Chapter 1179 The battle in the heart of the tree

The strength of these three Three God Pillars is absolutely amazing, and it can even be said that they are rare opponents!

As the guardians of a place like the Tree of the Beginning of the World, the strength of the three elves is completely beyond the imagination of countless people!

Regis Locke, Regis, Regis Quill, are all extremely powerful elves!

The super lord-level elf that is close to the legendary elf, even in the entire elf century, can be said to be very rare, very rare!

It's too late to say, then soon!

The time it took for Lin Wen and Qianxia to release the elves was only a few seconds!

And at the moment when Lin Wen's and Qian Xia released the elves, the three pillars that surrounded Lin Wen before and after Qian Xia, Regilock, Regais, and Regis Qilu, seemed to have finally been suppressed. The patience in my heart was average, and I finally launched an attack!

I saw that the three elves attacked almost at the same time!

A ferocious attack swept towards Lin Wen and Qianxia's elf!

Very ferocious!

I saw that there was a subtle light flashing on Regilock's body, and then, the turbulent falling stone was suddenly thrown out by it!

Go straight towards the flashing dragon!It looks ferocious and amazing!

Before, when fighting outside the World Tree, Regilock and Flash Dragon were fighting face to face!

However, at that time, Regilock wanted to defeat his opponent, so he did not use the Flash Dragon for several attacks, but chose the fragile Shanaido!

At that time, Regilock was also not his own elf. In addition, it also had countless wild elves outside the tree of the beginning of the world, guarding the elves to help fight, but!

Facing lord-level opponents, although the template level of the elves around the tree of the beginning of the world is not low, they can easily contain the elves of the forest pattern, but it still takes a lot of effort to defeat them!

In that case, Reggie Locke chose to attack Shanaido first, wanting to find an opportunity!

But now!

It is also the battle between Regilock and Linwen!

This time, the target chosen by Reggie Locke became the Flash Dragon!

Because, Reggie Locke's teammates have changed!It is no longer the endless wild elves outside the tree that I wrote the beginning of the world, but two other three-pillar elves!

Regais!Regis Quirrell!

Compared to the elves outside the tree of the beginning of the world, these two lord-level elves, who are close to legendary elves, are simply terrifyingly powerful!

Therefore, Reggie Locke is completely free to choose the attack target, because he believes in the strength of his two teammates!

The ferocious falling rock smashed straight towards the flashing dragon!

In the face of the opponent's attack, Lin Wen said directly: "Flash fast dragon, use the dragon's tail to smash the falling rocks ¨〃!"

Accompanied by Lin Wen's command voice, the flashing fast dragon roared, and then immediately launched an attack!

I saw its huge body suddenly swayed, and then, the dragon tail swept in!

At this moment, the falling stone smashed down towards the Flash Dragon!

Facing the falling rock, the flashing dragon flicked its tail and slammed on the falling rock!

More than that!

I saw a bang!

Afterwards, the ferocious falling rock was hit by the dragon's tail of the flashing dragon, and it shattered into countless pieces!

An extremely ferocious blow!

I saw that under this blow, the falling stone was directly torn apart!

the other side!

At the same time that Reggie Locke launched the attack, the other two super lord-level elves and the other two three-sacred pillar elves also launched their attacks one after another!

I saw Regais's face flickering, and then, a strange optical fiber shot straight out!Exudes an amazing chill!

Freeze light!

Frozen rays of light hit the Leaf Elf directly!

The moment he saw the freezing light, Lin Wen reacted and hurriedly said: "Ye Elf, dodge quickly!"

As the only elf, Ye Elf has a powerful template of the lord level. The ability to fight on his own has been proved as early as in the Tower of Refinement. In this case, facing the incoming freezing light, Even without Lin Wen's command, it has already prepared the response to dodge!

You must know that Ye Elf's speed is extremely terrifying!

I saw that the freezing light shot by Regais was very fast, but at the moment when it was about to hit the leaf elf, the leaf elf's body suddenly dodged to one side!

That sensitive body turned into a green streamer and disappeared in place in an instant!

Then, the freezing light hit!But it was empty!

Regais's freezing light, when facing the sensitive figure of the Leaf Elf, did not successfully hit it, but hit the air!

In the face of the freezing light, Ye Elf can be said to be quick to react, quick to dodge, and to dodge in an instant!

Then, the freezing pipeline hit the ground where the Leaf Elf was!

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