Facing the ferocious attack, Regilock did not change in the slightest, and looked at the tornado swept in front of him, his body dodged at a speed that did not fit his body shape, and directly avoided the tornado!

Flash Dragon's tornado skills, simply failed to hit it!

at the same time!

The figure of the ferocious attack of the flash dragon has arrived!

Lin Wen's command voice came from a distance: "Flashing fast dragon, use dragon claws!"

In the blink of an eye, the Flash Dragon had already rushed in front of Regilock!

Then, the dragon claws flashing with cold light suddenly fell!

On the other side, facing the attack of the Flash Dragon, Regilock raised his fist to meet him head-on without the slightest fear!

At this moment, Shanaido's mental shock skills have already struck!

Reggie Locke had already faced the BJFF dragon, and faced with the incoming mental shock skill, he couldn't dodge at all, and was directly hit!

This mental shock obviously caused a certain amount of damage to Reggie Locke, and its movements couldn't help but froze!

After all, Shanaido is a mage-type Pokémon that focuses on attacking. The power of each skill is very powerful and amazing. Even with Regilock's powerful defense, it will inevitably suffer a certain amount of damage!

The two huge elves were anxiously together!

The scene can be said to have fallen into a deadlock again!

The strength of this Regilock is quite strong, and it is not an easy task to defeat it. Moreover, there are countless elves around the tree of the beginning of the world who are involved in the forest pattern!It is an important factor preventing him from defeating the opponent!

However, Lin Wen was not at a disadvantage at all!

Relying on the multi-line control ability, relying on the abilities of the four lord-level elves, namely Ye Elf, Ice Elf, Shanaido, and Shining Fast Dragon, as well as their mutual cooperation, Lin Wen also successfully cooperated with so many elves and three. Regilock, one of the pillars of the gods, is comparable!

For a time, there is no way to easily decide the winner!


After Qianxia relied on Pokkis to find the direction of Lin Wen, this is what she saw!

Seeing that the current battle situation was in a stalemate, Qianxia hesitated for a while, and then shouted loudly at Lin Wen: "Heart of Yang Yan!"

Because he didn't have time to connect the communication sent to Lin Wen at this time, Qian Xia had no choice but to choose this method to contact Lin Wen!


You must know that there are countless elves gathered here at this time, and they are still fighting. The scene is very chaotic and the sound is very noisy!

Under such circumstances, Qianxia's voice had just sounded, and it was already annihilated in the countless noisy voices!

It is impossible to get in touch with Lin Wen!

After Qianxia shouted at Lin Wen again, she finally determined that it was completely useless to try to get in touch with Lin Wen through this method!

That being the case...

Qianxia's gaze turned to Lin Wen, who was surrounded by countless elves, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes!

Then!She summoned a few of her own elves, directed the elves directly, and launched an attack on the elves that blocked the tree of the beginning of the world not far in front of her!

Since there is no way to contact Lin Wen directly, Qianxia has no choice but to break in! .

Chapter 1166

It has to be said that Qianxia's combat power is also extremely powerful!

Several of her elves, who are also lord-level elves, are in no way unfavorable when facing these elves of the tree of the beginning of the world gathered around the periphery!Very powerful!

Several elves launched an attack together, escorting Qianxia to the inside, and the speed was completely unimaginable~!

Going through all the thorns and thorns, Qianxia commanded a few of her little elves, - dashing towards the inside!

After a period of time, under the escort of several lord-level elves, Qianxia finally arrived at Lin Wen's side!

Before Qian Xia came to his side, Lin Wen had already sensed Qian Xia's movement and saw this girl!

Now, she finally came to Lin Wen's side!

The battle continues!

With the arrival of Qianxia, ​​after a few powerful lord-level elves joined the battle, Lin Wen's pressure was undoubtedly much less!

at the same time!

Just after Qianxia came to Lin Wen's side, she directly said what was in her heart!

"Heart of Yang Yan, I have found the entrance to the World Tree!"

After the meeting, Qianxia shared a piece of news that surprised Lin Wen!

The entrance to the World Tree was successfully found!

This undoubtedly makes Lin Wen very happy!

You must know that the two have lurked here, and the next goal is to enter the tree of the beginning of the world. Now, the news that Qianxia brought, undoubtedly makes Lin Wen quite happy!

After talking with Lin Wen, Qian Xia spoke directly again: "Heart of Yang Yan, we should get rid of the battle as soon as possible and break into the World Tree directly!"

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