
Facing the mental shock of Shanaido, Regilock seemed to be unharmed, still struggling to break free from the shackles of the vine whip!

This scene made Lin Wen's eyes sank involuntarily!

You must know that Shanaido's attack strength is extremely powerful. Even among the elves in Lin Wen's hands, it can definitely be considered to be among the best!

But now, Shanaido's attack seems to have lost its effect when facing Regilock, one of the three pillars of the gods!The opponent completely ignored Shanaido's attack!Shanaido's attack does not cause much damage to the opponent!

The defensive ability of this Regilock is really amazing!

At this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

I saw that after struggling for a few times, Regilock, who had not been able to break free from the shackles of the vine whip, seemed to have finally burst into anger, and let out a low roar!Then, on the body, try hard!

A powerful force erupted in an instant!

I see!As Reggie Lock struggled to earn, an amazing scene appeared!

I saw that the vine whip, which was originally tightly bound to Rejilock, was broken directly with the vigorous explosion of Rejilock!

The incomparably tough vine whip skill was actually broken by a little elf with brute force!

This was something Lin Wen had never thought of!

You must know that Ye Elf's vine whip skills are very tough under the blessing of powerful special attacks!

Not to mention, the current Leaf Elf is in the state of the moving forest using lord-level skills!In this state, the various skills of the Leaf Elf have been greatly strengthened!

The same is true for the vine whip skill!

Therefore, the vine whip skill at this time can be said to be tougher and more difficult to destroy than the previous one!


It was such a powerful and tenacious vine whip skill, but it was directly torn off by Regilock!

As soon as the vine whip skill was torn off, Regilock's attack was launched again!

Electromagnetic gun!

I saw that the electromagnetic gun flashing arcs swept towards Shanaido!

Now that Regilock was stopped by Ye Elf and Shanai Duo, he did not have the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to change opponents. Facing the attack of Ye Elf and Shanai Duo, he chose to counterattack directly and neatly!

A surging current like a cannon attacked Shanaido!

You must know that at this time, there is no super shield on Shanaido's body!

In the very beginning, Regis Quill's Cannon Light Cannon skill had already consumed a lot of Shanaido's Super Shield skill. Later, Regais' Lord-level skill, Frozen World, was even more thorough. After finishing everything (of Nuo's), let the super shield on Shanaido's body disappear directly!

Today, in the face of the incoming electromagnetic gun skills, Shanaido does not have any blocking ability!

The speed of the electromagnetic gun is very fast, and with its attack speed, it is not something that Shanaido, who is not good at speed, can dodge!

The attack ability of the Three Gods Pillars has been confirmed to a certain extent. Lin Wen did not dare to let his Shanai Duo face the opponent's attack. When he saw the incoming electromagnetic gun, he did not hesitate. Lin Wen's command voice It's already been released!

"."Shanaido, use the position to replace 々"!"

Location replacement!

I saw that with the sound of Lin Wen's command, Shanaido's body flashed and disappeared in place in an instant!

Instead, what appeared on the spot was a small rock that was not too big! .

Chapter 1185 Complete Disadvantage

Then, the electromagnetic artillery attacked!

Facing the incoming electromagnetic gun, the small stone was directly bombarded into powder!


Seeing that his attack did not hit Shanaido, Regilock seemed to be angry, and suddenly charged in the direction of Ye Elf!

Lin Wen's eyes froze, and then he said, "Ye Elf, use a seed bomb on Regilock!"

Seed bomb!

The rich grass-type energy condensed in an instant. You must know that this is the inside of the World Tree. In the tree heart passage, there is a strong grass-type energy here. As the leaf elves attacked, they suddenly gathered!

at the same time!

Seed bombs are formed at a very fast speed!

Facing the dashing Regilock, the seed bomb suddenly bombarded!

The green streamer is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the seed bomb has come to Reggie Locke and suddenly bombarded it!

Facing the incoming seed bomb, Reggie Locke did not dodge, but, at the same time, it was not that he did not make any preparations!

I saw a flash of light on Regilock's body!

730 Its defensive ability has suddenly been greatly improved!

In the next second, the seed bomb bombarded and hit Reggie Locke frontally!


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