The rich grass-type energy condensed out in an instant, and the seed bomb was formed almost instantly!

Then, vented towards the forest fairy!

Go fast!

In the blink of an eye, the seed bomb had already hit the forest fairy!

Forest goblins don't have the time to react at all!

At this time, it even whistled sharply, completely unresponsive!

In the next second, the seed bomb had already bombarded the forest fairy!

At the moment of contact, the seed bomb exploded!

Then, the strong grass-type energy burst out instantly, almost at the moment when the grass-type energy burst out, the forest fairy lost its fighting ability!

Although forest fairies are also grass-type fairies, but!The Leaf Elf is an extremely powerful elf. Even the Forest Elf has great damage reduction in the face of grass-type skills, but after the explosion of the seed bomb, there is no way to successfully resist it!

Completely defeated directly!


In the short period of time when the Leaf Elf defeated the Forest Goblin!

Around, the figures of other elves have appeared!

You must know that there are countless elves in the tree of the beginning of the world. Now, with the whistling of the forest fairy, there are suddenly an unknown number of elves attacking the forest and the leaf elves!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen directly chose to ride on Ye Elf!

Then, his command voice suddenly came out!

"Leaf elf, use the solar beam on the sagebrush!"

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf immediately started to act!

The Sun Beam is a power-charging skill, but the distance between the Leaf Elf and the Frog Flower is enough for the Leaf Elf to use the Sun Beam skill!

I saw that the charging time of just a few seconds has passed in an instant, and during this time, the wonderful frog flower has not shortened the (bjaf) distance from the leaf spirit at all!

The solar beam is charged up!

Then, suddenly vented out!

I saw that a strong beam of light flashed past, and quickly attacked towards the wonderful frog flower.

!Although as a charging skill, the solar beam needs a certain preparation time before launching, but after the charging is completed, when the solar beam is launched, the solar beam is an extremely fast attack!

The speed is so fast that it doesn't give the elves time to dodge at all!

Frog Flower is not an elf that is good at speed. Now, when facing Ye Elf's solar beam skill, she almost just reacted and turned slightly sideways, and she failed to dodge the Ye Elf's attack at all!

In this case, it was hit very easily by the solar beam!

Then, he lost his ability to fight!

The sun beam was originally a very powerful attack, but now it is blessed by the powerful special attack attribute of the super lord-level elf like Ye Elf.

Just as Lin Wen directed the Ye Elf to launch an attack on the Frog Flower, more and more elves gathered!

I don't know how many elves gathered after hearing the whistling sound of the forest fairies!

They are all elves living around the tree of the beginning of the world. They have deep feelings for the tree of the beginning of the world, and naturally, they have assumed the responsibility of guarding it!

Now, I have actually encountered a human being like Lin Wen who has broken into the depths of the tree of the beginning of the world. The moment he found it, he immediately gathered!

and!There are more and more!

Almost the elves in the entire World Tree area are gradually gathering here!

Just when Lin Wen directed the Leaf Elf to launch an attack on the Frog Flower, there were already countless elves, narrowing the distance between Lin Wen and the Leaf Elf!

Around the initial tree of the World Tree, there are not only grasses, but also elves with various attributes.

Now, the attack is suddenly launched!

Aurora beams, fantasy attacks, flamethrower...

I saw that the attacking moves of various attributes swept towards the Ye Elf!

In order to speed up, Lin Wen rode on Ye Elf's body, and now he hurriedly commanded: "Ye Elf, dodge!"

Ye Elf's figure left the place in an instant!

In the forest, this is the terrain that Ye Elf is best at. In this sense, it is not afraid of any opponent at all! .

Chapter 1156 Escape

When I saw Ye Elf's body flashing, he left the place in an instant, and the speed was very fast!

Afterwards, those skills swept in, but they had already swooped in and failed to hit Ye Elf successfully at all!

There are more and more elves gathered, which undoubtedly made Lin Wen feel withdrawing, and said directly: "Ye elf, use Ye Feng, and project it into the elf group~!"

Leaf storm!

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