"Researcher Yang Yan!" Lin Xi's eyes turned to Lin Wen: "This time, I hope you can go to the Sky Pearl, hold the Heart of the Crack, and find the Crack Seat for help!"

Lin Xi paused, then said: "When we first started, we were going to let Miss Hirona perform this task! However, as the champion of the Shenao region, Miss Hirona must stay here to preside over the overall situation, so, After getting the news that you have come to the Shenao area, Researcher Yang Yan, we are ready to ask you to carry out this task!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xi's eyes turned to Lin Wen!

Not only him, but several other high-ranking members of the alliance around him, as well as Xirona, also looked at Lin Wen, waiting for his reply. .

Chapter 1216 The villain is in action

Lin Wen groaned slightly!

Lin Xi's reason is right!

In terms of strength, Hirona is undoubtedly the best choice to carry out this mission!

But at the same time!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Hirona, as the highest-level leader of the alliance here, is undoubtedly the spiritual pillar of many people!In this case, if Shirona chooses to go to the mission, then... I don't know what changes will happen-!

However, at this time, Lin Wen entered their line of sight!

This researcher in the Guandu region has long been famous throughout the entire Elf Alliance!

If it was before, even if Lin Wen came to the Shenao area, the alliance would not have thought of him for the first time. However, not long ago, in the battle of the Almia Islands, the Heart of Yang Yan was extremely powerful. role!

The strength displayed is also quite amazing!Moreover, this is confirmed by the champion of Xirona himself!The strength of the Heart of Yang Yan is stronger than they imagined!

In this case, when Shirona was unable to go, the alliance party immediately chose to seek Lin Wen's help!

At this moment, Lin Wen's ear rang a system prompt!

"Ding Dong, Player Heart of Yang Yan, do you choose to accept the quest: Find the Rift Seat!"

Mission Name: Find the Skybreaker

Quest content: The rampage of the two ancient Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon, can no longer be stopped. To organize them, the only way to find another ancient Pokémon, Rift Seat!

Quest requirements: Go to the Pillar of the Sky and find the Rift Seat!

Mission difficulty: s level!

Lin Wen glanced over the mission!

Then, directly choose to accept!

At the same time, his eyes turned to Lin Xi and Shirona's gazes, and nodded lightly: "Okay, then let me go to find the cracking seat!"

Lin Xi and several other senior leaders of the alliance immediately showed a smile.


The entire Shenao region is already in chaos!

At this time, there are already countless players from the alliance camp. After receiving the rescue mission, they immediately rushed here to help!

This kind of large-scale task is what players have been looking forward to for a long time, and now it involves two legendary ancient Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon, which makes people even more imaginative!It can be said that everyone is looking forward to it!

At this time, after arriving in the Shenno area, he immediately assisted the NPCs of the alliance and started the mission!


at the same time!

In the Shenno area, a very hidden place!

A group of trainers in red uniforms are lining up here!

The leader was a middle-aged man in red with red hair!

He... is the leader of the lava team!Red Flame Pine!

The entire Shenao area has undergone earth-shattering changes, but Chi Yansong's expression is very calm, and he can't see his inner thoughts!

Behind him, followed by the cadres of the lava team, as well as the team members!


After hesitating for a while, a cadre behind him said, "Are we..."

Chi Yansong's arm suddenly swung up, stopping his next words!

"Kyoka and Groudon have both awakened!" Chi Yansong said.

"This means that the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team have already started operations!" Chi Yansong said.

Several lava team cadres behind him nodded.

"This is our chance too!"

Chi Yansong suddenly turned back and said: "Although the Ocean Team and Hellfire have mastered the Heart of the Ocean and the Heart of Lava respectively! However, the awakening of Groudon and Kyogre will make their capture more difficult! It's time for us to seize the opportunity!"

Chi Yansong's eyes showed firmness: "We have to take this opportunity to take back what we should have!"

"Yes! Chief!"


All the members responded in succession!

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