at the same time!

You must know that at the same time, due to the limitation of the mission, Shanaido's strength is also limited here, and the level is blocked. If the mission cannot be completed, then Shanaido's strength will be firmly locked!

This was undoubtedly something Lin Wen didn't want to see!

So, just after a little thought, Lin Wen realized the importance of the Fairy Forest information!

at the same time!

There are other tasks!

Career Advancement!

There is no doubt that although Lin Wen had a small lead compared to other players in the early stage of the game, the reason why he was able to maintain the lead all the way and became the number one player in the current Huaxia district in one fell swoop can be said to be the leader of the elves. Human identity is inseparable from relationship!

Whether it is the meaning of the identity of the elf leader itself, or the powerful effect attributes of the several skills attached to the elf leader, it is the strong backing that Lin Wen can achieve step by step!

And now!

He has always been a junior elf leader, and finally has the possibility to improve!

This undoubtedly made Lin Wen look forward to it!After the professional promotion of the head of the elves, what kind of promotions will he get?How will the strength change?

This is what Lin Wen is very curious about!

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Wen was stunned to find out that whether it was the task of the Fairy Forest or the advanced character, Lin Wen did not want to give up!

After all, these two tasks are too important to him!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen couldn't make an easy choice at all!

but!Xerneas has already explained that he can only help him complete one, which is undoubtedly prompting Lin Wen to make a decision!

Lin Wen pondered in his heart, thought about it seriously, and then made a decision!

He decided to prepare to complete the task of career promotion first, get the approval of Xerneas, and at the same time, get the token!

There is only one reason!

That is because, compared to the information of the Fairy Forest, the approval of the legendary elves is undoubtedly more difficult!

You must know that the existence of legendary elves is very rare, and they are hidden very secretly. At the same time, because of the existence of evil forces in the elves world, these legendary elves have a bad impression on human beings. It is very difficult to get their approval!

For Xerneas, if Lin Wen hadn't helped him, then I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the chance to make this choice now!

Therefore, after careful consideration, Lin Wen still chose to obtain the approval of Xerneas and get its token!

After all, in comparison, the approval of the legendary elf is undoubtedly more difficult to obtain, even more difficult!

After pondering for a while, Lin Wen said to Xerneas: "Xerneas, I choose your token! I hope to gain your approval!"

Xerneas nodded gently towards him!


In Lin Wen's ear, the system prompt sounded!

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, because you have been recognized by the legendary elf Xerneas, your profession, the leader of the elf has been promoted successfully!"

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, because you have been recognized by the legendary elf Xerneas, you have been rewarded with +50 physical strength."

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yan Heart, because you have been recognized by the legendary elf Xerneas, your reputation +5000!"

"Ding Dong, the player's heart of Yang Yan, because you have obtained the approval of the legendary elf Xerneas, your skills, the effect of the power of the head +5%"


"Ding Dong, the player's heart of Yang Yan, because you have been recognized by the legendary elf Xerneas, your skills, the elf control effect +5%"

A series of system prompts sounded in Lin Wen's ears!It made Lin Wen feel dizzy!

With his selection completed, the career promotion task is directly completed!

This is undoubtedly one of the benefits of finding Xerneas!

If it is replaced with another legendary elf, even if Lin Wen can find their figures, it is undoubtedly very difficult to gain their approval!

Only after finding the legendary elf Xerneas can the task be completed so easily!

...... ......

no doubt!

After the career promotion, Lin Wen brought many benefits, and his strength increased to a certain extent!

The only thing that makes Lin Wen a little depressed is that the elves' battle position has not increased because of the promotion of the elves' head, and it is still limited to four!

You must know that Lin Wen Kejing has five lord-level elves at this time. If the battle u elves can be increased to a certain extent, then the enhancement of Lin Wen's group battle strength cannot be ignored!

Soon, Lin Wen finished sorting out the gains for this career promotion!

Xerneas and Celebi have been quietly looking at Lin Wen, and have not chosen to speak!

After finishing the arrangement, Lin Wen turned his gaze to Xerneas!

His eyes hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't control it, and he said to Xerneas: "Xerneas, can't you really give me some information about the Forest of Fairies?"

You must know that the location of the Fairy Forest is quite secret. Even the Alliance and Lugia, who has survived for more than a thousand years, do not know the specific information. The best choice for information about Fairy Forest!

Moreover, when Xerneas gave Lin Wen the right to choose, he actually admitted in disguise that he knew the information about the Forest of Fairies! .

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