That is, because of the limited time, Lin Wen and Qianxia had to choose to act separately!

Because ghosts are heavily clothed, there is no way for them to keep lurking!

You must know that the wearing of ghostly heavy clothes requires physical strength!

Having passed through the middle layer of the entire forest continuously before, the consumption of physical strength made it impossible for Lin Wen and Qianxia to continue to remain invisible!

I lurked all the way here. Next, the ghosts and heavy clothes can only be used at the most critical time, and it is best to avoid key battles!

for example!

The guardian of the tree of the beginning of the world!Three pillars!

Three lord-level elves!

You know, if you do the math, this is the third time that Lin Wen and Qianxia have gone to the Tree of World Beginning!

At the beginning, in the group elimination task of the carnival competition, there was a character who broke into the tree of the beginning of the world!

In that level, Lin Wen and Qianxia learned a lot about the tree of the beginning of the world!

for example!The three guardians of the tree of the beginning of the world!Three pillars!

Those were three incomparably powerful lord-level elves!

You know, although Lin Wen and Qianxia once saw the Three Gods Pillars in the group elimination mission, you don’t have to think about it, compared to the Three Gods Pillars that appeared in the group elimination mission, here , the strength of the three gods in the real world initial tree map!Absolutely unimaginable!Compared with the Three Gods Pillars that appeared in the group elimination quest, they are only strong but not weak!

at the same time!

You must know that the mission this time is only carried out by Lin Wen and Qianxia!

Unlike the group elimination quest, there are so many other players to cover, Sanshenzhu's attention will not be completely focused on them, giving them an opportunity to take advantage!

In this case, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective deal to leave the ghostly heavy clothes behind and avoid the battle with the Three Gods Pillar!

at the same time!

Due to the limited time, Lin Wen and Qian Xia hesitated for a while and then decided to act separately and did not stay together any longer!

Both parties are exploring at the same time, looking for the real way to enter the World Tree!

The efficiency of two people acting together is undoubtedly slower, so Lin Wen and Qianxia directly chose to act separately!Fighting each other as quickly as possible to find a way to enter the World Tree!

After a short conversation, Lin Wen and Qian Xia nodded to each other and chose to separate!


Lin Wen followed Ye Elf beside him, and directly chose to move towards the east!

The deepest part of the tree of the beginning of the world is undoubtedly the most mysterious place. Lin Wen took the leaf elves to explore around the world tree!

Now, without the existence of ghostly heavy clothes, Lin Wen's whereabouts are undoubtedly revealed, and it is no longer possible to sneak all the way like before without being discovered by any elf!

However, Lin Wen was already mentally prepared for this matter, so he didn't have any scruples.

Lin Wen walked to one side, and Ye Elf followed him obediently. The two were in the deepest part of the World Tree, looking for a way to enter the World Tree!

One person and one elf are constantly moving forward!

Just separated for a short time, the forest pattern and leaf elves who are constantly exploring have been discovered by the elves around the world tree!

They encountered a forest goblin!

This is a boss-level forest fairy. As soon as he saw Lin Wen, he was ready to attack Lin Wen!

Adhering to the attitude of quick and quick decision, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and directly prepared to direct Ye Elf to counterattack!

Unexpectedly, just when Lin Wen was about to directly issue an order to directly let the Ye Elf start to attack, the Forest Elf did not immediately attack the Ye Elf, but suddenly made a sharp whistling sound!

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, some didn't quite understand what this forest goblin wanted to do! .

Chapter 1155 Attracting Firepower


Following the voice of the forest fairy, I saw footsteps suddenly sounded around!

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted!

This forest fairy is actually summoning other elves!

As the guardian of the tree of the beginning of the world, when faced with the two interlopers, Linwen and Leaf Elf, it directly chose to summon other elves, ready to besiege Linwen and Leaf Elf!

You must know that Lin Wen has been in recent times, and for a long time, no one has broken into such a deep place as the tree of the beginning of the world!

Some intruders were either directly defeated by the elf guardians on the outside, or after breaking into some, they were defeated by the powerful elf in the depths, and there was no chance to come to the world at all. The depths of the original tree!

But now, it has been reached by Lin Wen!

It can be said that this made the forest goblin who discovered the forest pattern and the leaf spirit very confused, so after reacting to it, he chose to call his companions as soon as possible!Call the other pixies!

Unexpectedly, there is the existence of ghosts and heavy clothes, which directly allows Lin 380 Wen and Qianxia to sneak into the depths of the tree of the beginning of the world!After I couldn't continue to use the Ghost Shadow Heavy Clothes for a long time, I chose to show up!

Only now has it been discovered by the forest fairy!

After Lin Wen realized that the forest fairy was summoning other elves, he was shocked, looked at Ye Elf, and said directly: "Ye Elf, use the seed bomb! Directly eliminate this forest fairy! "

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf immediately started action!

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