You know, before, he couldn't even determine which area the Fairy Forest was in. There are quite a few areas in the entire Elf world. In this case, facing this vast Elf world, he wanted to find fairies. The specific location of the forest is undoubtedly quite difficult!

But now, Xerneas has provided him with an important message!

The Forest of Fairies is in the Shenno area!

The Shenao area that Lin Wen visited not long ago!

At the same time, Xerneas is not finished yet! .........

Chapter 1208 The Great Crisis in the Shenao Region

"After the Forest of Fairies moved to the Shenno area, the fairies living in it completely hid the Forest of Fairies."

Xerneas glanced at Lin Wen, and then at Shanaido on the side of Lin's tattoo: "If you want to find the forest of the Fairy Forest, only the obsession of being tyrannical and not giving up, as well as the powerful fairy-type youngster. With the company of elves, there is a certain possibility!"

After speaking, Xerneas fell silent and did not continue to reveal other information.

Thoughts flashed in Lin Wen's mind, and then, he said to Xerneas, "Xerneas, thank you!"

Thank you very much, very sincere!

Although Xerneas did not tell him the exact location of the Fairy Forest, the information it revealed was of great help to Lin Wen!

Helping Lin Wen to determine the area where the Fairy Forest is located, so that Lin Wen no longer needs to wander around the entire fairy world!

At the same time, he also explained the simple request to find the Fairy Forest!

It can be said that although the information provided by 19 Xerneas is very little, in Lin Wen's view, it is quite important, far more important than imagined!

After all, Lin Wen didn't have any clues before, and he didn't have any information. In this case, trying to find the specific location of the Forest of Fairies is simply a fantasy, something that does not exist at all!

However, now, the information provided by Xerneas has given Lin Wen a direction, so that he will not be blinded and confused about the situation!

Therefore, his thanks can be said to be very sincere, thanking Xerneas from the bottom of his heart!

The other party not only helped him advance to the professional level, but also provided this very important news to him. In Lin Wen's view, everything was quite perfect!

I had already thought about it before, and the two tasks that I came to Xerneas to complete have finally been completed!

The profession of the head of the elf has been successfully promoted, and he has also obtained important information about the forest of the elf!

Everything is perfect!

After finishing all this, Lin Wen didn't stay in this forest too much. Xerneas' injury still needs to rest and not fully healed. Therefore, Lin Wen is not prepared to disturb them here with Jingxiu!

He simply chose to leave!


Not long after Lin Wen left this forest, a system prompt sounded suddenly in his ear!

"Area-wide announcement: The ancient Pokémon Kyogre in the Shenno region, Groudon has been awakened! The Shenao region is in crisis!"

"Area-wide announcement: The ancient Pokémon Kyogre in the Shenno region, Groudon has been awakened! The Shenao region is in crisis!"

"Area-wide announcement: For the sake of the Shinno region, Pokémon Kyogre, Groudon has been awakened! The Shinno region is in crisis!"

The system beep sounded three times in a row!

Lin Wen suddenly froze in place, his whole body was full of shock!

What's happening here?


be awakened!

In an instant, Lin Wen was quite messy, and the whole person was in shock!

As a high-end player in the elf century, Lin Wen is quite familiar with these two elves!

no doubt!Whether it's Kyogre or Groudon, they all have one thing in common!

That is, they are all legendary elves, and they are also very powerful legendary elves!

Legendary Pokémon from the Shinno region!

Gaioka is a super powerful water elf, whose strength is far beyond imagination!Legend has it that the super ancient Pokémon that covered the Emperor with torrential rain and wild wolves!

According to legend, Kyogre created the sea!

And Groudon is also a very powerful Legendary Pokémon!

It has the power to control the power of the earth and the power to shake the earth. According to legend, it sleeps in the magma underground!

Lin Wen's heart can be said to be very shocked!

Because, whether it is Groudon and Kyogre, they are all in a deep sleep!

Who woke them up?

You must know that these two legendary Pokémon are completely like old enemies. After the two elves wake up, they will almost certainly fight!

No one can stop them!

Long before they fell into a deep sleep, it was the last battle!

Unexpectedly, now, these two elves have been awakened again!

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