On the ground, a smooth ice surface suddenly condensed, and it looked very thick, and there was no way to easily destroy it!

This is exactly the strength of Regais, the guardian of the tree of the beginning of the world, one of the three pillars of the gods!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the piece of ice for a short time, and his heart was slightly cold!

This is quite a terrifying power!

(Okay, okay) It's hard to imagine what would happen if this freezing light hit your elf. After all, the power of this damage is simply too terrifying!In this case, my elf would definitely be severely injured!

However, Ye Elf's posture is sensitive, and it is very easy to avoid the attack of the freezing light!

at the same time!

Regis Quirrell is also in action!

Regis Qilu steel elf, not only the defensive power is amazing, but also the offensive strength is also very amazing!

I saw that on its chest, there were light spots condensing!

That is an extremely powerful energy condensation, ready to attack!

Cannon Cannon!

In less than two seconds, the cannon light cannon has already been condensed!

Then, suddenly vented out! .

Chapter 1180

You must know that this is not a battle with a trainer. You can decide your next move through the command of the other party. The battle of the wild elves, although there is no command of the trainer, is not so methodical!However, it is precisely because of this that it shows its invaluable value!

Suddenly, directly!

In the face of the cannon's charging power, no one knows which elf Regis Chill is targeting!

In the blink of an eye, the cannon has been fully charged!

Then, during the burst of energy, a ferocious and dazzling light cannon was fired in an instant!

The moment the cannon fired, Lin Wen knew the opponent's target!

The target of this Regis Qilu is the most vulnerable one among the forestweave elves!


The thought of this Regis Qilu can be said to be extremely clear. He directly selected the most vulnerable one of the main elves released by Lin Wen, and prepared to launch a thunderous attack to cause damage to it!

The ferocious light cannon exudes unimaginable formidable power, sweeping towards Shanaido!

Under this circumstance, Lin Wen's 040 response was also very fast. When he realized that the opponent's target was exactly Shanaido's strength, the command voice was issued immediately!

"Shanaido, use the super shield!"

Super shield!

A powerful defensive skill that only the gifted super-type elf can comprehend!

I saw that in the face of the attacking Cannon Light Cannon skill, Shanaido did not panic. After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, a mysterious deep purple light flashed in his eyes!

Afterwards, a layer of super-power shields rippling with layers of waves has surrounded Shanaido's body, defending its body!


Regis Quirrell's cannon light cannon suddenly attacked!

The dazzling light makes people almost dare not open their eyes!

next second!

The cannon light cannon suddenly bombarded the super shield!

The powerful energy burst out in an instant, causing shocks to the super shield again and again!

I saw that under the impact of the cannon, the (bjfh) super shield, there were layers of violent ripples. Obviously, under the impact of the cannon, the defense of the super shield was severely affected. challenge!

You know, the opponent is not an ordinary elf!

If you change a boss-level template, or even a pixie with a lower-level template to attack, it will not even have any effect on the super shield!

However, now, Shanaido's opponent, who attacked it, was a lord-level elf!

Moreover, it is the most top-notch existence among the lord-level elves, the three pillars that guard the tree of the beginning of the world, and are infinitely close to the powerful elves of the legendary elves!

Therefore, the power of the cannon is far beyond imagination!

Although Lin Wen had already checked the basic attributes of the three lord-level elves and the three divine pillars due to the existence of the Wisdom Eye skill, when he saw Regis Qilu's cannon light cannon attack, Lin Wen had Still can't help frowning!

He found that these three Three God Pillars seemed to be more difficult to deal with than imagined!

You must know that, as the owner of Shanaido, if anyone other than Shanaido knows more about Shanaido's strength, then it's Lin Wen!

Under the blessing of super powerful special attack, the defensive ability of super shield can be described as extremely powerful!

You know, before, when Lin Wen, Qianxia and other elves broke into the World Tree all the way, it was Shanaido's super shield that played a role. Wen and Qianxia and the other elves did not suffer any damage!

And those guardian elves who live in the forest outside the tree of the beginning of the world have launched an attack on the super shield, but there is still no way!

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