Attract all the elves in the depths here!

At the very beginning, Lin Wen relied on the flexible posture of the leaf elf, and he could fight and retreat, retreating while fighting, escaping while looking for the entrance to the World Tree!

But everything stopped when a little elf appeared!

That little elf is Regilock!

You must know that the tree of the beginning of the world has not been broken into such a deep place for a long time!

Therefore, for Lin Wen, the intruder, World Tree can be said to attach great importance to it. In addition to those ordinary elves, it has sent one of the three god pillars, the lord-level elves, Regilock, to fight them. !

After Regilock appeared, Lin Wen's tactics had to change a bit, and his initial plan to fight while fleeing had some changes!

You must know that Ye Elves could choose this tactic before because the elves around the World Tree were completely inferior to it in terms of strength!There is simply no way to limit it!

However, the appearance of Reggie Locke obviously changed this!

The strength of this Regilock is beyond expectation!

You must know that in the group elimination task of the carnival competition, Lin Wen had seen the three divine pillars of the original world tree map. However, compared to the three lord-level three divine pillars, the three divine pillars that appeared in front of him. Reggie Locke is undoubtedly stronger!

As far as Lin Wen's speculation is concerned, the strength of this Regilock is completely equivalent to the super roaring whale king encountered in the sea of ​​roaring whale kings in the Almia Islands before!

Extraordinarily powerful!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen had to change his tactics!Choose to fight head-on!

His four main elves have been summoned!

We are in a head-to-head battle with Regilock!

Flash Dragon!Shanaido, ice elf!Leaf Elf!

in!The Flash Dragon is fighting the most positive battle in Hao Regilock, and Shanaido is the main attacker!The leaf elves and ice elves, on the other hand, play the role of the jejunum, wandering in the audience!

You must know that their enemies, in addition to the newest Regilock in front of them, there are countless other elves of the tree of the beginning of the world. Although these elves are limited in strength, they are not too powerful, but a huge number Being here, it still caused a lot of trouble for Lin Wen!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the opponent's Regilock, and the command voices came out one after another!

"Leaf elf, use the moving forest! Then use the leaf storm on the surrounding elf ¨"! "

"Ice Elf, use the extreme aura!"

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon God Dive on Regilock!"

"Shanaido, use psychic power on Regilock!"

Four command voices were issued in an instant!

Afterwards, the four elves immediately began to act!

You must know that this time, he was not facing one or two elves, but a group of powerful teams led by a super-powerful lord-level elves. Under such circumstances, Lin Wen did not dare to relax in the slightest. Fighting very seriously!

Lin Wen's four elves started to move in an instant!

After Lin Wen's command sound ended, the battlefield immediately changed!

I saw Ye Elf snorted softly, and the green light flashed on his body, and then, the rich grass-type energy gathered!

You must know that when the moving forest cooperates with the other skills of the leaf elves, it has the effect of regenerating the forest!

However, it is now in the forest!

The grass-type energy here is undoubtedly very rich. In this case, the effect of moving the forest is more powerful than in the past!There is even a slight increase in the increase of leaf elves!

Moving Forest: You can freely manipulate other trees to fight, the effects of all grass-based skills are doubled, you are immune to grass-based skills, your movement speed in the forest is increased by 100%, and all attributes are increased by an additional 50%!

This skill turns the power of nature, and it is deeply rooted in the cooperation of the two skills, which is the exclusive skill of the Leaf Elf King!

Force of Nature: An advanced skill bestowed by nature, the effect of all grass-type skills is increased by 50%, and the field under your feet can be transformed into a forest environment!

Deep-rooted: One of the unique skills of the Leaf Elf King, when fighting in the forest environment, automatically restores 10% of the health value every 5 seconds!

Incomparably powerful lord level skills!

Because the footsteps are originally the forest terrain, so, without even needing to transform, the Leaf Elf has already obtained the lord-level skills and the strengthening of the moving forest!

Movement speed increased!

The power of the skill effect is increased!

All attributes enhanced!

(The money is good) The lord-level skills of the lord-level elf have their own style, and some offensive skills are amazingly powerful, which can be called devastating, but again, in comparison, some bonus skills look like It is a little weaker, but the actual effect, the effect used in battle, is completely unimaginable!

Moving Forest is undoubtedly an additive lord-level skill, but its effect is far beyond imagination!

Lord-level skills, the moving forest starts!

Then!Ye Elf immediately executed Lin Wen's next command!

Leaf storm!

Suddenly, the wind blows!

The rich grass-type energy gathered again!

Then, in mid-air, a piece of sharp blade emerged!

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