Below, a member of the Naihara Hellfire Guild was excited!

"Now, it's time for our Hellfire Guild to rise up completely!" "Nirvana looked at the many members of the Hellfire Guild below the surroundings: "We are going to enter the Shenao area in one fell swoop, and contribute our own strength to the Hellfire Guild during this period of its rise!" "

"Now, tell me, the former members, are you willing to return to the Hellfire Guild and let us build glory together?"

It was quiet for a while below, and then the excited voices sounded!


Looking around, the members of the Hellfire Guild below all showed excitement in their eyes, and their eyes showed excitement and excitement!

You must know that everyone who is currently gathered here by Nirvana is an old member of the Hellfire Guild!

The Hellfire Guild, like the Lingxi Guild, did not rise completely in the Elf Century. As early as before, among the many guilds in the past, the Hellfire Guild was already famous and known by many people.

There are many players below, all old players of Hellfire Guild!Accompanying the Hellfire Guild to fight for a long time!

After entering the Elf Century, it was with their efforts that the Hellfire Guild rose step by step and became one of the three major guilds in the Chengdu area!The strength is quite strong!

However, everything was completely shattered after the guild war!

In a guild battle, one of the three major guilds in the Chengdu area, the Hellfire Guild has completely become a cloud of the past, and most of its members have been directly incorporated into the Lingxi Guild!

They were lost, they were lost, they were depressed!

However, they are simply powerless to resist!

After all, everything is a high-level decision, and these members can only follow silently, and have no right to decide!

Moreover, after the failure of the guild battle, in the face of the strength of the Lingxi Guild, yielding is also the best choice!

These players, despite being very reluctant in their hearts, saw that the guild they accompanied step by step was now completely dissipated and depressed, but they could only endure it silently.

After joining the Lingxi Guild, the treatment of the Lingxi Guild is very good, and as the number one guild in China, it is very face to speak out, but these players gradually forget the past!

but now!

With Nirvana, the truth of everything will be revealed!

Understand that the Hellfire Guild did not disappear, but made a great name in the Shenao area. Even, this time the big event was caused by the Hellfire Guild, and now they have returned to hell. The opportunity of the Fire Guild, these players, after the initial calm, finally can no longer calm down!


Although the guild war has passed for a long time, who can forget the guild he joined in the beginning?

Hellfire Guild, in the hearts of many players here, it is a sacred and inviolable term!

and so!

After a brief silence!

It's the unanimous answer!




Nirvana's eyes swept across the audience, and there was excitement and relief in his eyes. Although he was very confident in his heart, no one could be sure that these former members of the Hellfire Guild had joined the Lingxi Guild for so long. Will it go back to the past, back to the Hellfire Guild!

And now, the answers of these players have undoubtedly given Nirvana's heart a lot of confidence!

"Morale is available!" Nirvana whispered.

Afterwards, his eyes swept the audience, and then he said: "We will go to the Shenao area now, and return to our Hellfire Guild. We will shine in this big event!"

Nirvana's voice was a little lower, and he said: "Hellfire Guild has fallen and been defeated in the past, but those are all in the past... Next, we will let everyone know who is the real protagonist! "

"The name of the No. [-] Guild in Huaxia District can only be our Hellfire Guild!"

"We will rise in one fell swoop!"


Let's all go together!

Go to the Shenno area and go to the main battlefield of the big event!

Hellfire Guild, defect! .

Chapter 1220 Unexpectedly

You must know that although Nirvana gathered many members of the Hellfire Guild, it was when most of the Lingxi Guild players went to the Shenao area!

However, this is one of the base camps of the Lingxi Guild after all. If something like this happened, and Ling Feng can't know it immediately, then he doesn't have to do it as the guild leader!

Just as Nirvana led a group of Hellfire Guild players to the Shenao area, Lingfeng knew the news immediately.

After learning about this, Ling Feng was stunned for a while!

But then, there was anger!



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