And in terms of identity, although only a researcher's name hangs, the heart of Yang Yan has done countless important things for the alliance, and even won the title of brave (good) in the Carlos area, whether it is No one can easily ignore it!

Therefore, Lin Xi's tone can be described as very polite!

Hearing the other party's polite tone, Lin Wen and Shirona also nodded towards each other.

Afterwards, Lin Xi said, "You two come with me, let's go inside and talk!"

Then, under the leadership of Lin Xi, Lin Wen and Shirona entered the room!

Several other people, also enter together!

Then they sat down around the large desk!

"Miss Xirona, Researcher Yang Yan, I called you here this time because, according to the report from our alliance, we have already figured out the information about the two legendary elves!"

Lin Wen and Shirona immediately focused their attention when they heard the words, and their eyes were fixed on Lin Xi, waiting for his next sentence. .

Chapter 1215 The Heart of the Crack

"The awakening of the two elves is actually the work of the personnel of our alliance!"

Lin Xi's first sentence made Lin Wen and Shirona's eyes freeze, and they were suddenly stunned!

What did the league's own people do?

Alliance people crazy?Why would you choose to wake up these two legendary elves?

Lin Xi clearly felt the shock of Lin Wen and Shirona, and immediately said: "Of course, there is actually a very serious reason, and this reason is actually what we expected!"

"That is, the two major local evil forces in the Shenao region, the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team, have united together and want to plot against the two sleeping legendary elves!"

Lin Wen and Shirona were shocked!

As Lin Xi said, this is actually what the league should have guessed long ago!

You must know that the Shenao area has always had the existence of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team. At the same time, they have also been plotting against the two legendary elves, Kyogre and Groudon for a long time. It can be said that they have long wanted to put these two Only the legendary elf is in the bag!

but!The 440 point mentioned by Lin Xi still sharply caught Lin Wen's attention!

"Hellfire Guild?"

Lin Xi looked at Lin Wen and nodded lightly: "Yes, it is the Hellfire Guild. According to the information that should be sent from our alliance, the Hellfire Guild grabbed the lava from the hands of Chi Yansong, the leader of the lava team. The Orb of Heart, and thus cooperated with the Ocean Team!"

"The personnel of our alliance are the inner responders who have been lurking in it for a long time." Lin Xi said: "After realizing the plot of these two evil forces, it is too late to contact the alliance! In order to prevent these two evil forces, it can be very easy. In order to control the two legendary elves who were still sleeping, he had no choice but to wake up Groudon, thus increasing the difficulty of capturing and controlling the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team in disguise and buying time for the alliance. !"

After saying the reason in one breath, Lin Xi fell silent!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other and fell into silence!

I have figured out the reason for everything!

It turned out that it was a member of the Alliance who chose to wake up the ancient Pokémon Groudon!


Whether it was Lin Wen or Shirona, there was nothing wrong with his choice!

Although now, because of Groudon's awakening, a chain reaction has been caused, and Groudon's old enemy, Kyogre, wakes up from his deep sleep!The two little elves who had just woken up and were in a violent state caused extremely serious damage to the entire Shenao area. However, compared to the fact that Groudon was really controlled by Hellfire, the latter's situation was undoubtedly more serious!

After all, if Groudon, who masters the power of the earth, and Kyogre, who masters the power of the sea, are really mastered by the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team, then, for the Shenno region, it is a truly devastating blow!

The power of these two legendary elves is really too powerful!If it is controlled by evil forces, then the consequences must be unimaginable!

In this case, the personnel of the Alliance, choosing to wake up Groudon directly, is simply the most perfect choice!There are no errors!

After all, only in this way can the actions of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team be intercepted under the circumstances at the time, so that they can stop their actions!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other, and both knew that this kind of countermeasure was almost the best choice!

After briefly introducing the situation, Lin Xi's topic returned to the main topic!

"Although Groudon and Kyogre (bjad) have woken up early because of the obstruction of our alliance personnel, it is much more difficult for Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team to capture, but these two evil forces, at this time, I don't even want to give up!!"

"It's too late to stop now!"

"So..." Lin Xi raised his eyes and looked at Lin Wen and Shirona: "The alliance has also launched countermeasures! If you want to deal with these two legendary Pokémon, ordinary elves are simply not enough to watch! "

Lin Xi's words paused, and then said: "Only the two legendary elves, and also the super ancient Pokémon, can fight against these two legendary elves!"

"The Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild have respectively mastered the Heart of Lava and the Heart of the Ocean. These two orbs can both have a certain influence on Groudon and Kyogre and control them! In this case, With the help of these two orbs, the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild will undoubtedly go a lot better!"

"However, we have also found another secret treasure in the Shenao area!"

Lin Xi gestured to the side, and immediately, someone got up and walked towards the room on one side!

Afterwards, within dozens of seconds, the person who walked away turned around and came back, and there was an extra wooden box in his hand!

Then, he put the wooden box on the table, and then slowly opened it!

In the middle of the wooden box is a green orb!

"This is the secret treasure that the Alliance found in the Shenao area, the Heart of the Crack!"

"If you want to deal with the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre, only the legendary elves, who are also ultra-ancient Pokémon, can fight against it!"

"The function of the Cracked Heart is completely different from the other two orbs! That is, as long as we have the token of the Cracked Heart, then the Cracked Seat will help us unconditionally once!"

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