An enhanced skill of the Flying Blade!

As Lin Wen's command sounded, a green light flashed across Ye Elf's body!Then, in mid-air, suddenly floating - countless leaves!

These blades are very sharp, like blade blades, and there is a faint light on them!

Then!Ye Feng swept out!

The sound of smashing the air kept ringing!

In all directions, because there were countless elves gathered after hearing the voice of the forest elves, Ye Fengfeng suddenly attacked, and in almost an instant, it caused unavoidable and powerful damage to the elves in one direction!

You must know that among these elves, there are many elite elves!

The gap between it and the lord-level Ye Elf template can be said to be very huge. Now, under the destruction of Ye Fengfeng, countless elves have fallen down in an instant, making an empty path for Lin Wen!

Afterwards, Lin Wen rode directly on Ye Elf and said, "Ye Elf, let's retreat while fighting, get out of here!"

The powerful Ye Fengfeng directly defeated the elves who were originally surrounded in front of him. Ye Elf slammed his hind legs, and his body shot out instantly, and quickly left the place!

Its body turned into a stream of light, shooting straight ahead!


You must know that because of the news of the forest fairy, the elves around the world tree have all known that an enemy has broken into the forest of the tree of the beginning of the world!

Therefore, countless elves are gathering!

Now, seeing this intruder actually wants to run away, so what?Many elves immediately launched a pursuit!

The number of elves around the World Tree can be said to be extremely large, and there is no way to finish them, and!The level of elves in the deep area is very high, and there are also some boss-level elves, which are quite powerful!

Today, Lin Wen can only choose the tactic of fighting and retreating!

Behind, countless elves are chasing the leaf elves!

Ye Elf's body dodged a few times, and after dodging many of the incoming skills, Lin Wen's command voice sounded again!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

Seed bomb!

As soon as I heard the voice of Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf suddenly started to act, and the rich grass energy gathered, and the seed bomb was condensed in an instant!

Then!The group of elves that gathered directly behind and chased, suddenly blasted away!

The seed bomb was extremely fast, and almost instantly came to the chasing elf group!


Explode suddenly!

The rich grass-type energy exploded instantly!

With a bang, the seed bomb immediately hit the elves behind, causing indelible and powerful damage!


I saw that with one blow, countless elves lost their ability to fight and were directly defeated by Lin Wen!

Seeing the brilliant result in one blow, Lin Wen did not hesitate and directly directed Ye Elf to move forward!


At this time, in the direction Ye Elf chose to fight while retreating, there were also many elves, and they stopped here!

You must know that Lin Wen is in the depths of the World Tree Forest after all, and there are enemies in all directions!

Although Ye Elf had already cleaned up a group of people blocking the road, after all, there are still elves gathering from all directions!

Casually, Lin Wen just rode Ye Elf forward for a short distance before being stopped again!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen had already made a plan to retreat while fighting, and directly directed Ye Elf to launch an attack!

"Leaf elf, rush over, use a million wooden horns and trample to defeat any elf standing in front of you!"

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Lin Wen's command voice was blatantly issued, without the slightest fear!

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf immediately started to act!

I saw Ye Elf snorted softly, and then suddenly accelerated!Towards the elves that were intercepted in front, dashed straight away.

Its speed is fast, and the entire body rushed out in an instant, and it has come to the front of these elves who are intercepting in front of it!

Facing it, it was a forest turtle!

This forest tortoise has a huge body and looks very sturdy, blocking the front of Ye Elf!

In the face of its interception, Ye Elf suddenly rushed forward without the slightest fear!

Just when Ye Elf rushed to the forest turtle not far away, Ye Elf's body suddenly jumped high!The front hooves jumped up suddenly!


Afterwards, he aggressively pressed towards the sapling ghost's body!

Forefoot trampling!

I saw that on the front hooves of the leaf elf, the light flashed, and then, it heavily bombarded the tortoise in the woods!

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