It made up its mind and wanted to defeat Shanaido in one bite!

Falling Rock Skills!

The ferocious stone came straight towards Shanaido!

Lin Wen's brows slightly wrinkled, and then he said directly: "." (Okay Zhao) Flash Fast Dragon, use Dragon Fury!"

Dragon Fury Skill!

At the moment when the flashing dragon gave Lin Wen's order, he already understood the meaning of Lin Wen!

I saw that the flashing dragon roared, and then, a surging shock wave suddenly attacked!

Dragon Fury Skill!

The goal is to point directly at the stone that was attacked by Shanaido!

In an instant, the fury of the dragon has suddenly bombarded the past!

The strong shock wave hit the falling rock almost instantly!

I saw that at the moment when the shock wave caused by the Dragon's Fury skill hit the falling rock, the falling rock suddenly burst open!

Torn apart!

The torn rocks splashed all over the place, but Shanaido couldn't do any damage again!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen's command voice came again! .

Chapter 1165 Qianxia Comes to Help

"Shanaido, use Psychic Shock at Regilock!"

"Flash Dragon, use the tornado! Then start a close combat with this Regilock!"

The two skills came out in an instant!

Later, on the other side, Ye Elf and Ice Elf, who had been fighting with many other elves, also heard Lin Wen's command voice!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

"Ice Elf, use Frozen Wind!"

On the one hand, it is Regilock of the super lord level!

On the other side, there are countless elves of the tree of the beginning of the world!

Lin Wen showed a very strong multi-line command skills, and a few elves cooperated!

Following Lin Wen's command voice, the little elves immediately started to act!

You must know that although Lin Wen's main attention is on Regilock, many other elves around have been attacking them all the time!

However, because of the existence of the leaf elves and ice elves, these attacks have been intercepted and did not affect Lin Wen.

Now, after hearing Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf launched a counterattack almost immediately!

370 The rich grass-type energy condenses in an instant!

A powerful seed bomb is condensed in front of you!

You know, at this time, this place is still in the role of a moving forest!

Under the blessing of this powerful lord-level skill, the power effect of the seed bomb is much stronger than usual!

The seed bomb was quickly condensed, and then, it attacked the surrounding elves!

At the same time that the leaf elf launched the attack, the ice elf was also attacking. After a light cry, the ice elf stepped on the ground with its front hooves, and then, the icy cold wind swept in in an instant!

Frozen Wind!

The temperature of the air dropped suddenly, and a gust of frost condensed, sweeping towards the surrounding elves!

at the same time!

The seed bomb is also attacking!

This is a combined attack of two unique lord-level elves!

I saw the ferocious cold wind and the seed bomb attacked at the same time, suddenly causing extremely serious damage to the entire formation of the elves!

at the same time!

At the other end, Shanaido and Flash Dragon also suddenly started to act!

I saw the flashing dragon roar, and the cold tornado slammed towards Regilock!

Then, without the slightest fear at all, the flashing dragon hurriedly charged towards Regilock!

On the other side, Shanaido's skills have also been brewed!

Mental shock!

I saw that the materialized thought power condensed and then suddenly attacked Regilock!

Go fast!

In an instant, Shanaido and Flash Dragon launched a joint attack on Regilock!

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