After the first stage of damage has exploded, the second stage of damage has already erupted!

With the outbreak of the second stage of the super power storm, around, more elves lost their ability to fight!

You must know that Shanaido is a very powerful elf in attack all the time. In this case, the power of the attack launched is undoubtedly very amazing!In the face of these ordinary elves, you can perfectly explode your own strength!

It's not just these World Tree starter elves!Reggie Locke also suffered the damage of the super power storm!

However, compared to ordinary elf, Regilock's defensive ability is undoubtedly stronger than imagined!

Even Shanaido's powerful super power storm skill did not seem to cause much damage to it. After the five consecutive damages of the super power storm skill ended, Regilock was still standing there!

The defensive ability is terrifying!


The ordinary elves around are completely incomparable to Regilock!

Under the five-stage damage of the super power storm, the initial World Tree elves that were originally surrounded by them were almost all left!


Almost at the moment when the surrounding elves lost their ability to fight, the surrounding elves who had gathered around immediately gathered up again!

You know, this is within the scope of the tree of the beginning of the world!

Because of Lin Wen's intrusion, it can be said that there are countless elves gathered here!

Now, after a group of elves were defeated by Shanaido, more elves were gathered in an instant!

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Wen couldn't escape immediately!

Because the number of elves around is really scary!

the other side!

After suffering the damage of the super power storm, Regilock finally broke free from the shackles of the fairy chain!

The moment it escaped, it suddenly launched an attack!

Seeing its face, the energy suddenly gathered!

Almost in just a few seconds, the energy has been gathered!

Then, the dazzling optical fiber shot out!

Destroy the dead light!

Reggie Locke directly used the powerful Destruction Death Light skill!

The moment Lin Wen saw the ability to destroy the death light, he reacted to the target of Regilock's attack!It's not the flashy dragon not far in front of it!

It's... Shanaido!

A powerful elf of the lord level.Regilock's intelligence is not low, and he can tell the target of the attack just now at a glance!

At the same time, because it is not far in front of him, the strength of the Flash Dragon who had just confronted him is very amazing, and he is very good at defense!

Therefore, Reggie Locke directly selected Shanaido as the target of the first round!

The destructive light of death burst out, attacking Shanaido!

The turbulent destruction light flickered with dazzling light, exuding amazing heat, and attacked Shanaido!

If the target of this blow is the Flash Dragon, then with the powerful defensive ability of the Flash Dragon, even if it will cause a certain degree of damage, it will not hurt!


Reggie Locke is obviously aware of this, so the choice is directly on Shanaido!

Although Shanaido's attack is very tyrannical, in terms of defense, it is quite worrying. If he is facing this destructive death light, he will suffer heavy losses even if he does not lose his fighting ability!

This situation was undoubtedly something Lin Wen didn't want to see!

Therefore, Lin Wen's command voice was already conveyed when he saw the light of destruction attacking Shanaido!

"Shanaido, use position replacement.¨!"

Position replacement skills!

Almost at the moment when Lin Wen's order was issued, before the words were completely finished, Shanaido had already started to act!

Just saw the light flashing by!Then, Shanaido has disappeared in place!

Just as Shanaido disappeared in place, the light of destruction suddenly struck!

However, it was empty!

The destruction light that didn't hit Shanaido went straight to the trees behind!

I only heard a swishing sound, and then, the tree that was hit by the destruction and death light suddenly appeared a pothole in the center!

The power of Regilock's destruction of the death light can be imagined!

And Shanaido has already appeared in another direction!

Shanaido, who masters the position replacement skills, undoubtedly makes up for her fragile defense ability in disguise, so that when facing the fierce attack of the enemy, she has no ability to resist!

Seeing that the destruction of the death light did not hit the target, Regilock did not hesitate at all, the sword of two hands raised a huge stone, and then attacked again in the direction where Shanaido was!

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