It can be said that the content of the task is very simple and clear, but it is enough to shock everyone's attention!

This is also an important challenge that Lin Wen is about to face!

Evolve again!Bonds evolve!

After Lin Wen's eyes swept over the task, he quickly had an idea in his heart!

This mission seems to be even more difficult compared to the lord-level advanced mission!

Because, the fairy forest mentioned in the quest seems to have only appeared in fairy tales!

Even many people in the league are almost unheard of, never heard of it at all!

You must know that the requirements of the mission are very simple. The first step is to find the legendary Forest of Fairies!

If the Fairy Forest cannot be found, then, without a doubt, Shanaido's mission will be stuck here, and there is no way out!

For a while, Lin Wen's brows furrowed, and he couldn't help falling into deep thought!

When it comes to the rare bond mission, Lin Wen can't help but be careless, he doesn't want to try to be depressed after the mission fails!

It must be done, it must be done!

but!After all, Lin Wen didn't have any relevant information yet, so he had to put this task aside for the time being and not consider it for the time being.

The difficulty of this kind of task can be described as very difficult. After all, it involves the existence of fetters and evolution. For the elf, it is a very precious existence, and the difficulty of the task is also conceivable.

The exact location of the Forest of Fairies is almost unknown, which is undoubtedly one of the biggest difficulties in this mission. Without any source of information, Lin Wen has no way to carry out this mission!

After all, the initial requirement of the mission is to find the Forest of Fairies. However, the Forest of Fairies seems to have only appeared in fairy tales, and even the people in the alliance don’t know about it. In this case, Lin Wen had to put down the mission and temporarily. not considered...  

His eyes turned to Dream, but he thought of another task in his heart!

That was a task received from the Queen in Oludlang City!

There is a quest about the power of the waveguide!

Quest: The Lost Waveguide.

Introduction: Queen Irene is very lost because of the loss of the inheritance of the power of the waveguide. Just when you need your help, please donate your strength, and you will definitely get extraordinary rewards!

Requirements: Now raise Lucario's level to lv20, and then go to find the mystery of the waveguide. It is said that the world tree is the source of the waveguide of all things. You can go there to find the truth!

Difficulty: extremely difficult

Time: within three months

Punishment: none

This, that's exactly what the Waveguide Force quest is all about!

After winning the Pokémon Contest in Orudelang City, Lin Wen was accepted by the Queen and received this quest!

Lucari was 2.8 euros, and it was from then on that he joined the elves of Linwen and became a member of the elves of Linwen!

After the elf battle in Orudelang City, Lin Wen and Qianxia chose to go to the World Tree to explore!

However, the strength of the two at that time was somewhat insufficient, and they had stopped at the periphery of the World Tree, far from being as deep as this time. At that time, I wanted to enter the World Tree to understand and search for information about the power of the waveguide. Naturally It's impossible to talk about!this task

but now!

Lin Wen's eyes focused on the dream!

You know, where he and Qianxia are now, it can even be called the core part of the entire World Tree!

Moreover, in front of them, there is a dream born of this living in the world tree! .

Chapter 1193 The Power of the Waveguide Reappears

Inside the entire World Tree, in the heart of the tree, only this dreamy elf lives here!

In this case, this task, inquiring about the dream, is undoubtedly the best choice!

In the case of the bond mission, Shanaido's mission could not be carried out for the time being, Lin Wen thought of this mission for the first time!

After thinking of this task, Lin Wen did not hesitate.He opened his mouth and asked the dream directly.

"Dream." Lin Wen's eyes turned to the legendary elf Dream: "Do you know the news about the inheritance of the power of the waveguide?"

The queen of Orudelang City was very concerned about the power of the waveguide. Even if the mission failed due to the time limit, the queen had already said that as long as there was information, she could be contacted at any time!

After hearing Lin Wen's questioning voice, there was a hint of doubt in Dream's big eyes, as if he was thinking about the meaning of Lin Wen's words. After thinking quietly for a while, Dream took out a memory crystal!Hand it to Lin Wen! 18

Memory Crystal: A rechargeable item that contains a special time memory!

Lin Wen's eyes lit up immediately!

He just thought that this kind of place was the place where he had the best chance to get relevant news, so Lin Wen immediately started asking questions!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen immediately started an inquiry!

What I didn't expect was that the dream actually paid off!

Dream really understood the information related to this thought, and took out the memory crystal!

The moment he saw the memory crystal, Lin Wen already understood that this memory crystal contained something!

He knew that here, in the memory crystal, must be what the Queen has been looking for!

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