In a split second, Lin Wen thought of more aspects!

Qianxia has been standing by Lin Wen's side, and at this time, her eyes are also very shocked to look at Shanaido who is in a state of promotion!

Lin Wen had used the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world before, and had a certain understanding of this treasure, but Qianxia had never seen it before.

Therefore, Shanaido's crazy improvement can be said to have shocked Qianxia!

However, the shock returned to shock, Qianxia was still very happy for Lin Wen, that Shanai Duo could get such a big improvement!



The light on Shanaido's body subsided a little.

After reading the four skills that Shanai Duo had recently learned, Lin Wen turned to Shanai Duo!

In his eyes, there is obvious joy flashing!

You must know that Shanaido's former combat power is obvious to all. In the carnival competition, the first battle took the limelight, and the super power storm that destroyed the sky and the earth left a deep impression on countless players!

No one has ever questioned Shanaido's combat effectiveness!No one ever dared to question!

And now!

Shanaido's already powerful strength has continued to change again, with a leap forward, so, this time, what kind of miracle can it bring?

Lin Wen's eyes focused on Shanaido, whose light gradually subsided.

I thought that this upgrade was over, Lin Wen was already satisfied, Shanaido's attributes increased greatly, his level increased sharply, and he realized several very powerful skills, and the skills he had already mastered were more or less. promote!

It can be said that the absorption of the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world this time can be said to be very successful!It's very perfect, and Lin Wen's heart is also very satisfied!


Just at this time!

In Lin Wen's ear, the system's prompt sounded again! .

Chapter 1192 The Revival of the Fairy Queen

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yan Xin, your Pokémon Shanaido, because it has absorbed the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world, it has reached the requirements of fetter evolution! Triggered the task: the recovery of the fairy queen!"

After a system prompt, Lin Wen was stunned for a moment and stayed where he was. Some of them didn't understand the situation!

Bond evolution?

Bond evolution?

Bonds evolve!

It turned out to be a bond evolution!

Lin Wen's eyes suddenly widened, and he repeated the words in disbelief!

Bonds evolve!

Lin Wen's heart was full of shock!

You know, the evolution of fetters is a problem for Pokémon trainers!It is also the realm that countless trainers pursue!

You must know that the "one-five-zero" symbolized by the evolution of fetters is not just a simple evolution. It is also very important to the test of the strength, friendship, and luck of the elves and trainers!


It is precisely because of this premise that there are very few elves and trainers who can meet the requirements of fetter evolution!

to be honest!Even if a champion has many elves, it is difficult to have a fettered elves!

Rarely seen in a hundred years!

Lin Wen's heart shook and let go, and he recalled all kinds of things in his heart.

Since obtaining Shanaido, everything Lin Wen has done for Shanaido can be said to be obvious to all!

After experiencing the cultivation of so many treasures and various battles, he swallowed the essence of the original tree of the World Tree, such a top-level treasure, then breaks the boundaries again, and even triggers the evolution of fetters , it is not impossible!

After all, this time, it can be said that the improvement of Shanaido by the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world is far beyond imagination!Ordinary people can't even think of it!

In this case, the triggering of the bond task can be said to be outside the medical treatment, but it is still being cleaned up!

After calming down his shock, Lin Wen immediately checked Shanaido's bond evolution quest!

Now that the bond evolution has appeared!Then, Lin Wen naturally wouldn't let it fail!

Quest: Revival of the Fairy Queen

Requirement: Activate Xanadu's bloodline

Difficulty: S level

Task content: Shanaido's strength has reached the bottleneck of the lord level. If you want to break through this limit, you can only awaken the blood in his body to become stronger. Please look for the legendary Forest of Fairies, where there may be the clues you want.

Reward: Unlock Bond Evolution!

Revival of the Fairy Queen!

Lin Wen's eyes quickly swept the task content!

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