After seeing that the treatment was finally over, Lin Wen took the initiative to take a step forward and came to Celebi and Xerneas!

He directly ignored Celebi's gaze, looked at Xerneas, and said, "Xerneas, I am the Heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area, do you still remember me? ?"

After hearing Lin Wen's questioning voice, Xerneas' gentle voice sounded: "Heart of Yang Yan, of course I remember you."

"It's you, who helped me get out of the seal, and helped me recover my health for a while, and drove Yveltal to the dark side."

Lin Wen smiled.

Then, I heard Xerneas ask: "Heart of Yang Yan, did you come here on purpose to find me? What difficulties did you encounter and need my help?"

As a legendary elf, Xerneas's intelligence is absolutely far beyond imagination. After seeing Lin Wen, he has already speculated about the purpose of his trip!

Hearing Xerneas' inquiry, Lin Wen didn't have any idea of ​​concealment, and asked directly: "Yes, Xerneas, I am indeed here to seek your help!"

Afterwards, Lin Wen directly explained his intentions.

"I came to the Carlos area to find you this time to get your recognition and your token to complete my career promotion."

"At the same time..." Lin Wen's eyes swept across Xerneas, and then slowly said: "At the same time, I also want to get information about the Forest of Fairies from you."

After speaking, Lin Wen's eyes were only fixed on Xerneas!

His eyes revealed anticipation, expecting to get a good answer from Xerneas!

After all, the reason why he directly chose to come to the Carlos area after leaving the Orange Islands waters and parting with Lugia is precisely because of his two missions, he can achieve breakthrough progress here in Xerneas !

As a legendary elf, the opponent has met the advanced requirements of his profession!

At the same time, as a fairy elf, it must have some understanding of the information of the fairy forest!

In this case, choosing it is undoubtedly the best choice, you can make some progress in both tasks at once, and even know about it!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Wen chose to come to the Carlos area. Even in the previous few days of searching, he still found nothing, and did not choose to give up when he did not find any information and location about Xerneas. , but keep looking!

All because, Xerneas, for the current Lin Wen, it is too important!

And now!Finally found the figure of Xerneas!

My two tasks also have hope to be solved!

Therefore, after Lin Wen finished speaking about the purpose and request of his coming this time, his eyes were fixed on (bjei) Xerneas, waiting for its reply!

On the other side, Celebi watched Lin Wen and Xerneas chatting with curiosity!

Xerneas did not rush to answer after hearing that Lin Wenjian came to the Carlos area to find his request and explained his origin.

It looked at Lin Wen, and then slowly said: "Heart of Yang Yan, because you have helped a lot and you are kind to me, I can help you unconditionally!"

"However, it's up to you to choose! I can help you with the two questions you asked, whether it's information about the fairy's heart, or my approval and token."


Xernia paused for a while, then said, "However, I can only complete one of the tasks for you! You need to solve the remaining one yourself!"


Lin Wen's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but shouted a fool in his heart!

This was a situation he never expected to encounter before he came to the Carlos area to search!

Xerneas didn't plan to help him directly complete the two tasks, instead he planned to choose one by himself, and it would complete it for him!

This is undoubtedly a very bad situation for Lin Wen!

You must know that the two tasks of the fairy forest and the token are equally important to Lin Wen, and both can greatly improve their strength!

In this case, facing Xerneas, Lin Wen naturally hopes that the other party can complete both of his tasks!

But now, Xerneas has spoken his mind!

Bargaining with a legendary elf is undoubtedly a very bad behavior!

Therefore, Lin Wen carefully considered the gap between the two tasks!

There is no doubt that both tasks are very important!

On the one hand, it can allow Shanaido to break through the current restrictions on strength and become more powerful, on the other hand, it can make his elf leader career be promoted and become more powerful!

No matter which one it is, it can be said that it is a task that Lin Wen does not want to give up!

But now, Xerneas can only help him complete one, which undoubtedly made Lin Wen fall into deep contemplation and enter a state of thinking.

On the other hand, after explaining his thoughts, Xerneas saw Lin Wen who was in a state of deep thought, and did not urge him, but let him think quietly. .

Chapter 1206 Clues to Another Choice

Celebi was even less anxious, and was still looking at Lin Wen and Shanaido at this time.

At the same time, Lin Wen's thoughts kept spinning!

He is considering the gain and loss of the two tasks!

There is no doubt that Shanaido's mission cannot be given up!

You must know that the evolution of fetters is an evolutionary mode that many advanced trainers can't reach. I am very looking forward to it, but there is no chance!

I was lucky enough to come into contact with the evolution of the bond, and have the opportunity to evolve the bond. In this case, it is obviously impossible to give up!

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