
PS: Long-lost asking for a wave of flowers and automatic subscription, thank you. .

Chapter 1214 High-level departure

Although now, with the two legendary elves awakened one after another, the difficulty for them to capture these two elves in a rampant situation has increased countless times, but!They still won't give up just because of these!

There is confidence in their tone!

To know!So far, these two people hold the two orbs, the Heart of Lava and the Heart of the Ocean, respectively!

These two orbs contain mysterious super ancient powers, which can control the two elves, Kyogre and Groudon, respectively, in a short period of time!

Originally, these two orbs were secret treasures that were silent in volcanoes and oceans, but now, they have been found by these two villain organizations, and they are ready to start this operation that has been planned for more than a hundred years!

The leader of the ocean team, Shui Wutong, and the guild leader of Hellfire, Fireworks, quickly reached a consensus!

"President Fireworks." Shui Wutong said, "We are very close to Groudon now! If so, then my marine team will help you control Groudon in the volcano first!"

"Then...you Hellfire Guild, and then help our Ocean Team to control Kyogre! At that time, with the help of these two legendary ancient Pokémon, we will join forces to rule the entire Shenao region!"

The previous anger disappeared completely, and after hearing what Shui Wutong said, the fireworks nodded again and again: "Leader of Shui Wutong, your proposal is very good! Our two forces, since we have already acted together at this time! Then we must each other. Helping each other is the only way, only in this way can we successfully get the two legendary elves into our hands and complete the control of the entire Shenao region!"

"Of course!" Shui Wutong smiled happily.

"Okay, Shuiwutong leader, I'll call with the members of our Hellfire Guild. Now that Groudon has woken up, our previous capture plan is useless. Let's discuss a new plan'"!"

"Okay!" Shui Wutong nodded and responded.

After the conversation with Shuiwutong, the fireworks immediately deployed the communication equipment, and made several communication requests one after another!

After briefly explaining the situation, the firework immediately issued an order to gather every member of Hellfire!

Soon, the task has been assigned!

Water Indus and Fireworks started a conversation.


at the same time!

Several members of the Hellfire Guild received an order to gather at the same time!

After receiving the assembly order, these members immediately contacted like their subordinates!

Soon, the order to assemble was spread throughout the Hellfire members!

at this time!

On the edge of the volcano, somewhere in a corner, a trainer in a Hellfire Guild costume quietly sent a message through a communication device!


Lin Wen and Shirona are evacuating the residents of the Shenao area!

At this moment, the communication device on her body suddenly rang!

Xirona took out the communication device and looked at it, and then she looked at Lin Wen not far away!

"Researcher Yang Yan!" Shirona shouted.

"What's the matter? Miss Shirona?"

Lin Wen was busy, and when he heard this, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Xirona here.

"The alliance party has obtained information about two legendary elves, looking for you and me to discuss!"

"We'll go now."

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Afterwards, Shirona contacted the other heavenly kings in the Shenao area and temporarily handed them the task of evacuation of the residents here.

Lin Wen summoned the Flash Dragon, and Shirona summoned Pokkis. Then, the two reached the back of the elf, and the wings of the two elves spread, and they shot into the sky in an instant!

Head towards the temporary base of the Shenao Regional Alliance in this event!

Whether it is Pokkis or the Flash Dragon, they are all elves that fly extremely fast. In a short time, they have arrived at the destination of this trip!

This is a rare and peaceful place in the Shenno area!

Accompanied by Lin Wen and Shirona's command voices, Flash Dragon and Pokkis chose to land and slowly landed on the ground!

Afterwards, Lin Wen and Shirona jumped down from their respective elves!

Someone is already waiting here!

This is a middle-aged man who doesn't look very old!At the same time, several other figures followed behind him!These people are all figures with a certain status in the alliance!

"."Miss Shirona, researcher Yang Yan, my name is Lin Xi."

The middle-aged man took a step forward and greeted Lin Wen and Shirona.

Although he is a high-ranking member of the alliance, his status in the alliance is not low, but when facing Xirona and Lin Wen, he dare not have the slightest care!Because, the two trainers in front of me, both in terms of strength and identity, are quite amazing!

Xirona, as the champion of the Shenao region, represents almost the most powerful trainer in the Shenao region. Moreover, the champion is the controller and guardian of each region, and the status and strength are quite amazing!

And Lin Wen!Although he is called Yang Yan Researcher, as long as anyone with discerning eyes knows that his current strength is completely at the level of a Heavenly King, or even higher!

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