Compared to the last time, there is undoubtedly a completely different look and feel!

Last time, I came here to find the secret base of the secret team. With the thought of exploration, I didn't pay too much attention to the situation in the Sea of ​​Whale King!

And this time, when he came here again, Lin Wen couldn't help but take a good look at the surrounding situation!

Because Little Lugia was on his side, the coercion of being a legendary elf completely deterred the surrounding elf and did not dare to take the initiative to move forward. Therefore, Lin Wen did not even summon Minas. When I came out, I just followed behind Little Lugia and slowly descended!

One person, an elf descended very fast, and soon, he came to the bottom of the sea of ​​roaring whale kings again! .

Chapter 1144 Mission Completion

Afterwards, Little Lugia stopped moving, and Lin Wen stopped swimming!

Lin Wen's eyes looked around!

The reason why Little Lugia doesn't want to leave here is obviously because something is attracting it in the sea of ​​the roaring whale king!

In this case, Lin Wen naturally needs to find out what the reason is!

Lin Wen's eyes were in the sea of ​​roaring whale kings, and he carefully investigated, wanting to know the reason why Little Lugia didn't want to leave here!


He realized an extremely important point!

This was something I didn't find when I came to the interior of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings the last time!

After all, the purpose of coming to the Sea of ​​Whale Kings last time was mainly to find the base of the secret team, and he was hindered by the elves along the way, and he accepted the battles!It was so intense that Lin Wen didn't notice it at all!

And now, with no need to fight, and following Little Lugia here again, Lin Wen quickly and keenly discovered a very important point in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!


The sea of ​​the roaring whale king!Digging for warmth is a precious spawn point for water elves!Great benefits for water elves!

There are a large number of elite-level elves, as well as many boss-level elves, which are of great benefit to water-type elves!


That lord-level super roaring whale king also appeared from here, from here!

Here, it is simply a paradise for water elves!

The treasure of lord-level elf is very rare in the wild, not to mention the powerful elves of the super roaring whale king, which are infinitely close to the legendary elf. From here, we can see this sea of ​​roaring whale kings. How important it is!

After Lin Wen noticed this, he almost instantly understood the reason why Little Lugia was unwilling to leave here!

Because, the environment here is really suitable for Little Lugia to grow up!Therefore, it does not want to leave here. After all, this place is very important to the growing little Lugia, and it is inevitable that it does not want to leave!

After following Little Lugia to the Sea of ​​Whale Kings again, Lin Wen finally understood the reason why Little Lugia did not want to leave here and return to his hometown!

His eyes looked here, and he had already made a decision in his heart!

Little Lugia, really should continue to stay here!

After all, this place is too important for Little Lugia. This kind of paradise for water elves is of great benefit to the growth of Little Lugia!

As a legendary elf, Little Lugia's growth is very slow. If you can encounter such a place where its growth rate has increased, you should really live here for a period of time to improve your strength!

At the same time, there is a more important point!

You know, Lugia Ken released Little Lugia and his own children, and also wanted the other party to experience as much as possible and see the human world!

After all, there are too many people who have an idea for a legendary elf like Little Lugia!

Little Lugia has to go through trials too!

Just like this time!If there is no Lin Wen's shot, once the alliance does not take the initiative to detect the specific location of the secret team's base, it gives the secret team time to successfully control the super roaring whale king!Then, the secret team will immediately start capturing Little Lugia!

You must know that although Little Lugia's strength is not weak, it is only on par with the Super Whale King!

However, if the secret team really wants to attack Little Lugia, the elf dispatched is not just the Super Whale King!

With a super roaring whale king who can confront Little Lugia head-on, plus the other elves of the secret team, the action of capturing Little Lugia is almost certain to succeed!


Fortunately, because Lin Wen was involved after all, he successfully speculated on the location of the secret team except for the location of the secret team, and found it. Together with Xirona, they destroyed the secret team's plan, so that nothing happened!

but!This experience can also be said to have given others a memory. There are definitely many evil forces that conspire against a legendary elf like Little Lugia. Letting Little Lugia do some training is also a precaution!

Moreover, Little Lugia also needs to improve her strength as soon as possible!

Therefore, after knowing the effect of this sea of ​​roaring whale kings on Little Lugia, after only a slight consideration, Lin Wen agreed with Little Lugia's plan to stay here!

Now, Little Lugia has come to the bottom of the sea of ​​the roaring whale king, and Lin Wen is no longer going to take it out. After clearing his thoughts in his heart, Lin Wen said to Little Lugia: "." Little Lugia, you should stay here and hurry up to improve your strength 々' . "

Little Lugia didn't speak. It was very kind when it faced Lin Wen, the trainer who held the token of the Lugia clan. After hearing Lin Wen's opening, he just swam over and rubbed towards Lin Wen. rub.

Lin Wen also touched Little Lugia's forehead quite affectionately. Compared to Lugia, the still immature little Lugia is undoubtedly less majestic, and Lin Wen is also very fond of him. kind!

(Are you okay) At the same time, seeing Little Lugia beside him, Lin Wen couldn't help but take a deep breath!

This task is finally completed!

From the very beginning, the fishing competition dived into the deep sea, met Lugia, the god of the sea, and got its approval. After becoming the head of the elf, Lin Wen received this task!

Find Lugia's son, little Lugia!

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