I see!Regis Quirrell's huge body shot straight at the ice elf!

This is the role of the ice chain, pulling the enemy over!

Although Regis Qilu is not small and heavy, it has not exceeded the ice elf's special attack attribute x2 times limit!

At the moment when the glacial chains pulled Regis Qilu over, the next skill of the ice elf was already brewing!

Extreme Freezing!

Extreme Freeze: Releases a large amount of ice aura, instantly blocking the enemy. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength of the two sides!

I see!

When the glacial chains pulled Regis Kiru to a normal distance, the ice elf's extreme freezing technique was released brazenly!

The strong 590 ice breath rushed out almost instantly, and the cold breath enveloped the audience in an instant!


Regis Qilu, who was suddenly pulled by the ice chain, was frozen in place by the freezing technique almost instantly!

The glacier chain will disappear automatically!

Just this moment!The ice elf moves!

You must know that the ground is now entirely an ice crystal surface, which may cause extremely serious impacts to many elves, but for the ice elves, the darling of the ice system, above this ice surface, it is completely like a duck to water!

You must know that because the ice elf came over before, the distance from the fast flashing dragon was very close. Now, under the speed of the explosion, almost instantly, it has come to the side of the fast flashing dragon!

Afterwards, the body of the ice elf radiated blue light, and almost instantly, the ice surface that had firmly controlled the Twinkle Dragon's feet melted quietly, and the Twinkle Dragon regained its freedom!

If you rely on the strength of the Flash Dragon, in fact, it can break through the blockade of the frozen world, but it will inevitably cause damage to it, and with Regis Qilu's relentless pursuit, the Flash Dragon will not be empty at all. When the time was out, Lin Wen chose to let the ice elf help it out of trouble! .

Chapter 1184 Arrogant Power

Now, the ice elf that rushed to the side of the flashing dragon has helped the flashing dragon out of trouble in an instant!

at this time!

At the other end, not far away, because the effect of the extreme freezing technique is controlled in place by Regis Qilu, the frost on his body is gradually disappearing, and the effect of the extreme freezing technique is disappearing!

Very fast!

You must know that the strength of Regis Qilu is definitely stronger than that of the ice elves, so the time limit caused by the extreme freezing technique is also very rare!

at this time!

Lin Wen's command voice came suddenly!

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon Diving on Regis Qilu!"

The flashing dragon that just got out of trouble didn't hesitate at all. With a show of wings, it took off suddenly!

Dragon God swoops!

You know, the distance between it and Regis Qilu is not too far away!

In this case, the flash dragon swooping past, fast!In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Regis Qilu!

at this time!

The freezing effect of Ice Elf's Frozen Technique has just disappeared!

Regis Qilu had just regained his freedom when he saw the ferocious flash dragon!

Because the distance was too close, he didn't have any resistance at all, and Regis Qilu was directly attacked by the flashing dragon that used the Dragon God's dive!

A huge force erupted, and even Regis Qilu was directly overwhelmed on the ground!


another side!

The Ice Elf went to help the Flash Dragon to deal with Regis Kiru. On this side, Ye Elf and Shanedo, and the battle with Regis Locke were also in full swing!

I saw that with the sound of Lin Wen's command, two thick vine whips suddenly appeared behind Ye Elf's body!

The speed of the vine whip is fast!

Although Regilock is a very powerful elf, it also has its own shortcomings, that is, Regilock, as a rock-type elf, is obviously not strong in terms of speed!

Under this premise, in the face of the sweeping vine whip skills and the fast release speed of the skills, even though Regilock had already evaded, his arms were directly tied by the flexible vine whip!

In an instant, Regilock was under control!

at the same time!

Shanaido's attack followed closely behind!

Mental shock!

A strong mental shock skill was sent out in an instant!

I saw that the substantive power of thought swept away towards Regilock!

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Regilock, and bombarded the body of Regilock who was trying to break free from the shackles of the vine whip!

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