings again!

This is my second time here!

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