This is undoubtedly a scene that the Lava team does not want to see!

So, on the way to control Kyogre, the lava team stopped here!

He has been waiting here quietly for a long time!

The members of the Lava Team are all standing by, waiting for the battle to start!

at the same time!

The ferry carrying members of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team is constantly approaching here!

Time goes by...

As time goes by, the place where the lava team they are taking on the ferry has been waiting for is getting closer and closer!

at last!

After another period of time, the two sides finally met!

Far away, the fireworks on the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild, and the water parasol, found the Lava Team's ship!

The two glanced at a distance, and then the fireworks said: "It's the lava team!"

"That's right." Shui Wutong nodded lightly: "Chi Yansong will definitely be unwilling to quit like this, and he will be in trouble now if he stops here!"

"Then deal with them!" Fireworks said coldly: "Leader of Shuiwutong, the combined strength of our two sides is definitely greater than the Lava Team! Directly defeat Chi Yansong's Lava Team! Let him know who should be It is the control of the Shenno region!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"it is good!!"

As the leader of the ocean team, Shuiwutong and the leader of the lava team, Chi Yansong, are old rivals!For the proposal of fireworks, of course, I will not refuse, and I directly choose to agree!

The distance between the two ships is constantly approaching!

In the blink of an eye, it has come to a very similar position!

at this time!

The ship of the lava team suddenly launched an attack!

Countless dazzling rays of light bombarded the ships of the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild at almost the same time!

The firework's expression was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly shocked: "It is the destruction of the death light!"


next second!

I saw that countless dead lights of destruction that had been brewing for a long time were attacking the ships where the Ocean Team and Hellfire were located!

Before, they had no defense at all!

at this time.The light of destruction is coming, and it is impossible to avoid it!

In this case, the destruction of death light quickly broke through all obstacles!Then, it attacked the ships where the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild were located!

Boom boom boom boom!

I saw the moment when the death light of destruction bombarded the passenger ship, a violent explosion sounded!

The power of destroying the death light should not be underestimated!

Under this circumstance, in the face of the common destruction of multiple elves, the entire passenger ship exploded violently in an instant!

The members of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team fled in all directions on the ship, and chaos erupted in an instant!

On the other side, Chi Yan, the leader of the lava team, clenched his fist loosely, and then said, "Prepare to fight!"

A member of the famous Lava team sent out the elf that had already been released to bombard each other!

For a time, Team Ocean and Hellfire were caught off guard!There is absolutely no resistance at all!

However, they are also trained trainers!

You must know that the most important elves cultivated by the marine team are the water elves! .

Chapter 1226 The Blocking of Hellfire

After being caught off guard at the very beginning, the members of the Ocean Team summoned their little elves one after another to fight!

The members of the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild rode on their elf and launched a counterattack!

The battle is imminent!

After the initial panic, the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild immediately launched a counterattack!

As soon as they launched a counterattack, the Lava Team couldn't bear it!

After all, this is the joint organization of the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild!

The Lava Team and the Ocean Team are both local evil forces in the Shenao region. At the same time, they have been fighting each other for many years, and their strengths can be said to be relatively similar!


This time, the ocean team has its own allies! "Two Eight Three"

Hellfire Guild!

With the help of members with Hellfire, the Lava team was quickly counterattacked after the opponent was caught off guard at first!

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