It can be said that it is quite large!He is almost certain that Xerneas must know the information about the Fairy Forest!

After all, Xerneas is a legendary elf who is the representative of fairies, and he will definitely know the information about the Fairy Forest!

Of course, for other people, even if they receive such a quest, it would be very difficult to find Xerneas for inquiries. After all, the legendary elf is very hidden and will not take the initiative. Come out and meet humans!

However, for Lin Wen, this can be said to be a small effort!

0  …  

You know, to be honest, Lin Wen can be said to have truly saved Xerneas!

At that time, when Xerneas was under seal and almost ran out of ammunition and food, it was Lin Wen who released Xerneas and rescued him!

And, help this Xerneas to repel Yveltal!

The relationship between Lin Wen and Xerneas is very close!

Under such circumstances, it was a very difficult and almost impossible task for others, but for Lin Wen, it was very simple!

After all, when he was in the Carlos area, Lin Wen had been planning for a long time and had gone through so many hardships. Now, it is time to take back the reward!

After coming to the forest in the Carlos area, Lin Wen rode the leaf elf and took Shanai Duo together and began to search!

Leaf Elf exists as a mount, while Shanaido is released by Lin Wen as a Perception Elf!

You must know that as a lord-level elf, Shanaido is very powerful. When he was inside the World Tree before, he has been greatly improved, and his already powerful sensing ability has been greatly improved. The enhancement, and also comprehend the new perceptual skills!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen chose to use Shanaido to fight to find Xerneas, which was a very safe move! .

Chapter 1202 Hidden Xerneas

And, there is one more important point!

Shanaido was promoted to a lord-level elf, but with the help of Xerneas!

In this case, Shanaido's sense of Xerneas is very sensitive, which is one of the reasons why Lin Wen chose to release Shanaido to find Xerneas!

Riding a leaf elf to sense in the forest, Shanaido released super-sensing from time to time, sensing the surrounding environment, and wanted to find Xerneas!

At the same time, Lin Wen was not idle either!

You must know that he has just learned the skill, the power of the waveguide, through the video data of the memory crystal in the city of Orudelang!

No doubt, this is also an exploratory skill!

Just after entering the forest, facing the complex surrounding environment, Lin Wen decisively activated the power of the waveguide!

This is the first time Lin Wen has used the power of the waveguide!

Waveguide Power: Perception energy hidden in the human body. After use, it can sense organs, traps, and elves within a [-]-meter range. Each use consumes [-] points of stamina.

Just after using the power of the wave guide, in Lin Wen's mind, the power of the wave guide spread out in an instant, and then, the surrounding environment and the situation within [-] meters were all reflected in Lin Wen's mind!

For a while, in the surrounding thirty meters, in front of Lin Wen, there was no longer any hidden place!

This feeling of mastering everything makes Lin Wen secretly amazed!

The power of the waveguide is a very powerful ability. Generally, only the warriors of the waveguide can master it. It is a surprise that Lin Wen can master the power of the waveguide!

However, the most important thing at present is to find Xerneas. After Lin Wen mastered the power of the waveguide and became familiar with the feeling of releasing the power of the waveguide, he did not continue to try.

The serious search started straight away!

Not only Ye Elf and Minas, but also other elves were released by Lin Wen!

In order to find the figure of Xerneas!

You know, Lucario also has the ability to perceive!

Of course, except for Shanaido and Lucario, the other elves do not have perception skills, but the perception ability of elves can be said to be extremely powerful. In this case, looking for Xerneas , and of course need their help!

For a time, many elves acted at the same time!

Shanaido, Lin Wen, and Lucario are undoubtedly the main force in the search for Xerneas this time!They all have powerful perception skills and can quickly perceive the surrounding elves!

At the same time, the other elves were also searching flexibly in the forest in the Kalos region, expecting to find Xerneas!

The search is quietly going on!


Three days!

Three full days!

Lin Wen didn't even find Xerneas!

This was something Lin Wen had never thought of before!

It seemed that Xerneas didn't want to see him, and he searched for three days, but nothing came of it!

This is undoubtedly something that Lin Wen did not expect at all!

You know, according to Lin Wen's thoughts, the other party has just lifted the seal, and there is still such a serious injury on his body, which will take a long time to recover!

In this case, Xerneas should stay here to cultivate, it is impossible to walk around!

But now, a few elves have almost searched the entire forest, but they still haven't found Xerneas!

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