These blade blades are floating in the air, flashing bright green light, and the sharp part is flashing with cold light! .

Chapter 1160

Under the powerful blessing of the moving forest, compared to the previous Ye Feng skills, this time Ye Feng's skills are undoubtedly more powerful!

Far more powerful than imagined!

I see!Under the gathering of Ye Feng's skills, countless blade blades condensed out, and in the blink of an eye, it was already overwhelming!

The skill power effect of the moving forest can be said to be extremely terrifying!Ye Fengfeng was originally a very powerful skill, but now with the blessing of the moving forest, the power has undoubtedly become even more amazing, and the momentum has also become very terrifying!


In the blink of an eye, the sky was already covered with densely packed and sharp blades!

With the soft cry of Ye Elf, Ye Fengfeng suddenly swept in!

Swept away towards the many elves around!

You must know that the strength of the many elves around is uneven, there are boss-level templates and high-level masters, but there are also elite-level templates, and they are also slightly immature little guys!

In this case, the results are quite astonishing!

I saw that Ye Fengfeng swept in and swept away towards the elves around Zhou 190. In an instant, countless elves were attacked!

The sound of breaking the air kept ringing!

Swish swish!

A little elf who was only hit by a sharp blade, couldn't help but let out a painful howl!

Moreover, there is more direct!I saw that at the moment Ye Fengfeng attacked and touched, there was a elf. Because of the lack of strength, he was directly defeated and lost his fighting ability!

You must know that this is after all the full blow of the lord-level elf. With the blessing of the lord-level skill of the moving forest, the power of Ye Fengfeng has been raised to the limit, so the performance is quite amazing!


While Ye Elf was attacking, Lin Wen's other little elves were also not idle!

Ice Elf!

Extremely dynamic!

The moment Lin Wen gave the order, the ice elves started to act at the same time!

I saw a long whistle, and the air suddenly became cold!

Extremely dynamic!


This is an advanced skill of Frost Aura, which has become more powerful!The elf shrouded in the extremely dynamic aura will not only have a certain chance of falling into a frozen state, but also the speed will be directly weakened, and the extremely dynamic aura will continue to cause damage to the elf shrouded in the aura!

Ye Elf and Ice Elf, it can be said that they cooperated!

Under the influence of the extremely dynamic aura, I don't know how many elves' speed has been slowed down to a certain extent. Therefore, Ye Feng's blade, which could have avoided the past, also did not dodge due to the slow speed, and endured it head-on. harm!

This can be said to have caused a very powerful consumption to the surrounding elves!


With the release of Ye Feng's skills, countless leaf blades attacked these elves, or they lost their ability to fight directly, or after being injured, the first round of damage from the extremely dynamic aura exploded and unfolded suddenly!

Ice damage!

You must know that Ye Fengfeng is a grass-type skill after all, and the surrounding elves are all grass-type elves. Therefore, the damage caused by Ye Fengfeng to them has been weakened to a certain extent!


The damage of ice-based skills has no effect!

You must know that the ice elf is also a very powerful ice elf, a lord-level elf!

Amazing strength!

Without the weakening of the damage, the first damage burst of the extremely dynamic aura caused indelible and powerful damage to the surrounding elves of the original tree of the world!

In particular, many elves, relying on their decent defensive abilities and the damage reduction of grass-type skills, successfully survived Ye Fengfeng's skill attack!

However, in the next second, the damage of the extreme aura suddenly exploded!

Almost as soon as the extreme aura damage broke out, there was a elf, and he lost his fighting ability bluntly!

After all, this is the combined attack of two lord-level elf elf, and the two skills are powerful and terrifying.It is undoubtedly impossible for these low-profile elves to resist!

Therefore, after Ye Fengfeng and a round of extreme aura damage erupted, the surrounding elves fell down in unison!


Lin Wen's pressure has not weakened in the slightest!

You know, this is the depths of the tree of the beginning of the world!

Countless elf base camps!

Lin Wen's intrusion shocked all the elves in the tree of the beginning of the whole world. I don't know how many elves gathered here. I saw that many elves around were defeated by a round of attacks from leaf elves and ice elves. A lot of elves, surging up!

The number has not decreased at all!

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