Hellfire Guild actually chose to defect during the time when the big event came!

After Ling Feng's anger, he quickly calmed down, sorted out the cause and effect, and then couldn't help frowning.

You must know that the system task has just been issued, and many players already know at this time that this major event is exactly the plan of the Hellfire Guild!

But at this time, the former members of the Hellfire Guild in the Lingxi Guild chose to defect!

If this news spreads, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the entire Lingxi Guild!

That is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Lingxi Guild, which is now advancing rapidly and accelerating its strength!

Even, the word of mouth among players will be greatly affected!

You must know that it is not a short time for the Hellfire Guild in the Chengdu area to join the Lingxi Guild. Under such circumstances, who knows if your Lingxi Guild has intervened in this incident?

Otherwise, how could such a large-scale defection occur?

Never underestimate the conspiracy theories of players!

If this news spreads, the reputation of Lingxi Guild will definitely be hit hard!

Ling Feng's heart quickly sorted out everything.

At the same time, think about countermeasures!

"You have to find a way to save it!" Ling Feng thought to himself!

The first time this idea appeared in his heart, Ling Feng did not hesitate, and took a few confidants directly and quickly went from the Chengdu area to the Shenao area!

They all summoned the flying elves (bjfe) spirits and moved quickly in the sky!

You must know that the number of members of the Hellfire Guild in the Chengdu area is not a small number. Except for a small number of defectors this time, most of them chose to follow Nirvana to the Shenao area. In this case, this is a Quite a large number, their advance speed is definitely not as fast as Ling Feng's small team of several people!

Lingfeng has only one goal, rush to the front of this defecting team, and strive to save everything!


Over the city area!

The fairy century has developed to the present, and almost all players have mastered elves that can ride and fly. After all, no one can refuse the thrill of galloping in the sky!

Today, due to the chaos in the Shenao area, the means of transportation at this time simply cannot play a role. Besides walking, the only choice for players is to ride the elf to move forward!

The choice is obvious. If you walk, it will take too long to go to the Shenao area. In this case, players will definitely choose to ride a elf to move forward!

The members of the Hellfire Guild in the Chengdu area, led by Nirvana, chose to ride on the elf to move forward!

Now, at this time, they have advanced a long distance and are about to leave the Chengdu area and go to the Shenno area!

Nirvana rode his own mount elf and moved quickly in mid-air!

At this moment... a voice suddenly came from behind!


Nirvana was a little absent-minded when he heard the words. After joining the Lingxi Guild, his position was the vice-chairman, and he hadn't heard this familiar title for a long time.

His lips moved lightly, and the elf under him immediately stopped moving and suspended in mid-air.

Behind him, it was the members of the Hellfire Guild who shouted. When they saw Nirvana stop, they quickly rode their elf to Nirvana's side.

"President." The ordinary member hesitated for a while, as if hesitating whether to speak.

Nirvana's eyebrows twitched, and then he said, "If you have something to say, just say it."

The member nodded, and then said: "President, behind... Lingfeng, the president of Lingxi Guild, is catching up!"

"Ling Feng?"

Nirvana's eyes became a little weird, he pondered, and then suddenly raised his hand and waved!

at once.The entire advancing Hellfire Guild team stopped.

Nirvana rode the elf, rose a little, and looked back.

I saw that at the rear of the Hellfire Guild team, there were several figures riding on elves, arguing them to move forward at a very fast speed!

Nirvana's eyes narrowed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these figures have arrived not far from Nirvana!

It was Ling Feng, the president of Lingxi Guild, and several members of Lingxi Guild.

As the elf's figure stopped, Ling Feng's gaze turned to Nirvana on the opposite side.There is something complicated in his eyes.

In all honesty, the two of them were enemies at the very beginning!

If the Lingxi Guild wants to settle in the Chengdu area, it will inevitably encounter the three major guilds in the Chengdu area. Therefore, in that case, the guild war will start in one fell swoop!

In the end, the Lingxi Guild won!

As for the three major guilds in the Chengdu area, two of them were merged into the Lingxi guild, and the remaining one chose to refuse, and it was nothing to everyone.

After the Hellfire Guild joined the Lingxi Guild, Nirvana and Lingfeng have been working together for a while, so although they were enemies before, the relationship has eased a lot. For Nirvana's ability, Lingfeng is very sure.

After all, the other party is the president of the Hellfire Guild, and it is completely impossible without the ability to develop the Hellfire public household to the three major guilds in the Chengdu area!

Therefore, Lingfeng was merged into the Lingxi Guild in Hellfire Guild, which is also considered a heavy use for Nirvana. .

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