Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and then his heart was shocked!

Career Advancement!

You know, his profession is the head of the elves!

He can grow step by step to the point where he wants to be now, and the ability brought by the profession of the elf leader is indispensable!

If the head of the elf still has the possibility of this advancement, then, for his strength, it will undoubtedly be a disguised improvement!

After the shock, Lin Wen was very excited, overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: "Lugia, I don't know how my profession needs to be advanced? What kind of price do I need?"

Hearing Lin Wen's questioning voice, Lugia's voice sounded in Lin Wen's heart.

"The profession of the head of the elf is a very special profession! It is a special profession that requires the approval of the legendary elf!"

"And precisely because of this, if you want to improve the ability of this profession, if you are an advanced profession, you can only get the recognition of more legendary elves! Can the profession be promoted again!".

Chapter 1201 Advancement of the elf master

As Lugia's voice fell, Lin Wen's ear sounded a system prompt!

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, you have triggered the quest, the elf master advanced!"

Triggered the career advancement quest!

Lin Wen was shocked, and immediately checked the task.

Quest: Advancement of the elf master

Difficulty: S level

Requirements: Obtain the approval of the second legendary elf except Lugia, and obtain the relevant token.

Reward: Career Level Up!

Now the main occupation: the head of the elf (-primary)

Career Advancement Quest!

This is undoubtedly an unexpected joy for Lin Wen!

Unexpectedly, when I came to meet Lugia in the waters of the Orange Islands this time, I could get the task of career improvement. This is undoubtedly a disguised improvement for Lin Wen's strength!

Moreover, after watching the requirements of the mission, Lin Wen was even more overjoyed!

After successfully receiving the task of career promotion, Lin Wen was quite excited. Then, he directly asked himself the most important thing about coming to find Lugia!

"Lugia, do you know the news about the Fairy Forest?"

Lin Wen directly asked the question that was bothering him.

Hearing Lin Wen's question, Lugia was silent for a while, and then a voice sounded in Lin Wen's heart: "Heart of Yang Yan, do you want to know about the Forest of Fairies?"

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded again and again, looking forward to getting some of the news he wanted from Lugia.

Then, Lugia's voice sounded again.

"You may be disappointed with the Heart of Yang Yan. Although I have heard about the Fairy Forest, I don't know if I have heard about it. I have always lived in the sea. Things don't quite understand!"


Lin Wen heard the words, but he was not too disappointed, he just nodded slightly.

Afterwards, after talking with Lugia for a few more words, Lin Wen left here without stopping too much!

Then, without hesitation, he went directly to the city, ready to go to the Carlos area!

After getting no relevant information from Lugia, Lin Wen went directly to the Carlos area to find Xerneas!

After arriving in the city, Lin Wen came directly to the airport, and then took the transportation to the Carlos area!

After all, the distance between the Guandu area and the Carlos area is not close, in this case, Lin Wen did not choose to ride the flash dragon to come here.Instead, they chose to take transportation.

Soon, I rode to the Carlos area by means of transportation.

After a few hours, Lin Wen came to the Carlos area again.

The Carlos area is undoubtedly one of the areas where there are many intersections with Lin Wen!

When I first came here, it was to help Shanaido be promoted to a lord-level elf!

And this time, I also wanted to improve Shanaido's strength and came here!

You must know that what happened last time in the Carlos area was a big deal. It involved the top level of the Carlos area alliance, and at the same time, it also involved two legendary elves!

Xerneas and Yveltal!

And this time, Lin Wen came to the Carlos area again, precisely to find Xerneas! !

The last time I came to the Carlos area was during the carnival competition. I came to the Carlos area and found the regional champion Miss Caruna to ask about the drift bottle!

But this time, Lin Wen did not disturb Ka Lunai!

After coming to the Carlos area, Lin Wen directly chose to enter the forest, and released his elf, ready to start searching for the traces of Xerneas!

If it is said, when I asked Sopa, the old man of the alliance, and the legendary elf in the Guandu area, Lugia, the god of the sea, Lin Wen was not [-]% sure, and could not confirm whether the other party knew As for the news of the Fairy Forest, Lin Wen is undoubtedly very confident that he came to find Xerneas this time!

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