This is also the reason why Lin Wen can't leave the battlefield. God knows how many elves exist within the scope of the entire tree of the beginning of the world. Even if his elves are extremely powerful, in the face of such a large number In the case of the opponent, there is still no way, there is no solution at all!

Moreover, the attacks of these elves can be said to be extremely numerous, and many skills are vented towards the elves of Linwen. If the elves of Linwen are not strong enough, fast enough, and defense thick enough, then I am afraid that it would be early. There has been a reduction in personnel injuries!

at the same time!

Just as the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf launched an attack on the surrounding elves, they were directed by Lin Wen to face the super lord-level Flash Dragon and Shanaido, and immediately launched their attack. action!

I saw that the flashing dragon suddenly roared, and the sound almost spread throughout the entire forest of the tree of the beginning of the world!


Accompanied by a dragon roar, the body of the flashing dragon jumped up suddenly, the dragon wings fanned, and rushed towards Regilock suddenly!

When commanding multiple elves to fight together, the role of the flash dragon is undoubtedly the role of the meat shield. It is a powerful fighter who is at the forefront and confronts the opposite side! .

Chapter 1161 The tyrannical three gods

As a lord-level dragon-type elf, the dragon-type elf was originally one of the thick-skinned endorsements, and each dragon-type elf often had a powerful defensive ability far exceeding other elf. ,not excluded!

What's more, as the offspring of the huge fast dragon, the strong talent inheritance has greatly enhanced the ability of the flash fast dragon!

In this case, the Flash Dragon is undoubtedly the best candidate for the meat shield. When fighting against the powerful elf, it becomes the elf who is the strongest!

Of course, this does not mean that Flash Dragon's attack ability is not strong!

As an innate quasi-god elf, the Flash Dragon's attack ability cannot be ignored either!

Its attack can be said to be equally powerful, and it will not be inferior to any lord-level elf. When it is concentrated on attacking, the effect it brings is also - destroying the sky and destroying the earth!


Compared with the incomparably powerful defensive ability of the Flash Dragon, the attack ability of the Flash Dragon is undoubtedly weaker!

Therefore, this is also the reason why the Flash Dragon became a meat shield!

certainly!The meat shield is just a vague term!

The real function of the Flash Dragon is that it can confront the opponent's powerful hostile elves head-on, and it is not afraid of any attack at all!

Its powerful defensive ability can fully support this!

Now, when facing the opposite one, Lin Wen estimated that it was completely Regilock, who was comparable to the Super Whale King in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, and the Flash Dragon, also did not have the slightest fear!

You must know that the super roaring whale king is a powerful elf that is infinitely close to the legendary elf!

And the Regilock in front of him is also not weak!As one of the guardians of the tree of the beginning of the world, it can be said to be extremely powerful!

Following Lin Wen's command voice and the flashing fast dragon's roar, its dragon wings slammed into a fan, rushing towards Regilock!

Dragon God swoops!

The huge figure of the flashing dragon that swooped over looked like a dragon god!

Lin Wen's eyes focused on the body of the flashing dragon, and a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes!

Unconsciously, the Flash Dragon has evolved from a weak mini-dragon at the beginning to the current level, and has become his powerful partner. Facing any enemy, he will not have the slightest fear, only Make the most frontal attack!

Dragon God swoops very fast!

As the dragon wings fluttered, the flashing dragon dashed straight towards Reggie Lodge!

You know, this is in the middle of the forest!

Because of the huge body of the Flash Dragon, it was diving at a low altitude at this time, and it was inevitable that it collided with the surrounding trees on both sides!

However, this does not have the slightest blocking effect on the Flash Dragon!

I saw that as the flashing dragon swooped over, the trees on both sides intercepted it and were directly hit!

Then, hit it directly!

Like a bulldozer, the Flash Dragon swooped towards Regilock!

Go fast!

Although it seems that the body is very large, the sensitivity will inevitably be affected, but as long as anyone who is familiar with the Flash Dragon is very clear, the Flash Dragon is a very sensitive Pokémon, and its speed is also very terrifying. , quite amazing!

In an instant, the flash dragon's dive had already crossed a long distance, heading straight towards Regilock!

at this time!

Reggie Lock, who has been motionless for a long time, finally moved!

Lin Wen's spirit was shaken, and he raised his mind!

I saw that in the face of the surging flashing dragons, Reggie Locke did not choose to dodge, and did not choose to leave!

Its body suddenly bent!It's like accumulating energy!

Then, the body suddenly rushed out!

The ultimate shock!

I saw that, like an arrow from the string, Regilock's body suddenly shot out!

Facing the flashing fast dragon using the Dragon God's swooping charge, Regilock did not have the slightest fear and chose to confront it head-on!

This is the tyranny of the Three Gods Pillars!

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