"Shanaido, use the fairy lock! Then, use the super storm!"

Fairy Sky Lock!

Shanaido's lord-level skills!

Fairy Sky Lock: Fairy lord-level skills, Shanaido can release a lot of fairy breath to confuse and block the enemy, the enemy within the range has a high probability of falling into a coma, sleep, confusion and other negative states and lose all skills, in the state of fairy sky lock , all the elves can not get out of the fighting state!This skill will be adjusted according to the difference in strength between the two sides. It will last for at least three seconds and at most five seconds, with a cooldown of one natural day!

Lord level skills!

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Shanaido let out a soft cry, a mysterious light flashed in his eyes, and then, the Fairy Heavenly Lock skill was launched!

A strong and large amount of fairy breath is released in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, it was all over the place!

You know, although the main purpose of releasing the fairy lock is to fight against this powerful Regilock!

but!There are also countless other elves around!

The elves of the tree of the beginning of the world!

The scope of the fairy lock is very wide, and the surrounding area is completely surrounded and shrouded in it!

It was almost the first time that they were enveloped by the fairy's breath, and the surrounding elves appeared in various negative states!

Coma, confusion, sleep and more!

Various negative states appeared in these little elves around, causing great confusion!

You know, the templates of these pixies are not high!There is the most essential gap with Shanaido. In this case, facing the lord-level skills, the fairy lock, they have no resistance at all, and they are directly attacked!

For a time, the entire elves within the range covered by the fairy sky lock fell into chaos!

Some elves lost consciousness temporarily and fell into a coma and sleep, and some elves fell into a state of confusion, and suddenly launched an attack on the elves around who were originally their teammates!

Because of Shanaido's Fairy Skylock skill, it can be said that the elves of the tree of the beginning of the world within the shrouded range fell into chaos!

at the same time!

The role played by the fairy lock also affects Regilock at the same time!

Fairy Heavenly Lock, but a skill that will definitely take effect!

I saw that under the control of the fairy lock, Regilock was also affected to a certain extent!

This is different from the Psychic skill. Psychic only puts a certain amount of pressure on Reggie Lock, but the Fairy Sky Lock skill really puts Reggie Lock under control!

The Flash Dragon keenly seized the opportunity, and took advantage of this sudden force, which directly pushed Regilock's body and staggered, and kept retreating backwards!

However, the damage caused by this blow is extremely limited!

at the same time!

Shanaido's super power storm has been brewed!

You must know that when Lin Wen issued the order just now, he directly issued two orders to Shanaido!

Use the fairy lock, and then, use the super storm skill!

Now, under the power of the fairy lock, many elves around have fallen into chaos, or fell into a coma and sleep state!

When facing the lord-level elf, the possibility of the negative state of the fairy lock is much lower, but when facing the elf whose template is lower than that of Shanaido, the negative state takes effect, almost It's a must!

In this case, Shanaido used the super power storm skill!

Super storm technology 023 can!

The mysterious skill of Shanaido's awakening!

Very powerful!

When Shanaido uses the blessing of super power runaway, the super power storm can even be completely transformed into reality, and a real big storm will come directly!

However, this time, because of the reason for the next battle, Lin Wen did not direct Shanaido to use the super power runaway, but directly used the super power storm!

Mental damage!

Invisible super power, invaded in an instant!

Even in a normal, complete state, facing Shanaido's super power storm skills, these little elves around here may not have the slightest way, not to mention now, because of the fairy's sky lock skills, they are affected by the fairy's breath. Within the shrouded range, they almost all fell into various negative states!

In this case, facing the attack of the super power storm, these little elves have no resistance at all!

The super power storm is quietly attacking!


The first round of damage suddenly erupted!

I saw that at the moment when the damage broke out, the elf lost its ability to fight! .

Chapter 1164 Destruction of Death Light

Under the blessing of the powerful special attack ability, the power can be said to be very amazing. Directly under the outbreak of the first round of damage, many elves lost their fighting ability!

More than that!

You know, the super power storm has multiple bursts of damage!

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