Lin Wen was not in a hurry to watch, but stayed first, preparing to watch at the same time as the Queen after returning to Oludelang City!


After taking the memory crystal from Dream, inside the tree of the beginning of the world, Lin Wen and Qianxia have absolutely no reason to stay!

This time the harvest can be said to be very huge!

Not only in the Shuxin Lake inside the World Tree, drinking the water of the Shuxin Lake has improved the strength of all the elves to a certain extent, but also when exploring the interior of the World Tree, I finally found a legendary encounter. Fairy dream!

Qianxia's mission was completed, and Lin Wen's wish was also fulfilled!

Moreover, as Lin Wen guessed at the beginning, being able to see the legendary elf almost means an adventure!

Of course, this adventure refers to encountering a kind and lawful legendary elf. If you encounter other legendary elf, then wait for a problem!

but!Lin Wen was lucky after all!

After encountering the legendary elf Mewtwo, Shanaido even obtained the essential sap of the tree of the beginning of the world presented by Mewtwo. Suddenly, the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it has triggered the clues of the bond mission!Let Shanaido have the possibility of bond evolution!

Although now, because no one knows the exact location of the Forest of Fairies, it is undoubtedly very difficult to complete this task, but it is already very difficult to reach the evolution of fetters, and Lin Wen is also very difficult. satisfied!

And, more than that!

Here, after encountering the dream, I completed the task entrusted by the queen in Orudelang City!

A task involving the inheritance of the power of the waveguide!

Although Lin Wen hasn't checked the memory crystal that Dream gave him, he is very clear that there must be information about the power of the waveguide!

Regarding the situation in the World Tree, I am afraid that no one person, an elf, understands more than Dream. All questions, asking Dream is undoubtedly the most correct choice!

Facts have proved that there are also sufficient harvests!

If you go back to find the queen with this memory crystal, it is estimated that it will definitely attract the attention of the Queen of Orudelang City!

Lin Wen and Qian Xia looked at each other, and both saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes!

This trip to the tree of the beginning of the world can be described as a great success!

Although it was not very satisfactory when I first entered, being besieged by countless elves around the tree of the beginning of the world, and being chased by the Three Gods Pillars, it was a bit embarrassing at the time, but all the results were indeed perfect!Lin Wen and Qianxia both got what they wanted!

After taking the memory crystal from Dream, Lin Wen's mind flashed all kinds of information, and his eyes turned to Dream.

Lin Wen really likes this legendary Pokémon that symbolizes childlikeness and kindness!

After all, the other party helped him a lot!

He can clearly see the loneliness in the eyes of the dream. After all, the dream lives in the deepest place in the heart of the world tree, and can't leave it too far, but other elves, due to many restrictions, have no way to come. 680 here.

This is also the reason why after Lin Wen released his elf, the dream quickly merged into it, and he had a lot of fun playing with them!

Dreamy, but quite lonely, this point cannot be ignored!

However, with his arrival, it was finally a pleasure for Dream to have a playmate with him.

But now, it's time to say goodbye to fantasy.

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Dream, and he said, "Dream, we should leave here too."

The dreamy eyes condensed on the bodies of Lin Wen and Qian Xia, and there was reluctance in their eyes, obviously not wanting the two to leave easily.

However, as a legendary elf, the level of intelligence of dreams is quite high. Of course, I know that Lin Wen and Qian Xia will definitely not be able to stay here forever. The grief has quietly dissipated.

It flew a few times around Lin Wen and Qian Xia, but it could not speak, but it could use its movements to show that it was still a little nostalgic, and then, its dreamy long tail swayed gently.

Along with the tail movement, I saw a little bit of light coming from the tail, and it quickly enveloped Lin Wen and Qianxia. .

Chapter 1194 Meeting the Queen

The light contained them.

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, this is exactly what the teleportation looks like in the game world!

You know, when he was in the carnival competition, this kind of teleportation was going on every day!It's being teleported every day!

The light became stronger and stronger, gradually covering Lin Wen and Qianxia's eyes.

The last glance of the line of sight is to stay in the air in front of him, and look at his dream figure!


Lin Wen and Qianxia disappeared in place!

In just two seconds, Lin Wen and Qianxia appeared again!

At the moment of appearance, because they didn't know the reason for the destination, Lin Wen and Qianxia immediately looked at the surrounding environment. After a brief period of surprise, the two of them identified where they were now!

"This is the outer area of ​​the tree of the beginning of the world?"

Lin Wen and Qianxia said in unison!

They were actually teleported directly to the outermost part of the tree of the beginning of the world, and they could leave this area with a gentle step!

It can be said that it is very close to the outside world!

Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief!

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