Chapter 1207 Shenao Region

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen certainly couldn't give up easily, instead he became stubborn!

After all, if you miss this village, you don't know if you can meet this store.

This is something Lin Wen doesn't want to see!

Therefore, Lin Wen did not choose to give up, but wanted to ask Xerneas carefully to see if the other party could give him a perfect answer!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen did not choose to give up!

after all!The information and specific location information of the Fairy Forest are also very secret!

You must know that even the Alliance has not received information from the Fairy Forest for nearly a thousand years, so you can see its concealment!

The Elf Alliance has been established for a long time. It is the most powerful human force in the entire Elf World. It has almost complete information about the entire Elf World!

It's also a very difficult thing to encounter things they don't know about!

But now, on the issue of the Fairy Forest, even the high-level of the Alliance, the knowledgeable Sopa, has also explained that the Alliance does not know the current information about the Fairy Forest!

After all, fairies are very smart and possess all kinds of very strange abilities. If they want to hide the Fairy Forest, they want to get information about the Fairy Forest from it. , is simply impossible!

For this reason, Lin Wen also went to the waters of the Orange Islands to meet Lugia, the god of the sea, hoping to get news from this little elf who has lived for a very long time!


Although Lugia has lived for thousands of years, it can be said that she has experienced countless things and knows many secrets in the elf world, but after all, it is a legendary Pokemon in the ocean!

If Lin Wen asked about things inside the ocean, then Lugia would definitely know everything, but Lugia knew very little about things on land, and she didn't know the information about the fairy forest!

In this case, Lin Wen directly chose to go to the Carlos area to find Xerneas, and completed two tasks in one fell swoop!

As a fairy-legendary elf, Xerneas can help Lin Wen complete two tasks in one fell swoop!

Now, one of the tasks has been completed!

His profession, the head of the elf has been promoted!

Then, Lin Wen naturally wanted to get some information from Xerneas to complete the second mission!

Fairy Forest!

The level of concealment of the Fairy Forest is far beyond imagination. At this stage, among the channels that Lin Wen can explore for information, I am afraid that only Xerneas, the legendary fairy elf, will know about it. !

It is undoubtedly quite difficult to obtain relevant information from other places, and the difficulty is far greater than here!

and so!

After Xerneas helped him complete his career promotion, Lin Wen hesitated for a moment, and then asked Xerneas: "Xerneas, you really can't give me some information about the Forest of Fairies. information?"

After hearing Lin Wen's question, Xerneas fell silent.

at the same time!

Just after Lin Wen opened his mouth, Shanaido on Lin's tattoo side seemed to be thinking of something, and a light flashed in his eyes!

It is communicating with Xerneas!

Seeing that the completion of his master's mission was not ideal, as his elf, he naturally wanted to help him share the problem, so Shanaido directly chose to communicate with Xerneas through telepathy!

You know, Shanaido and Xerneas are very familiar. Shanaido can be promoted to a lord-level elf with the help of Shanaido!

On the other side, Lin Wen looked at Xerneas firmly, and wanted to get some information about the Forest of Fairies from its mouth!

During the telepathy, Shanaido and Xerneas were talking!

The direction of communication between the two elves is obviously very simple. Shanaido is begging for Lin Wen, and he wants Xerneas to tell them some information about the forest of fairies!

at last!

Under Lin Wen's firm and stubborn eyes, and under Shanaido's plea for mercy, Xerneas slowly said: "Okay, Heart of Yang Yan, considering the reason you helped me, I can talk to you. Provide some information about the Fairy Forest!"

Lin Wen's heart suddenly shook, and the whole person became more energetic!


Xerneas is still a kind Pokémon after all, and he doesn't know how to reject others. Under his stubbornness and Shanaido's pleas, he finally accommodates a little and prepares to tell Lin Wen some information!

The amount of information is actually not important to Lin Wen!

Because, right now, he doesn't have any information about the Forest of Fairies at all, in other words, he doesn't have any breakthroughs!

However, if he gets some information from the mouth of Xerneas, then he also has the existence of a breakthrough, so that he can also gain convenience in the next task!

His eyes were serious, ready to listen carefully to what Xerneas said next!

Xerneas pondered for a while, then slowly said: "As early as a thousand years ago, the Forest of Fairies was relocated to the Shenao area!"

Lin Wen's spirit shook violently!

There is no doubt that Xerneas's first sentence 1.2 gave Lin Wen a lot of information!

The Forest of Fairies, right now, is in the Shinno area!

Lin Wen immediately felt that the harvest was quite large!

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