With one hit, the effect is immediate!

I saw that under the trampling skills of Ye Elf's front hooves, the tortoise's body suddenly softened, and then the body slowly collapsed to the ground!

In the face of the lord-level leaf elves, these elves are completely serving vegetables!If it weren't for the number of them being too large, Lin Wen could even directly instruct Ye Genie to eliminate them all!

With one blow, the forest turtle was directly defeated!

The stumbling block in front of Ye Elf fell down, and Ye Elf was able to rush forward very easily!


The defeat of the forest turtle did not make these elves living around the tree of the beginning of the world lose their minds to fight, but became even more angry!

The elf behind him charged at an even faster speed!

And the elf in front of him was there, so he made up his mind and stopped in front of him, not letting Lin Wen and Ye Elf pass through!

At the moment of defeating the forest turtle, the next elf has already stopped it!There is no gap in between!

This is also a lord-level elf! .

Chapter 1157 Entrance to the World Tree

This is a king flower!

I saw that after it appeared not far in front of Ye Elf, the attack started brazenly!

Cane Whip Skill!

Two sturdy vine whips shot out abruptly, arguing for the Ye Elf to attack!

Facing the attacking vine whip, in order not to slow down the speed of the leaf elf, Lin Wen did not choose to dodge at all, and said directly: "Ye elf! Use the leaf storm to chop the vine whip into pieces!"

Although the Leaf Elf is immune to grass damage, the binding effect of the vine whip is not immune.

As soon as Lin Wen's command sounded, Ye Elf immediately launched his action!

I saw that the leaf elf let out a soft cry, and the light green grass-type energy light flashed, and then, in the air, countless leaf blades appeared immediately!

On the blade blade, there is a faint light of "four-one-seven", condensing the powerful grass-type energy!

Almost in an instant, Ye Ren attacked!

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded!

Under the attack of countless leaf blades, the vine whip fired by the Overlord Flower was cut into countless pieces without even getting close to Ye Elf's body!

More than that!

You must know that Ye Elf's Ye Fengfeng skill is a very powerful skill. In this case, after directly smashing the vine whip in front of you into countless pieces, the remaining Ye Fengfeng skills condense into sharp blade blades. , attacked directly towards the Overlord Flower!

The storm is coming!

Swish swish!

Seeing this, Bawanghua hurriedly wanted to dodge, but the movement was already slow!

You must know that Bawanghua is not a Pokémon that is good at speed after all. In the face of Ye Fengfeng's rapid skills, even though it has already done evasion, it still does nothing!

Its dodge did not make any change in the result at all!

Ye Fengfeng attacked brazenly and directly slashed the body of Bawanghua!

Without any resistance, Bawanghua's eyes popped out in circles, it has lost its fighting ability!

The obstacle in front of Ye Elf was defeated again!

This time, before the elf in front was surrounded, Ye Elf finally got out of trouble!


The battle doesn't end here!

You know, with the sharp whistling of the forest fairy, almost all the elves around the tree of the beginning of the world were alarmed. Countless elves all knew about the intrusion of the forest pattern, and for this, they entered the depths of the world tree all the way. The human beings have given great hostility!

I don't know how many elves are constantly gathering!

Now, after being briefly escaped from the encirclement by Lin Wen and Ye Elves, these little elves have not given up their attack, but are still chasing after Lin Wen!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen could not help but instruct Ye Elf to choose to retreat while fighting!

Ye Elf's body is very flexible. Now in this forest, it can be said that it is the home field of Ye Elf. Under the command of Lin Wen, Lin Wen is looking for the entrance of the World Tree while attracting the firepower of the elf. Hit and go!The main action is to escape!

After all, there are simply too many elves here to finish!

Moreover, it is now in a deep area within the scope of the World Tree. The elves here are very high-level, and there are many boss-level elves. Under the siege of so many elves, even the leaf elves dare not Said he would be able to get out of the body!Therefore, Lin Wen directly chose the method of retreating while fighting!

behind!It is the pursuit and encirclement of countless elves!

And the Lin Wen riding on Ye Elf's body constantly instructs Ye Elf to dodge and counterattack. Among the elf chasing, many of them were directly defeated by Ye Elf!


This didn't stop these little elves from chasing, on the contrary, it greatly increased their anger, and the pace of the pursuit was even more violent!

The scene will stalemate for a while!

The discovered forest pattern and leaf elves almost alarmed the elves in the forest around the tree of the beginning of the world. The originally peaceful forest was completely lively. I don't know how many elves were moving towards the forest pattern and the leaves. Gather at the location where the elves are, and prepare to teach this intruder a lesson!

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